OT: Rutgers, UMDNJ merger delays payments to vendors

The two medical schools? Last time I looked there was only one medical school in NJ and training doctors do indeed see patients. You are really ill informed regarding this subject.

Um, there are two Medical Schools, plus a Dental school that are part of RU. New Jersey Medical School in Newark, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, and New Jersey Dental School in Newark.

Also The NJ College of Osteopathic Medicine went to Rowan in the deal where most of UMDNJ went to Rutgers, and Seton Hall is in the process of opening a new medical school in North Jersey.
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PSUTrap : learn about the issue before acting like you know.
Medical Schools
New Jersey Medical School

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School


Rutgers School of Dental Medicine

School of Health Professions

School of Nursing

School of Public Health

Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy

also supply the source of your bogus attack that you started this thread with so someone can find it and post a link to it here .
This way we RU fans will see what you conveniently left out.
I tried to post a link but it would not open. Did you want me to type up the entire article for your benefit?

Is it a current article?
Are the figures correct?

I know more about the situation than anyone on the site. So take the following to the bank, this was a major league blunder and someone needs to provide some answers for the financial hardship this caused vendors throughout this state. When you have an armed guard in front of your Accounts Payable department you have a serous problem.

Let's be specific. What software would you have recommended and why? And have you had ANY type of experience with said company - whether it be using it or representing it?
Let's be specific. What software would you have recommended and why? And have you had ANY type of experience with said company - whether it be using it or representing it?

- Additionally - would be good to know degree of familiarity with the publicly available presentation :

SciQuest Demonstration and Business Process Discussion
May 11th , 2016
Rutgers is redesigning and strengthening central procurement and payables infrastructure to process transactions more intelligently,reduce risk, and better manage spending. Our goal is to:
> Realign procurement and payables (P2P) strategies and functions
> Build on our ability to partner with our customers to better understand their procurement needs
> Identify benchmarking targets to ensure we provide our customers with the best goods and services at the best value to Rutgers
> Streamline the invoice payment process
> Provide automated tools designed to help organizations make strategi crather than tactical spending decisions
if not familiar - may want to peruse it to become aquinted:

Let's be specific. What software would you have recommended and why? And have you had ANY type of experience with said company - whether it be using it or representing it?
All I was trying to point out is that Rutgers made a costly error embarking on an unproven software. I don't know what the motive was behind the purchase. Was it to avoid interfacing Banner, People Soft and workday, I don't know. If you and others think this is not a big deal then let it go.
All I was trying to point out is that Rutgers made a costly error embarking on an unproven software. I don't know what the motive was behind the purchase. Was it to avoid interfacing Banner, People Soft and workday, I don't know. If you and others think this is not a big deal then let it go.

How much did this error cost Rutgers? Some late fees on invoices? Has the problem been fixed? Do you even know what the financial system they're using is called yet? I work as an accountant at a manufacturing company that just switched over its financial systems last year to SAP. So I've experienced similar bumps along the road as we rolled everything out and I'm sure I could understand it if you want to provide actual details and not just made up outrage.
All I was trying to point out is that Rutgers made a costly error embarking on an unproven software. I don't know what the motive was behind the purchase. Was it to avoid interfacing Banner, People Soft and workday, I don't know. If you and others think this is not a big deal then let it go.

All I can say is I'm glad they didn't choose Workday. Absolutely hate it.

How much did is the error actually costing them? How much did the software they purchase cost compared to the other 3 companies listed? Generally curious - would like more info - most companies have rollout issues with these softwares because they have to be tailored to the companies needs - literally going through this right now at my company.
Funny thing is I had a conversation with a former colleague last summer, where she told me she had been working at Rutgers implementing Workday.
How much did this error cost Rutgers? Some late fees on invoices? Has the problem been fixed? Do you even know what the financial system they're using is called yet? I work as an accountant at a manufacturing company that just switched over its financial systems last year to SAP. So I've experienced similar bumps along the road as we rolled everything out and I'm sure I could understand it if you want to provide actual details and not just made up outrage.

PhilaPhans- from what I have observed, the implementation bumps are often more a function of the hiccups associated with tailoring the system to the specific client's needs / quirks / legacy applications & logic - - and far less a function of the logical framework of the underlying "system" - and implementation - whether SAP - or - Oracle or others - can have hiccups.
All I can say is I'm glad they didn't choose Workday. Absolutely hate it.

How much did is the error actually costing them? How much did the software they purchase cost compared to the other 3 companies listed? Generally curious - would like more info - most companies have rollout issues with these softwares because they have to be tailored to the companies needs - literally going through this right now at my company.
I think the biggest issue is that they avoided customizations which is impossible in a University setting. It's not a one size fits all which is why most universities use multiple systems. I truly wish them the best of luck in resolving this mess.
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Last time I looked there was only one medical school in NJ

Check again.


Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Whether under UMDNJ or Rutgers these were very separate schools in a larger University and recognized as such by external accrediators.

Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine

Cooper Medical School at Rowan
Its not the software. Its the people implementing it. For instance, workday is great, if its implemented correctly.

Sounds to me like Quality Assurance/Testing, in this instance, was skimped on, which should have caught this issue.

Yes there are bumps with any software implementation, but 12K + unpaid invoices is flat out ridiculous and unacceptable.
My biggest question is where is RutgersDon? This seems to be in his wheelhouse.
Check again.


Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Whether under UMDNJ or Rutgers these were very separate schools in a larger University and recognized as such by external accrediators.

Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine

Cooper Medical School at Rowan
Perhaps I misspoke. When the University of Medicine & Dentistry of NJ was intact it was widely known at the medical school at the time. No need to list or mention each individual school, it was understood that UMDNJ was "THE MEDICAL SCHOOL". No need to insult.
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Sounds to me like Quality Assurance/Testing, in this instance, was skimped on, which should have caught this issue.

I know we're still in the roll out process of certain modules of our SAP system. We did most financial systems first, but we're still moving over things like Project Management, Inventory Tracking, etc. The testing portion takes a bit depending on the size of your company and the staff you have dedicated to testing it. I could see somebody just trying to push it through without the proper testing, but they I can't see why they would.

In general I agree with your post, but there could be other reasons that 12K invoices weren't paid. Cash flow issues, holding stuff until the next month/quarter/year, etc. Who knows? The reason nobody on here knows is because the OP comes on screaming "DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!" without giving any actual overview on what was happening in the situation.
UMDNJ was made up of many schools. Only two of them were Medical schools that gave out Medical degrees aka M.D. that was NJMS in Newark and RWJMS in New Brunswick.Under Rutgers this is still very much the same. SOM gave out a different type of degree, not MDs and they merged with Rowan.

Rutgers does not have any hospitals like UMDNJ did. University Hospital in Newark, which was a huge money pit for UMDNJ never merged with Rutgers.

The only places at Rutgers that still sees patients are CINJ (which used to be the cash cow for UMDNJ and are still a Cash Cow for Rutgers), the Dental School (which is not a medical school) and some clinics. That's it. The medical schools only give classes and run research labs for PHD students and post-docs.

Whoever is feeding you this information is very confused.
Also Cornerstone is not the name of any software. It is the name of the project. Rutgers came up with that name. That is not software or a vendor.

The issues with paying vendors was last fall and was resolved.... last fall. This is why I reply before, welcome to last fall. They are still playing catch up but they should be ok moving forward.

They replaced a ton of different systems, so there will always be hiccups. Some parts still need improvement for sure. It happens everyone. The vendors that they went with (more than one) are not small time vendors. There were no shady stuff going on here , stop trying to spread rumors.
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UMDNJ was made up of many schools. Only two of them were Medical schools that gave out Medical degrees aka M.D. that was NJMS in Newark and RWJMS in New Brunswick.Under Rutgers this is still very much the same. SOM gave out a different type of degree, not MDs and they merged with Rowan.

Rutgers does not have any hospitals like UMDNJ did. University Hospital in Newark, which was a huge money pit for UMDNJ never merged with Rutgers.

The only places at Rutgers that still sees patients are CINJ (which used to be the cash cow for UMDNJ and are still a Cash Cow for Rutgers), the Dental School (which is not a medical school) and some clinics. That's it. The medical schools only give classes and run research labs for PHD students and post-docs.

Whoever is feeding you this information is very confused.

Rutgers also manages several clinical practice groups, including NJMS Faculty Practice and RWJ Medical Group
Rutgers also manages several clinical practice groups, including NJMS Faculty Practice and RWJ Medical Group
To your point, my father's primary care physician sees him through RWJ Medical Group, while also having been Chief of Internal Medicine at the school for years. It's definitely not typical but folks who say none of the faculty sees patients are missing the mark.
To your point, my father's primary care physician sees him through RWJ Medical Group, while also having been Chief of Internal Medicine at the school for years. It's definitely not typical but folks who say none of the faculty sees patients are missing the mark.
Correct! There has always been a faculty practice component at UMDNJ, now Rutgers.
for those who cannot claim our poster's level of knowledge supremacy, here's a little bit to get started

".... Cornerstone is the University’s strategic approach to unify, upgrade, and streamline its administrative information systems for finance, human resources and payroll, procurement, and expense management. It lays the groundwork to build outstanding administrative systems and processes for the University."

"Cornerstone" is the Rutgers name for the "multi-year strategic project to transform the administrative information systems and processes for Rutgers University. It lays the groundwork to modernize, unify, and simplify our finance, human resources and payroll, procurement, and expense management systems and processes."


so "Cornerstone" is a mega implementation - many, many moving parts - multiple outside software system vendors (like Oracle's Hyperion and SiQuest and many others), innumerable crosswalks to be built, legacy systems to be addressed (replaced/ upgraded / or simply accommodated) and so on - and on and on ....

Now, the OP who claims " I know more about the situation than anyone on the site. " also posted :
The truth is that the brain trust at Rutgers University decided to purchase a new paperless software system called "Cornerstone" an Oracle Cloud based software. The problem with "Cornerstone" is that it's brand new and unproven.
------ ????
(1.) the "Cornertone" in the Rutgers context is a Rutgers name of the whole giant implementation program - not the new procurement software
(2.) "Cornerstone" isn't an Oracle product - there is a company called Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ: CSOD) - which does compete with Oracle - but is not what is being discussed here
(3.) the in-house name of the sub-system in question is RU Marketplace - which "redesigns how we purchase goods and services, and how we pay vendors in order to process transactions more effectively, reduce risks, and better manage spending. We consolidated our processes and are leveraging a single platform to improve service delivery across the University."
  1. Log in to myRutgers portal (, using your NetID and password.
  2. Click the Cornerstone tab.
  3. Open the RU Marketplace (SciQuest) app....
... SciQuest ? (gee ... looks like RUMarketplace is crafted from a SciQuest application) SciQuest a company that is a provider of spend management solutions & is a provider to Case Western Reserve, University of California, University of New Mexico, Drexel University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Montana

the OP may continue to claim
" I know more about the situation than anyone on the site. "
and who knows - that may be true .....
however it seems that all that is "known" may not be entirely factually accurate.
Anyone who read this post now knows more than the OP.