for those who cannot claim our poster's level of knowledge supremacy, here's a little bit to get started
Cornerstone is the University’s strategic approach to unify, upgrade, and streamline its administrative information systems for finance, human resources and payroll, procurement, and expense management. It lays the groundwork to build outstanding administrative systems and processes for the University."
"Cornerstone" is the Rutgers name for the
"multi-year strategic project to transform the administrative information systems and processes for Rutgers University. It lays the groundwork to modernize, unify, and simplify our finance, human resources and payroll, procurement, and expense management systems and processes."
"Cornerstone" is a mega implementation - many, many moving parts - multiple outside software system vendors (like Oracle's Hyperion and SiQuest and many others), innumerable crosswalks to be built, legacy systems to be addressed (replaced/ upgraded / or simply accommodated) and so on - and on and on ....
Now, the OP who claims " I know more about the situation than anyone on the site. " also posted :
The truth is that the brain trust at Rutgers University decided to purchase a new paperless software system called "Cornerstone" an Oracle Cloud based software. The problem with "Cornerstone" is that it's brand new and unproven.
------ ????
(1.) the "Cornertone" in the Rutgers context is a Rutgers name of the whole giant implementation program - not the new procurement software
(2.) "Cornerstone" isn't an Oracle product - there is a company called Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ: CSOD) - which does compete with Oracle - but is not what is being discussed here
(3.) the in-house name of the sub-system in question is
RU Marketplace - which "redesigns how we purchase goods and services, and how we pay vendors in order to process transactions more effectively, reduce risks, and better manage spending. We consolidated our processes and are leveraging a single platform to improve service delivery across the University."
- Log in to myRutgers portal (, using your NetID and password.
- Click the Cornerstone tab.
- Open the RU Marketplace (SciQuest) app....
... SciQuest ? (gee ... looks like
RUMarketplace is crafted from a SciQuest application) SciQuest a company that is a provider of spend management solutions & is a provider to Case Western Reserve, University of California, University of New Mexico, Drexel University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Montana
the OP may continue to claim
" I know more about the situation than anyone on the site. "
and who knows - that may be true .....
however it seems that all that is "known" may not be entirely factually accurate.