OT: Minor to Moderate Snow/Mix Likely Sat Evening (2/8) through Sun am

Another weenie tag.🌭

Good sign for what?

A good sign would be warming so this goes to rain
I’m getting over the flu, as much as I love my snowblower I’m 100% team 34 and rain this go around (in reality it’s going to be half an inch of sleet crusted with .10 of zr). Hopefully temps overperform tomorrow.
Surprisingly, sleet just started here around 7:25 pm and we have a little dusting already - thought it would start later here, but a slug of precip on the radar hit here early.
Surprisingly, sleet just started here around 7:25 pm and we have a little dusting already - thought it would start later here, but a slug of precip on the radar hit here early.
It's not surprising long did you want it delayed
..its surprising because some thought it would start as snow
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It really did come in like a wall - would've been cooler to see a wall of snow, but this is still pretty good. Every surface covered already and we have some flakes mixing in.
It's not surprising long did you want it delayed
..its surprising because some thought it would start as snow
Do you have to micro-critique everything? It was surprising because 20 minutes before it started, the radar looked like it would take 35-40 minutes to get this far east, but the precip made it here much faster than that. And it's now 50% snow.
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Just started sleeting here in South Wall...Apple watch (FWIW) says it's 32 degrees..
Do you have to micro-critique everything? It was surprising because 20 minutes before it started, the radar looked like it would take 35-40 minutes to get this far east, but the precip made it here much faster than that. And it's now 50% snow.
It was 715-730pm...when did you think it would start? 9?
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So It Begins Helms Deep GIF by Giphy QA

Literally. 🤣
100% moderate snow now - saturation, lift and rates idea how long it will last, but it seems to be flipping to snow in most places in NEPA and CNJ/NNJ.
Everything is covered here in Linden, even the street. Steady snow
As of 8:10 pm we're at 31F (but still only about 70% RH so not saturated at ground level yet) and we've gotten about 0.3" in 30 minutes with a very slick sleet layer on the bottom and then we had great snow for 10-15 minutes and now we're a mix again. Going to be an interesting night.
Starting as sleet in Bergen. Unless things change forget 5-8.
It's changing to snow for most folks as the precip intensifies and saturates the DGZ (dendritic growth zone where snowflakes are created about 5000 feet up). Sleet will likely come later - how much later is the big question, although you should get snow a lot longer than I will.
If this keeps up for another few hours we’re going to have a significant icing event here in Hunterdon. Everything is already plate ice and tree branches are sagging. About 70% sleet 30% freezing rain and the freezing rain is accreting on everything which is rare around here. Temp down to 28.9.
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Snowing in No. Plfd. now. Ground is coated in white but not a heavy accumulation. Onto the Knicks game.
As of 8:30 pm, roughly 1 hour into the decent rate precip, it's pouring snow again (lots of switching) and we have 0.4" otg at 30F with RH up to 80%.
If this keeps up for another few hours we’re going to have a significant icing event here in Hunterdon. Everything is already plate ice and tree branches are sagging. About 70% sleet 30% freezing rain and the freezing rain is accreting on everything which is rare around here. Temp down to 28.9.
Damn, it's unusual for met to be getting snow while you're getting sleet/ZR, but that was what was kind of predicted. Would much rather get sleet than freezing rain - good luck on that.
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If this keeps up for another few hours we’re going to have a significant icing event here in Hunterdon. Everything is already plate ice and tree branches are sagging. About 70% sleet 30% freezing rain and the freezing rain is accreting on everything which is rare around here. Temp down to 28.9.

Yup ice and sleet the big story...fortunately its only going to run til 1am at latest
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100% moderate snow now - saturation, lift and rates idea how long it will last, but it seems to be flipping to snow in most places in NEPA and CNJ/NNJ.
Here we go...another Metuchen Express.

Been all rain in Hamilton since about 7:30

Edit: and as I say this, we're in heavy sleet. Piling up fast too
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All snow here, probably close to an inch. Still snowing at a good pace.
It's changing to snow for most folks as the precip intensifies and saturates the DGZ (dendritic growth zone where snowflakes are created about 5000 feet up). Sleet will likely come later - how much later is the big question, although you should get snow a lot longer than I will.

Things changed. No now 1 1/2 inches of pure snow on top of slush. Hope nobody has to travel cause it's going to be a real mess.
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Was sleeting in Flemington proper with a coating. Now freezing rain hard. Salters out in earnest.
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Been all snow here in NW Bergen. Over 2 inches already and coming down pretty good.

Went to Hunter today to not have to deal with driving up tomorrow AM. Great day of skiing.
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Holy shit! Is this coming down!

Started around 8 PM, already had 2 inches down when I went to clean off the grill around 9:10, between taking the cover off and firing up the grill, this was what came down.

As of 8:30 pm, roughly 1 hour into the decent rate precip, it's pouring snow again (lots of switching) and we have 0.4" otg at 30F with RH up to 80%.
As of 9:30 pm we have 1.0" of snow/sleet mix on the ground at 28F. Went for a drive locally on 287, 1, and 531 in Metuchen/Edison just to see what it was like and everything, including 287 and 1 was snow-covered and slippery with people going 30-40 mph mostly. 1010 WINS said lots of accidents (mostly fender benders) out there; I saw one on the shoulder of 287. Was pouring alternating snow and sleet and mix and now we're just about all sleet, although it seems like "larger" sleet pellets than usual for some reason and judging by a few other posts in our area, we're locked in to heavy sleet for awhile. Would rather have snow, but it's still pretty gorgeous out there. Radar still looks healthy.
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