OT: State schools recruiting out of state students

I was very surprised to see there were 2 from my son's school.

I was too. I hear from both parents here in Ca. and Maryland of lots of kids that are going to SEC state schools now, specifically South Carolina, Alabama, and Ole Miss.

Hot chicks, inexpensive, warm weather and big time football seem to be the draw. I would expect to see their academic profiles really start to rise drawing from a larger pool now.

Rutgers really needs to get in that game.
I was very surprised to see there were 2 from my son's school.
I was too. I hear from both parents here in Ca. and Maryland of lots of kids that are going to SEC state schools now, specifically South Carolina, Alabama, and Ole Miss.

Hot chicks, inexpensive, warm weather and big time football seem to be the draw. I would expect to see their academic profiles really start to rise drawing from a larger pool now.

Rutgers really needs to get in that game.
Both were. LOL
I was too. I hear from both parents here in Ca. and Maryland of lots of kids that are going to SEC state schools now, specifically South Carolina, Alabama, and Ole Miss.

Hot chicks, inexpensive, warm weather and big time football seem to be the draw. I would expect to see their academic profiles really start to rise drawing from a larger pool now.

Rutgers really needs to get in that game.

Alabama has come a long way in improving their academics. South Carolina is still a glorified high school, judging from its near open admission policy towards kids from my local high school. So, apart from football, I'm not sure what the attraction is there. I don;t know much about Ole Miss.
I think USCe has been a NJ option for some time.

You have to remember, in NJ if you don't get into RU/TCNJ and maybe maybe Rowan, and you're going to a public school in NJ, it's going to be a suitcase school.

NJ parents can afford lesser out of state schools...Vermont, WVU, and the Arizona schools have been getting NJ kids for years for these reasons. If you can't get in to RU I can't really begrudge it.

Also unsurprisingly I noted a dig at our football team by a NJ commenter on the article (while commenters in CA and MI lamented the cost of tuition not football, aka the article topic).
Each can decide for himself whether Rutgers has "hot chicks." (BTW, I wonder how important that is given that at most colleges these days, the majority is female. Do we have enough hunks?) It's the northeast so the area is expensive, and there's nothing we can do about the weather. I agree that a good football program would help make us better-known nationally, but we also need to raise money -- a lot of it -- for academics and to be imaginative and ambitious in building academics. Getting good OOS students would be great, but, in a state with many fewer college seats than aspiring applicants, there's a limit to how much of that RU can do without a strong negative public reaction.
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You don't need to leave it to others. Pick a random school in the west or the south. Compare to any school in the NE. It's night and day.
You don't need to leave it to others. Pick a random school in the west or the south. Compare to any school in the NE. It's night and day.

I always have liked Northeastern girls. OTOH, my Jersey-born niece just posted a photo of a T-shirt reading "I am a Jersey Girl. We Don't Do That Keep Calm Thing." Should we offer scholarships to OOS attractive men and women?
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I would put NJ girls up against anywhere in America. Go outside the PATH in Hoboken on a Friday or Saturday night, it would put the rest of the country to shame. I have asked people who are not from NJ and they concede there is little comparison. The only other women I have seen domestically that could hold a candle would be San Diego, maybe LA and Chicago to a lesser extent. Plus NJ and RU have women of every background which you're not going to find at most other schools.
I would put NJ girls up against anywhere in America. Go outside the PATH in Hoboken on a Friday or Saturday night, it would put the rest of the country to shame. I have asked people who are not from NJ and they concede there is little comparison. The only other women I have seen domestically that could hold a candle would be San Diego, maybe LA and Chicago to a lesser extent. Plus NJ and RU have women of every background which you're not going to find at most other schools.

I think people in general are attracted to people they are "used to." That's why a Jersey-ite lilke NIRH likes NJ girls, and possibly why Caliknight likes girls who look like Californians, BTW, Caliknight may remember the old California saying, "Nine out of ten California girls are beautiful, and the tenth goes to Stanford!":
Haha maybe.

Though my favorite globally would be Rio, and would put Montreal and Lisbon at least ahead of NJ as well. I try not to be too much of a homer lol.
I think people in general are attracted to people they are "used to." That's why a Jersey-ite lilke NIRH likes NJ girls, and possibly why Caliknight likes girls who look like Californians, BTW, Caliknight may remember the old California saying, "Nine out of ten California girls are beautiful, and the tenth goes to Stanford!":

A standard California girl is only in songs. LA has every flavor you could ever ask for, and then some. The amount of hot girls here is absolutely astounding. There is no place in the world I have ever been that even comes close. And I have been a lot of places.

San It's known as Man Diego for a reason. I like the chicks there, beach bunnies pretty exclusively, but there aren't a lot of em. Orange Co. is what you would think of when you think SoCal blondes. Lots of those there, and lots of em are hot.

SF? Horrible. LA. They grow on trees. It's ridiculous. I don't even mind getting stuck on the 405 because of it. When I am in NJ, one of the first things I notice is lack of hot chicks. But it isn't unique. LA will do that to most places.
A standard California girl is only in songs. LA has every flavor you could ever ask for, and then some. The amount of hot girls here is absolutely astounding. There is no place in the world I have ever been that even comes close. And I have been a lot of places.

San It's known as Man Diego for a reason. I like the chicks there, beach bunnies pretty exclusively, but there aren't a lot of em. Orange Co. is what you would think of when you think SoCal blondes. Lots of those there, and lots of em are hot.

SF? Horrible. LA. They grow on trees. It's ridiculous. I don't even mind getting stuck on the 405 because of it. When I am in NJ, one of the first things I notice is lack of hot chicks. But it isn't unique. LA will do that to most places.

Go to almost any beach in NJ if you want to find hot chicks.

If you can't find them, you're just not looking.
Having gone to school at Berkeley, I can tell you there are many pretty girls there despite Caliknight's aversion to San Francisco (of course, a lot of those girls are from L.A. -- Cal draws from all over the state.) There are pretty girls everywhere if you look. One nice thing about getting older is that there are more women to appreciate -- there are attractive women even at my age. Anyway, I'm sorry to have gotten off the point, which is that state schools are manic for OOS students. I can't see that happening at Rutgers, but certainly we need more. OOS students are often good sources of revenue and of academically able students. I know -- I was an OOS student at Cal when I was there over 40 years ago.
I'm not sure if there is any veracity to the "NJ girls aren't beautiful" claim, or what would even cause this to be true. Certainly everyone has different standards of beauty, but I'm not sure what would make one state more beautiful than another.

It's not like this is Europe where different countries have centuries of partial isolation to develop different genetic traits. I could understand if someone said Irish girls are prettier than Greek girls, or vice versa. But in the US, you really don't have the same types of genetic differences from state to state.

You can't even point to a predominance of one ethnicity to support a claim of genetic differences. NJ is a real hodgepodge of ethnicities. The largest national ethnic group in NJ is Italian. But only about 14% of New Jerseyans claim any Italian heritage.

I can't think of any genetic reason that girls in NJ should be more or less attractive than girls in any other state.

Maybe lifestyle impacts the perception of beauty. For example, being fat is usually considered unattractive. Plus being obese is corrolated with other unhealthy lifestyle factors. But NJ has one of the lowest obesity rates of any state. And for childhood obesity for ages 12-17 (which certainly is most relevant for those about to enter college), only Oregon has lower childhood obesity rates than NJ. So based on lifestyles that don't result in obesity, you would expect NJ to have among the most attractive people.

Other factors seem to favor NJ as well. High levels of affluence which are correlated with better health, better dental care, better grooming, and better clothes (plus NJ is intricately connected with New York City, which is a global fashion capital, which adds to the fashion sense seen in NJ).

I could understand if someone only claimed that the Los Angeles area had a high proportion of attractive women, and attributed that to attractive people moving to the LA area for opportunities in the Film/TV industry, where physical appearance is important. But that doesn't apply to other areas of California, and certainly not to other states. And certainly that is countered by people moving to the NY area for opportunities in the stage and fashion industries, where physical appearance is also important.

So I can't think of any reason to think that women in NJ are less attractive than other states, and unless you like fat people I would suggest that women in NJ are actually more attractive.

However, I will note that women in warmer climates are more likely to wear skimpier clothing, and women in colder climates are more likely to be covered up, especially in winter months. So if you falsely think "there's a girl showing a lot of skin" is the same as "there's a pretty girl", then you'd falsely think girls in warmer climates are prettier.
Well I think within the US, certain states would tend to have more genetic dominance than others, say, Scandivanians in Minnesota, or even within NJ, while Italians make up only 14% overall, in some of the more populous areas Italian traits would be more noticeable. Certain states and areas definitely have more immigrants or are more "mixed" for a variety of reasons. If you find Persian or Armenian women more attractive, you'd probably be interested in LA more than anywhere else.
Having gone to school at Berkeley, I can tell you there are many pretty girls there despite Caliknight's aversion to San Francisco (of course, a lot of those girls are from L.A. -- Cal draws from all over the state.) There are pretty girls everywhere if you look. One nice thing about getting older is that there are more women to appreciate -- there are attractive women even at my age. Anyway, I'm sorry to have gotten off the point, which is that state schools are manic for OOS students. I can't see that happening at Rutgers, but certainly we need more. OOS students are often good sources of revenue and of academically able students. I know -- I was an OOS student at Cal when I was there over 40 years ago.

You don't need to look very hard here. Just go out your front door. I am very familiar with SF. I was there 86x in a two year period for work. There isn't a comparison. In fact, I would put SF in one of the worst categories. The don't call it the city of 7's for nothing, and that comes from friends that grew up there.

I would disagree with what you are used to being hot. I grew up in Baltimore and the chicks there are awful. My brother thinks they all have made a pact that if some don't try and stay fit and look good, none will have to.

Been to NJ beaches more x that I can count since I was a little kid Buggsy. Some hot girls, but not compared to here. It's the industry, the weather, the lifestyle. It all just breeds and attracts gorgeous girls from not only around the country, but the world.

I agree though, there are hot chicks wherever you go. Except Tanzania. I was struck by the lack of beautiful women there. The dudes are like Adonis' though. It is bizarre.
Caliknight, when I returned to New Jersey from a year in Southern California, what struck me the most was that, due to the better climate, Southern California women tended to be in better shape and health, and that added to their attractiveness. Southern California also benefitted from the invasion of the Okies in the 1930s; their daughters and granddaughters were beautiful California blondes.
Bama, Florida State, Clemson, etc. I've noticed a lot of NJ/NY kids (specifically, those with families with money) going south following whichever schools have a big party/football atmosphere.
I used to live in South Carolina. There are a lot of things I like about New Jersey,but it is like night and day when you see the girls/women down there.
Just be careful in South Carolina: the South has the highest rate of obesity of any region. One county in S.C. has a 44% obesity rate. One reason is that the grandparents of many Southerners worked in the fields, and so they had to eat huge meals for energy. The fields are gone, but the huge meals remain. Moreover, the South is still relatively poor compared to the rest of the nation, and in the United States, obesity and poverty go together. So today's South Carolina beauty may well be tomorrow's "I can't stand to look at her."
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