OT Steve Rogers Our next governor ?


Heisman Winner
Apr 1, 2012
Was having breakfast at the Jamesburg Diner and one of the many Republican gubernatorial candidates was working the senior eggs and potatoes crowd with a hat that said Steve Rogers your next governor. I was hoping it was the old pitcher for the Expos. I like a positive guy. I don't agree with any of his positions except repealing the gas tax but I give everyone props for trying. Who will win? Murphy? He is financing his own campaign to a certain extent. That will help him no doubt.Your thoughts?
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My wife wanted to work on hi staff in Nutley great guy with a ton of accomplishments in his life. He will make a great governor. Would not run for another office in Nuthey as he held 2 terms 100% believer in Democracy at its purest
Did someone say Steve Rogers?

Make Captain America Great Again
LawProf I know he isn't the ex hurler.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:But if he had been his running mate could be Sudden Sam McDowell or Jim Lonborg.
I just found it rather suspicious that Sweeney dropped of the Governors race in 2017. I really like Phil Murphy but unfortunately I think South Jersey got to him like they did Christie. If North Jersey Democrats don't find a viable candidate this state may be @&$)......
He's definitely not the pitcher. His bio makes no mention of baseball. He is a Vietnam veteran, which gives him a boost in my book.
Definitely NOT...he was a Belleville Junior High classmate and I've know him since we were 12 years old...if you're a Trumpie you might like him...I'm staying out of it..
He was my brother's squad car partner for a few years in Nutley.

The Democrats should win in the fall,though:In the last 7 gubernatorial races,NJ has voted for the opposite party than the party who won nationally for President the previous year.Not since,Tom Kean won in 1985 following Reagan's win in 1984 has the pattern been broken.
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I don't think it matters who the governor is. Almost all of the recent N.J. governors have been in somebody's pocket. Even if you could somehow find one that isn't, you'd have to get a majority in the Legislature that weren't to get anything done. Good luck with that. N.J. politicians have rubber pockets so they can steal soup. Finding any that have a commitment to anything besides the enrichment of themselves or their benefactors is like finding unicorns.
If Jersey residents could find a way to forgive Steve Fulop I would love to see him run.
I met Bill Lee when I lived in the Boston area in the 70's and 80's. He was a friend of a friend. A great great guy and absolutely delightful. Also knew the Bird, Mark Fidrych. When his 15 minutes of fame expired he went home to Northboro Mass. and had a construction business. We used to see him at local bars in the area of which there were many .The most simple unassuming guy ever. A true Damon Runyan character. Sad story.
He was my brother's squad car partner for a few years in Nutley.

The Democrats should win in the fall,though:In the last 7 gubernatorial races,NJ has voted for the opposite party than the party who won nationally for President the previous year.Not since,Tom Kean won in 1985 following Reagan's win in 1984 has the pattern been broken.


8 years of Christie + Trump in the WH will equal an easy win for the democrats. I just hope someone more progressive than Murphy runs. Outside of his RU interest, I don't know much about Lesniak.
I don't think it matters who the governor is. Almost all of the recent N.J. governors have been in somebody's pocket. Even if you could somehow find one that isn't, you'd have to get a majority in the Legislature that weren't to get anything done. Good luck with that. N.J. politicians have rubber pockets so they can steal soup. Finding any that have a commitment to anything besides the enrichment of themselves or their benefactors is like finding unicorns.

Too much truth in your statement !

8 years of Christie + Trump in the WH will equal an easy win for the democrats. I just hope someone more progressive than Murphy runs. Outside of his RU interest, I don't know much about Lesniak.

John Wisniewski
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Sadly we won't get anyone who will be able to fix this mess.

Aside from insanely high property taxes which we all know is largely due to the large number of municipalities, can you clarify what you feel is a mess? Not being adversarial, just curious.
Murphy will win because he will follow Christie.NJ voters like switching back and forth between the political voters for Governor.
Wait...........Captain America is running for governor of NJ?
I just found it rather suspicious that Sweeney dropped of the Governors race in 2017. I really like Phil Murphy but unfortunately I think South Jersey got to him like they did Christie. If North Jersey Democrats don't find a viable candidate this state may be @&$)......

I think it's probably the other way around. Murphy has a lot of money, which has helped him get the support he has. My guess is that Sweeney realized he didn't stand a chance against Murphy because of Murphy's wealth. In addition, Murphy scared other North Jersey candidates out of the race, and Sweeney's chances depend on the North Jersey vote being split. . And Sweeney looks terrible on TV. I think the Norcross machine will dislike Murphy much as the machine disliked Corzine; he's not financially dependent on the machine. But perhaps I'm being too optimistic.
Aside from insanely high property taxes which we all know is largely due to the large number of municipalities, can you clarify what you feel is a mess? Not being adversarial, just curious.

Actually where I live property taxes are only 1% of assessed value so I can't complain. But to answer your question start with the pension mess and how much debt it's in. Then move on to most of the inner city schools and how much $$ is spent per student with graduation rates of about 50%. Fix those two things and we'll build a statue
LawProf I know he isn't the ex hurler.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:But if he had been his running mate could be Sudden Sam McDowell or Jim Lonborg.

Why those two? McDowell pitched for the Giants when I lived in the Bay Area, and I remember Lonborg from the 1967 World Series when he was the Red Sox's most effective pitcher, only to lose game 7.
Aside from insanely high property taxes which we all know is largely due to the large number of municipalities, can you clarify what you feel is a mess? Not being adversarial, just curious.

-> A barely-solvent transportation trust fund for maintaining state roadways/structures, which the governor/legislature recently decided to raise the gas by a whopping 23 cents/gallon to prop up
-> state (and in some cases county/local) politicians whom are more interested in enriching themselves and passing more useless/borderline unconstitutional laws than fixing the existing issues with running this state
-> an unrealistic, and massively underfunded, pension system for public employees
-> a broken Abbott school district system, where the state contributes insane levels of funding to schools that either no longer need it, or are in need of major structural/cultural reform in order to prevent flat-out waste of the funding
-> an alarming exodus of tax revenue-generating pharmaceutical, gaming, manufacturing and other major high-level industry players to other states
-> a dangerous political spat between the NY and NJ governors, through the interstate Port Authority agency, which has been delaying the critical rebuild and/or repair of both the Port Authority Bus Terminal and Northeast Corridor under-Hudson River rail tunnels, which are already at/over capacity and whose inevitably-approaching end of service (and then structural) life can not only make commuting for hundreds of thousands of NJ residents almost impossible, but also potentially paralyze a busy region which contributed to approximately 10% of the nations economic GDP
-> a several-year trend of population loss (more people leaving than joining the tax base), due in no small part to the above as well as the noted high property taxes
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He was my brother's squad car partner for a few years in Nutley.

The Democrats should win in the fall,though:In the last 7 gubernatorial races,NJ has voted for the opposite party than the party who won nationally for President the previous year.Not since,Tom Kean won in 1985 following Reagan's win in 1984 has the pattern been broken.
Your brother had a be pretty rough...Steve's a lot but tough isn't him...
-> A barely-solvent transportation trust fund for maintaining state roadways/structures, which the governor/legislature recently decided to raise the gas by a whopping 23 cents/gallon to prop up
-> state (and in some cases county/local) politicians whom are more interested in enriching themselves and passing more useless/borderline unconstitutional laws than fixing the existing issues with running this state
-> an unrealistic, and massively underfunded, pension system for public employees
-> a broken Abbott school district system, where the state contributes insane levels of funding to schools that either no longer need it, or are in need of major structural/cultural reform in order to prevent flat-out waste of the funding
-> an alarming exodus of tax revenue-generating pharmaceutical, gaming, manufacturing and other major high-level industry players to other states
-> a dangerous political spat between the NY and NJ governors, through the interstate Port Authority agency, which has been delaying the critical rebuild and/or repair of both the Port Authority Bus Terminal and Northeast Corridor under-Hudson River rail tunnels, which are already at/over capacity and whose inevitably-approaching end of service (and then structural) life can not only make commuting for hundreds of thousands of NJ residents almost impossible, but also potentially paralyze a busy region which contributed to approximately 10% of the nations economic GDP
-> a several-year trend of population loss (more people leaving than joining the tax base), due in no small part to the above as well as the noted high property taxes
Astute observation....not even mentioning that were the most politically corrupt state in the union...or at least was a while back...
-> A barely-solvent transportation trust fund for maintaining state roadways/structures, which the governor/legislature recently decided to raise the gas by a whopping 23 cents/gallon to prop up
-> state (and in some cases county/local) politicians whom are more interested in enriching themselves and passing more useless/borderline unconstitutional laws than fixing the existing issues with running this state
-> an unrealistic, and massively underfunded, pension system for public employees
-> a broken Abbott school district system, where the state contributes insane levels of funding to schools that either no longer need it, or are in need of major structural/cultural reform in order to prevent flat-out waste of the funding
-> an alarming exodus of tax revenue-generating pharmaceutical, gaming, manufacturing and other major high-level industry players to other states
-> a dangerous political spat between the NY and NJ governors, through the interstate Port Authority agency, which has been delaying the critical rebuild and/or repair of both the Port Authority Bus Terminal and Northeast Corridor under-Hudson River rail tunnels, which are already at/over capacity and whose inevitably-approaching end of service (and then structural) life can not only make commuting for hundreds of thousands of NJ residents almost impossible, but also potentially paralyze a busy region which contributed to approximately 10% of the nations economic GDP
-> a several-year trend of population loss (more people leaving than joining the tax base), due in no small part to the above as well as the noted high property taxes

We forgot to add that weed is illegal
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LawProf . I could have picked any one of a 1000 guys whose baseball cards I owned and gambled with as a ute in the 60's. How about Lindy McDaniel and Bob Veale?
I will never vote for anybody that interrupts me mid-meal to talk about politics. Totally pisses me off. Last time a campaigning politician interrupted us during a meal, I pushed his buttons until he got loud and angry enough that his handlers had to hustle him away because he had obviously lost it and was losing votes by the second.

One should *never* be so rude as to interrupt people's meals with politics.
I will never vote for anybody that interrupts me mid-meal to talk about politics. Totally pisses me off. Last time a campaigning politician interrupted us during a meal, I pushed his buttons until he got loud and angry enough that his handlers had to hustle him away because he had obviously lost it and was losing votes by the second.

One should *never* be so rude as to interrupt people's meals with politics.
Agree. Also pisses me off when people interrupt my meal and ask for my autograph.
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