OT Steve Rogers Our next governor ?

-> A barely-solvent transportation trust fund for maintaining state roadways/structures, which the governor/legislature recently decided to raise the gas by a whopping 23 cents/gallon to prop up
-> state (and in some cases county/local) politicians whom are more interested in enriching themselves and passing more useless/borderline unconstitutional laws than fixing the existing issues with running this state
-> an unrealistic, and massively underfunded, pension system for public employees
-> a broken Abbott school district system, where the state contributes insane levels of funding to schools that either no longer need it, or are in need of major structural/cultural reform in order to prevent flat-out waste of the funding
-> an alarming exodus of tax revenue-generating pharmaceutical, gaming, manufacturing and other major high-level industry players to other states
-> a dangerous political spat between the NY and NJ governors, through the interstate Port Authority agency, which has been delaying the critical rebuild and/or repair of both the Port Authority Bus Terminal and Northeast Corridor under-Hudson River rail tunnels, which are already at/over capacity and whose inevitably-approaching end of service (and then structural) life can not only make commuting for hundreds of thousands of NJ residents almost impossible, but also potentially paralyze a busy region which contributed to approximately 10% of the nations economic GDP
-> a several-year trend of population loss (more people leaving than joining the tax base), due in no small part to the above as well as the noted high property taxes

NJ loss to other states is offset by immigrants and domestic arrivals, who bring in more than the retirees who leave. We are actually doing way better at that surrounding states. I think your other points are good however one item there is no real Abbott district anymore as a result of the last decision, so for example when people complain that Hoboken is designated that is not correct. Also, the state runs the schools in Newark and Jersey City and I believe Camden and maybe a few others so it may be worth taking that up with you know who if you could find him in NJ...

That said we are better off than a lot of other states...keeping schools open is not something all others can do for example.
Was having breakfast at the Jamesburg Diner and one of the many Republican gubernatorial candidates was working the senior eggs and potatoes crowd with a hat that said Steve Rogers your next governor. I was hoping it was the old pitcher for the Expos. I like a positive guy. I don't agree with any of his positions except repealing the gas tax but I give everyone props for trying. Who will win? Murphy? He is financing his own campaign to a certain extent. That will help him no doubt.Your thoughts?
Steve Rogers was a pretty good pitcher back in the day. The dems should nominate Bill Lee and we can have an all Expo race.
Was having breakfast at the Jamesburg Diner and one of the many Republican gubernatorial candidates was working the senior eggs and potatoes crowd with a hat that said Steve Rogers your next governor. I was hoping it was the old pitcher for the Expos. I like a positive guy. I don't agree with any of his positions except repealing the gas tax but I give everyone props for trying. Who will win? Murphy? He is financing his own campaign to a certain extent. That will help him no doubt.Your thoughts?

After the Christie debacle, I'd be shocked if it's not a Dem.
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Everyone is running from Christie- he has a 19% approval rating.

What will be interesting to see is if she runs against Trump and the religious right. It would be her only chance, and even then it's small.
It's interested that Kim Guagdo (sp?) is trying to disassociate herself from Christie, although after all she was his Lieutenant Governor.

I know Guadagno personally and think highly of her. Her and Christie did not see eye-to-eye, but she is probably so tainted by the association with his administration, that it will be difficult for her to get the R nomination.
I think Murphy buys a victory.

I have a close friend who is pretty close to state politics in the Union County area.

He is hearing from most local political people that Rogers is a shoo in, and has already bought off most of the County Chairmen already.

This is what I was told in the past week.