Food prices are funny. I've been going to whole foods instead of my local, and their private label stuff is so much cheaper then name brand stuff, that I've been able to switch with out much of an increase.Food prices are already sky high. Hard to imagine them going even higher. Was at Wegmans the other day and some foods have doubled in price. Made me appreciate Walmart that much more. Then on way home I hit gas station for a whopping $97 bill - which not long ago was in the low $60s.
Whole Foods also has some of the same name brand stuff as my local, way cheaper. Can of Amy's soup is $4.99 at my local, $3.39 at Whole Foods. I've seen it at Target for $2.99.
I don't know if the local is paying more, is pricing in further inflation, or is just gouging, but it's a pretty notable difference.