OT: Stock and Investment Talk

Yea noticed a diagnostic company like ABT down cause the demand for tests would be down if less people get sick or the stay at home stocks like exercise etc...Restaurants and movie theater stocks up.

I don’t know when next year but some time next year is the target for things to get closer to normal. Some of these companies and businesses need to muddle through a bit more. Hopefully they can manage.
Yeah, the Nasdaq is only up a bit. Many tech/growth stocks benefitted from the new normal. Not that I expect them to go down much, but they may be on the sidelines for the vaccine rally.
Peloton, Slack, and Zoom all down as people will be returning to work (and gyms) post vaccine. Will take awhile to get everyone vaccinated, but the light at the end of the tunnel is finally here. Curious timing on this announcement by the way.
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Today's rally chart:

Actually my tech's were laggards today.

Good days for the likes of FB MSFT and AAPL, but I had some high flyers today.

Still I look around longingly at the the recent moves of NIO and GRWG, and wish I had bought in.
I bought NIO at 2.67 and feel good about it today for sure
Disney popping
Travel and leisure all doing very well today.

I expect there will be some rotation out of the hot stocks that have been thriving on people being home to stocks that will recover somewhat or more as activity increases next year. The vaccine is the first sign of the light at the end of the tunnel but this upcoming winter will likely be a difficult period. But market is always discounting the future.
Could this euphoria be premature? A very good friend runs a hospital system in NJ. His CMO indicated today that it's far too early to conclude anything about the PFE vaccine. I hope PFE's got this solved, though, as a shareholder, yes, but more importantly as an American.
Could this euphoria be premature?
No. It's real data and was released by an independent review board of experts (not Pfizer). It's an initial look at the first round of events (i.e., corona infections) and much more will come. However, it is a statistically meaningful cohort.
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I bought NIO at 2.67 and feel good about it today for sure

It was mentioned here at $9 and I really didn't think about buying it then thus I don't regret that.

But I posted about it very recently at $27.. That one I regret.
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Peloton, Slack, and Zoom all down as people will be returning to work (and gyms) post vaccine. Will take awhile to get everyone vaccinated, but the light at the end of the tunnel is finally here. Curious timing on this announcement by the way.
Do you mean in regards to the election? We have known for months that it would be around this time. Would it be any more or less curious if it was announced a week prior to the election?

But as this is not a political thread, let's let my question stand as a rhetorical one.
Travel and leisure all doing very well today.

I expect there will be some rotation out of the hot stocks that have been thriving on people being home to stocks that will recover somewhat or more as activity increases next year. The vaccine is the first sign of the light at the end of the tunnel but this upcoming winter will likely be a difficult period. But market is always discounting the future.
That was definitely in effect today. And it is a bit of a double entandre as some of these stocks, like Zoom, had run too hot. So the selling off was just waiting for the vaccine, and the money went directly to the recovery stocks.

And that does go back to the notion of no where else to invest besides equities.

Somewhat separate is when to get back into those stocks, again like Zoom, that we are pretty sure will be big companies in the future. Surely there is big upside for cruise line, air line and other recovery stocks if we are able to get past covid, so I wonder just how much they will pull from those techy work from anywhere stocks.
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SNDL up a cool 100% today.

This is about the point where I wish I had invested more.
Do you mean in regards to the election? We have known for months that it would be around this time. Would it be any more or less curious if it was announced a week prior to the election?

But as this is not a political thread, let's let my question stand as a rhetorical one.

Mine was rhetorical as well but you would have to be incredibly naive not to think someone in authority would sit on positive results due to the election given the dirty tricks of the last 4 years. And, no, obviously, if released a week before the election, it wouldn't have been curious at all (unless the results were falsified).
March lows till now.

Amazon: $1760 in March. $3069 now

Norwegian Cruise Line: $8 in March. $20 today.

Now the recovery stocks have obviously rallied very recently while the tech's have taken a step back, and there are certainly some tech stocks like Zoom that are still up 4x from their March lows(they didn't really dip much) but for all the talk about how the cruise lines or the air lines were to be avoided, and how a company like Amazon was built for the Covid economy, if you had put your money into the cruise stocks in March, you would have done better then if you had put your money into any of the mega cap tech's which were thriving in the months following the worst of the outbreak. By a pretty significant margin.
Last 3 months:

Dow up 5.86%
S&P up 5.51%
Nasdaq up 5.34%
Nasdaq 100 up 4.86%.

Interesting in itself.

But if you went back to Nov 6th.

Dow was up 1.91%
S&P up 4.43%
Nasdaq up 8.45%
100 up 9.08%.
March lows till now.

Amazon: $1760 in March. $3069 now

Norwegian Cruise Line: $8 in March. $20 today.

Now the recovery stocks have obviously rallied very recently while the tech's have taken a step back, and there are certainly some tech stocks like Zoom that are still up 4x from their March lows(they didn't really dip much) but for all the talk about how the cruise lines or the air lines were to be avoided, and how a company like Amazon was built for the Covid economy, if you had put your money into the cruise stocks in March, you would have done better then if you had put your money into any of the mega cap tech's which were thriving in the months following the worst of the outbreak. By a pretty significant margin.

Little bit of cherry picking going on with Norwegian Cruise Lines

$58.83 January 1

$22 on Monday (so down close to 10% in 48 hours)

So if you had perfect timing you did well. If you didn't not so much. And what happens if there is another widespread shutdown?
Little bit of cherry picking going on with Norwegian Cruise Lines

$58.83 January 1

$22 on Monday (so down close to 10% in 48 hours)

So if you had perfect timing you did well. If you didn't not so much. And what happens if there is another widespread shutdown?
I think the March lows is a pretty good starting point because we looked at investing much different from that point on.

But you could go April 1st, and still see similar results. Pin pointing the bottom was not necessary to do very well with NCLH.

As per more shutdowns? NCLH isn't even running right now, so while it likely will effect the stock price it won't have any further negative effect on the company(and the 10% drop was a bit to be expected after a 30% jump the day prior).

Now pre covid stock prices is an interesting leg of this whole story.

Would you rather have a stock that had a much higher precovid stock price then current, again like NCLH or one whose precovid priced was significantly lower then the current prices like AMZN?
Learn about crypto currency!! Just my suggestion. The future of this world is changing and changing fast
We've talked about it. I own a crypto ETF that was recommended here, GBTC, that is up about 40% in a month. So I currently have a positive outlook on crypto. Not that I really buy into the story, at least not to the extent that others do, but it does sound like this one has more room to run.
We've talked about it. I own a crypto ETF that was recommended here, GBTC, that is up about 40% in a month. So I currently have a positive outlook on crypto. Not that I really buy into the story, at least not to the extent that others do, but it does sound like this one has more room to run.
Just to be clear, GBTC is not an ETF, it is a "trust" that owns 100% bitcoin and mirrors the price of bitcoin sometimes with a premium and sometimes at a discount. As bitcoin increases in price, the premium seems to widen.
As for the bitcoin story:

Just some current articles on the subject.
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As an FYI if you own outright you can stake your coins and get rewards. Currently multiple coins staking rewarding between
I think you're referring to "loaning" your bitcoin for interest. I'm not sure but I think that is through a DeFi account. Personally, I like the GBTC version since it trades like a stock and there is no difficulty when it comes to paying taxes or deducting losses. Owning the actual coin, though getting easier, is still trickier for multiple reasons.
The liquor store near me has a Bitcoin terminal. No idea how it works. Girl that works there says no one ever uses it.
I think you're referring to "loaning" your bitcoin for interest. I'm not sure but I think that is through a DeFi account. Personally, I like the GBTC version since it trades like a stock and there is no difficulty when it comes to paying taxes or deducting losses. Owning the actual coin, though getting easier, is still trickier for multiple reasons.
You can stake them right on exchange or your ledger. Exchanges provide statements the have to meet IRS. Until you actually sell or swap something no taxes staking not sure how they are handling right now could be th $600 yearly interest or when you sell
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You can stake them right on exchange or your ledger. Exchanges provide statements the have to meet IRS. Until you actually sell or swap something no taxes staking not sure how they are handling right now could be th $600 yearly interest or when you sell
Just some tidbits
Crypto l think 8 of them have been declared legal currency by the US currency commission
All banks can now store your digital currency along with your key words in virtual vaults
PayPal you can now buy or pay with crypto thru PayPal
They now have crypto cards like your standard cc cards where you get crypto rewards
There's a lot happening very quickly
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Of course the govt printing up trillions plays right into cryptos hands
Not just in the U.S. In some countries (as I've posted previously) like Venezuela and Nigeria with rampant inflation, it has become the defacto currency of the population. Although that fact adds to its legitimacy, its the acceptance of large institutions and banks as hedge and an investment asset with a finite quantity that makes this something to watch and IMO to allocate a portion of your assets.
People wondering about timing of Pfizer announcement. Well this seems more likely as a reason than anything else. Sold 60% of his stock day of announcement.

People wondering about timing of Pfizer announcement. Well this seems more likely as a reason than anything else. Sold 60% of his stock day of announcement.

Be helpful if you get past the headline and see this was part of a preannounced plan made public on August 19.
Be helpful if you get past the headline and see this was part of a preannounced plan made public on August 19.
I'm aware it's preannounced that doesn't change my opinion of it. Not the only instance of a "preannounced" sale by an executive that was fishy to say the least. Some preannounced sales are perfectly normal. Stuff like this I have a very skeptical eye and just because it was preannounced doesn't change that.

It's the CEO, he/she knows the timelines/milestones/trajectories of major projects within the company. To say this was something just by coincidence that got announced in the same vicinity of planned stock sale is not reality IMO.
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Could this euphoria be premature? A very good friend runs a hospital system in NJ. His CMO indicated today that it's far too early to conclude anything about the PFE vaccine. I hope PFE's got this solved, though, as a shareholder, yes, but more importantly as an American.

I never forgot Lymerix.

"In 1998, the FDA approved a new recombinant Lyme vaccine, LYMErix™, which reduced new infections in vaccinated adults by nearly 80%. Just 3 years later, the manufacturer voluntarily withdrew its product from the market amidst media coverage, fears of vaccine side-effects, and declining sales. This paper reviews these events in detail and focuses on the public communication of risks and benefits of the Lyme vaccine and important lessons learned."

The Lyme vaccine: a cautionary tale

While I'm in investment thread...

"Officials from Nasdaq and other major stock exchanges will meet with Gov. Greg Abbott on Nov. 20 in Austin to discuss a possible move from New Jersey to Texas..."

Wall Street may move to Dallas .

While I'm in investment thread...

"Officials from Nasdaq and other major stock exchanges will meet with Gov. Greg Abbott on Nov. 20 in Austin to discuss a possible move from New Jersey to Texas..."

Wall Street may move to Dallas .

For a single state to charge a transaction tax is utter, complete insanity. It's like hitting yourself over the head with a 2X4 cause it feels so good when you stop. Will somebody PLEASE talk some sense to Trenton!!!!
I picked up 3 stocks in March. XOM, MSFT and DIS. Microsoft and Disney have done really well, XOM was up pretty good for me but has come back down to almost purchase price. All were long term holds for me anyway unless something crazy happened. Hopefully the market keeps pumping!!!