OT- Strange toys you remember having as a kid

Anybody remember "Big Max"?

Can anyone who had the vibrating football game please explain how/why it was fun? My buddy had it & every time we played it, it was like "this sucks". His little sister always enjoyed sitting on the table though.
It only worked well if the board was completely flat. That lasted about two weeks. Once the board became a bit of a valley, both teams looked liked the Woody Hayes Ohio State teams. A better game was available then that used a light board. You put in a defense on a piece of paper that had circles on it for players. The other guy put in an offensive piece of paper that that a line where the runner ran. If you covered the line with your circle, he was down there. You slid out a cover to watch his progress. It was a bit like a combination of football and battleship.
Sorry for hitting like! Pulled the trigger too fast on that one and didn't read about your eye. Did you really do that? Did it heal up? I feel terrible now.

Do they not have A Christmas Story in New Zealand?


Also, you can "unlike" as easily as you can "like" and no one will be the wiser :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Wow did not realize Crossfire evolved so much. My brothers had a late 80s version that was black with all kinds of graphics. Looks like that one's from a decade earlier. That game was all kinds of fun.
This is the exact same box and board I remember. This was one of the favorite toys of my brother and I in the early/mid 70s.
Do they not have A Christmas Story in New Zealand?


Also, you can "unlike" as easily as you can "like" and no one will be the wiser :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(I actually knew I could unlike, but was afraid he actually did it and saw it. After posting the apology, the idea that it was bogus occurred to me. In the spirit of the thread, I decided to leave myself looking like a bozo.
(I actually knew I could unlike, but was afraid he actually did it and saw it. After posting the apology, the idea that it was bogus occurred to me. In the spirit of the thread, I decided to leave myself looking like a bozo.

Props for that and don't feel bad: I walked into an American Psycho quote really bad yesterday and found myself debating the finer points of having Huey Lewis and the News play the Super Bowl. I too left it up, but I considered erasing my entire history and coming back with a new username :eek:
I had a Raleigh Chopper as a kid, in green:


My first bike must have been from the 1930's. Either my parents had saved their old bikes or maybe my grandparent's bikes. I always wondered why strangers stared at me riding my bike. I was like "I am so cool riding my bike". No. They were thinking look at that fool on that antique clunker. My first new bike my parents bought me was a chopper style one from Two Guys. The gear ratio at top speed (was a 5 speed) was equivalent to being in 1st gear in a car. I pedaled a lot but didn't go very fast. I could climb a hill that was practically vertical though.
Yeah, I never quite understood the electric vibrating football game. I remember another football game where you actually controlled the players movements with magnets attached to 2 sticks controlled by your hands underneath the board (in away sort of like the hockey games). Seemed to make more sense to me (than the electric game) but this game eventually hit the trash in record time also.
Another weird series of toys I just remembered: Spy Tech. Cool collection, with things like a long-range microphone, hidden spy camera and intruder alarm, but what the heck was a kid supposed to do with that stuff?

My friends and I spied on the neighbors for no real reason for a while, then my folks found out and forbid me to do it anymore, suggesting I play "spying games" with my friends, which pretty much destroys the entire concept of "spying". It took me years to realize how right they were in saying that it was a weird thing to be doing, but I'm glad I did so before I got arrested or something.
Sheeeeeet. We used to take regular army men, string and cut up cloth or plastic to make these ourselves. You must have been from the fancy neighborhood getting them all pre-made from your rich parents. LOL.

In our neighborhood, live frogs became the 101st Airborne.
After many many hours of ker-plunk ...ker-plunk .... ker-plunk (and pushing the others in the house to the brink of madness) finally mastered this - could go forward & backward without a drop.
... not bad for a six year old ....

I had a machine for making super balls.(not what some of your were thinking). I recall they didn't bounce that well but it was a good idea.

Also, probably mentioned. Light Brite.
Did any one burn ARMY men, tanks and model airplanes using airosal cans as flame throwers?
You could sear living things as well but I won't get into that.
I highly reccomend you introduce this to your own kids, lots of fun…just kidding!
Did any one burn ARMY men, tanks and model airplanes using airosal cans as flame throwers?
You could sear living things as well but I won't get into that.
I highly reccomend you introduce this to your own kids, lots of fun…just kidding!
Absolutely along with firecrackers blowing everything up!
The toxic black smoke from the burning plastic was good for us Bags...
I think it was my experiences with blowing up and burning planes and tanks that drove me to join the army as a combat engineer and ultimately join the fire department, thier's just sumpthin about the smell of burning..
Who on here can say they owned a Schwinn Sting Ray with Chopper handle bars?
and a "banana" seat! About 15 years ago I met a guy in line at a post office who had a collection of 100+ of these in mint condition. He was thinking of selling them and retiring.
Also got one of these when I was 13 or 14, a pump air pistol.
5 of my friends and I ordered similar BB pistols from Boys Life. They all came in the mail the same day. We went over to a friends house (big ranch), went down to the full basement (no windows), took our positions, turned out the lights and played "OK Corral". SICK!
Me and the kid across the street used to shoot at each other with BB guns all the time. As long as you didn't take one square in the eye, they were pretty harmless. Regardless of what Clark Griswold believes.
My brother and I would each build an army fort with Lincoln Logs, then set up the army men all around. Then, one by one, we would take an army man and throw it at the other person's fort, slowly trying to knock it down. Kind of like a primitive Angry Birds game, except without the Angry Birds.

A few others I mentioned that I haven't seen mentioned (nor figured out how to post pictures of):
  • Those awful "snakes" that took forever to light, but then created those long trails of grey ash and lung-piercing soot.
  • The "King Oil" board game, with the oil wells that popped up (or didn't pop up).
  • The "Dragster" Activision game for Atari. I still hold the world record!
BTW -- that Mattel Electronics football game -- that was AWESOME! You could get so good that you'd try to use up the entire period (or half) on one play, so your opponent didn't get a chance to score.
I think it was my experiences with blowing up and burning planes and tanks that drove me to join the army as a combat engineer and ultimately join the fire department, thier's just sumpthin about the smell of burning..
Do you always carry a bag of marshmallows with you?