OT Thank God this dog was saved.


Oct 19, 2003
What drives a piece of $hit to do this? To any pet lover out there,what would you do "if you could get away with it" to the scum that did this? Let me start by saying, he gets tied to the tracks!!!

I have two dogs and if any stranger try to hurt one of them I'll loose it. If I ran into that guy I prob would tie him to the tracks also.
I saw this yesterday. Absolutely disgusting. My first thought would be to tie whoever did this to the tracks (after shooting him/her a few times of course), but that might be too quick and easy. Slower torture would be in order I think.
To borrow a line from Pulp Fiction - time to get medieval on his sorry ass.
Who would do something like that? It actually took time and effort to do that to the dog - that's really messed up.
When they catch him, they need to shoot him and then tie him to the tracks and let a freight train come down the tracks. The scum bag does not deserve anything better.
"Thank God this dog was saved"

God spelled backwards is "dog", ergo, you harm a dog, you harm God.
Another of our "toothless wonders" down here hung an 18 month old pit bull from a tree because it dirtied inside his trailer. He asked his neighbors for a gun to shoot the dog with, but they refused and so he hung the dog then dragged the dog's body behind his four-wheeler and threw the body in a pond. We really need to install the death penalty for acts like this against defenseless animals and children. The sooner the better. I have no use for animal or child abusers.