OT: The official ACC all things thread

Unequal revenue sharing was proposed by FSU and unilaterally rejected by the ACC leadership
It makes it that much harder for those at the bottom to compete and it’s not a good way to treat your peers. We should know, now that we have a full share we’re becoming more competitive.
It makes it that much harder for those at the bottom to compete and it’s not a good way to treat your peers. We should know, now that we have a full share we’re becoming more competitive.
When your peers haven’t done anything to contribute to the success of the conference, and because of them, you are losing money and are at risk of not continuing to compete at an elite level due to no fault of your own, yet those same peers continue to suck off the tit of the golden goose, then unequal revenue sharing does not seem like a bad idea at all
FSU is a national school, having played a national schedule and made their Mark on the national stage as opposed to regionally

The preference is the Big Ten for a myriad of reasons, and FSU was trying to get in a handful of times and was rejected

Additionally, they were never formally invited back in the 90s regardless of the UF narrative on that point

With that being said, SEC is still extremely tempting for obvious reasons
FSU is a national brand but does it deliver the interest of the southern half of Florida like a winning U. of Miami program? Miami >FSU brand in Palm, Broward and Dade counties [Possibly Orange County as well] where there is considerably more HS talent and dominates the Ft Lauderdale/Miami DMA (18th) and has strong interest in the Orlando/Daytona/Melbourne DMA (16th). I would also argue there’s more interest in Miami than FSU in the #1 DMA (New York) for various reasons.

You also can’t toss aside that Miami is a AAU member and FSU is not. I agree with you that FSU is better off almost anywhere else that’s not the ACC but I just don’t see the BIG adding FSU over ND, UNC or even Miami.

Assuming the SEC doesn’t want to over saturate it’s current FL and SC markets, I can see Clemson and FSU lifting the football profile of the B12 considerably especially under the leadership of Brett Yormark who will leave no stone unturned to see that his membership gets paid and gets as much exposure as possible.

FSU is a national school, having played a national schedule and made their Mark on the national stage as opposed to regionally

The preference is the Big Ten for a myriad of reasons, and FSU was trying to get in a handful of times and was rejected

Additionally, they were never formally invited back in the 90s regardless of the UF narrative on that point

With that being said, SEC is still extremely tempting for obvious reasons
all true!
FSU is a national brand but does it deliver the interest of the southern half of Florida like a winning U. of Miami program? Miami >FSU brand in Palm, Broward and Dade counties [Possibly Orange County as well] where there is considerably more HS talent and dominates the Ft Lauderdale/Miami DMA (18th) and has strong interest in the Orlando/Daytona/Melbourne DMA (16th). I would also argue there’s more interest in Miami than FSU in the #1 DMA (New York) for various reasons.

You also can’t toss aside that Miami is a AAU member and FSU is not. I agree with you that FSU is better off almost anywhere else that’s not the ACC but I just don’t see the BIG adding FSU over ND, UNC or even Miami.

Assuming the SEC doesn’t want to over saturate it’s current FL and SC markets, I can see Clemson and FSU lifting the football profile of the B12 considerably especially under the leadership of Brett Yormark who will leave no stone unturned to see that his membership gets paid and gets as much exposure as possible.

FSU’s ratings & brand dwarf Miami’s

Miami in its heyday was legit, but they haven’t been revalent since Ohio state neutered them in the fiesta bowl CG

AAU is nice but not a prerequisite
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FSU is a national brand but does it deliver the interest of the southern half of Florida like a winning U. of Miami program? Miami >FSU brand in Palm, Broward and Dade counties [Possibly Orange County as well] where there is considerably more HS talent and dominates the Ft Lauderdale/Miami DMA (18th) and has strong interest in the Orlando/Daytona/Melbourne DMA (16th). I would also argue there’s more interest in Miami than FSU in the #1 DMA (New York) for various reasons.

You also can’t toss aside that Miami is a AAU member and FSU is not. I agree with you that FSU is better off almost anywhere else that’s not the ACC but I just don’t see the BIG adding FSU over ND, UNC or even Miami.

Assuming the SEC doesn’t want to over saturate it’s current FL and SC markets, I can see Clemson and FSU lifting the football profile of the B12 considerably especially under the leadership of Brett Yormark who will leave no stone unturned to see that his membership gets paid and gets as much exposure as possible.

Additionally, ND is the golden goose

UNC is highly coveted as well
Miami is valueable but not on FSU’s level

B12 isn’t happening for FSU or Clemson
Expect to see them absolve a combo of leftover ACC teams

Pates recent podcast was telling - re. significant action by 8/15
From my perspective, FSU and Clemson would be great additions to the Big 12. I can see them going there, and the Big Ten taking North Carolina and Virginia. It just seems like those schools would be a natural fit in their respective conferences.
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FSU’s ratings & brand dwarf Miami’s

Miami in its heyday was legit, but they haven’t been revalent since Ohio state neutered them in the fiesta bowl CG

AAU is nice but not a prerequisite
But if the B1G includes endowments in the membership criteria , Miami is in the game.
But if the B1G includes endowments in the membership criteria , Miami is in the game.
Good point
A lot of it though is recentcy bias

If we had this conversation 15 years ago, Miami would be well above Clemson , and likely equal or above FSU

The issue with them is they’ve been largely irrelevant since they joined the conference, having infamously coined it the “All Canes Conference” upon their arrival
Good point
A lot of it though is recentcy bias

If we had this conversation 15 years ago, Miami would be well above Clemson , and likely equal or above FSU

The issue with them is they’ve been largely irrelevant since they joined the conference, having infamously coined it the “All Canes Conference” upon their arrival
Recency bias wouldn’t apply since as you stated, Miami hasn’t been relevant on a national level in 15 yrs yet is in consideration to be added to the BIG or possibly SEC. I would argue that the Canes are more popular than the Dolphins in South Florida when they’re playing for something. Let’s make the clear distinction now, South Florida is not the Panhandle and the Panhandle is not South Florida.

I digress, I can see arguments for FSU to the BIG or the SEC but I can also see equally weighted arguments against F$U getting added to either conference.

As you say, lets see what happens after 8/15. One thing looks for sure, FSU wants to make a move happen asap.

Recency bias wouldn’t apply since as you stated, Miami hasn’t been relevant on a national level in 15 yrs yet is in consideration to be added to the BIG or possibly SEC. I would argue that the Canes are more popular than the Dolphins in South Florida when they’re playing for something. Let’s make the clear distinction now, South Florida is not the Panhandle and the Panhandle is not South Florida.

I digress, I can see arguments for FSU to the BIG or the SEC but I can also see equally weighted arguments against F$U getting added to either conference.

As you say, lets see what happens after 8/15. One thing looks for sure, FSU wants to make a move happen asap.

Recency bias was in regard to Clemson, as they were largely pedestrian before 2010, sans the natty in 1981

Canes, when they’re elite, are definitely more popular than the Fins in S Florida

Panhandle & S Florida are night and day - why that matters, as this isn’t 10 years ago and cable boxes aren’t the be all / end all, is beyond me

There’s really no argument in regard to FSU getting into the B1G.

As far as SEC, there is the old duplicate market argument, which doesn’t hold much water anymore, or the fact that they don’t really need them as they have a bunch of other powerful brands, but I doubt that they would want the B1G to come in and steal them from under their nose and penetrate that market

Move out of the ACC is not a want situation. It’s a need to happen scenario if FSU wants to remain Elite.

There’s no other way to go about doing it other than, and since ACC’s been dropping the ball, the only option is to leave and leave immediately
At this point FSU must know exactly where they are going to be 97% confident that both big 2 want them. That or they find the Big 12 backup plan to be significantly better than an ACC with their marquee team.
At this point FSU must know exactly where they are going to be 97% confident that both big 2 want them. That or they find the Big 12 backup plan to be significantly better than an ACC with their marquee team.
There’s been assurances from the B1G as soon as the ACC issue gets squared away

I can’t speak to the SEC, but knowing Alford, he’s had conversations with everybody
Not true. They will end up independent still with a scheduling agreement with the B1G. Almost guaranteed. Care to wager? You make the stakes. I am that confident
Laughable. Big Ten Teams will soon be making $100M+ without Notre Dame, once they add Florida.

Notre Dame will be making roughly $67M, with their new NBC deal. B1G has all the leverage. They don’t need a scheduling agreement with Notre Dame.
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Recency bias was in regard to Clemson, as they were largely pedestrian before 2010, sans the natty in 1981

Canes, when they’re elite, are definitely more popular than the Fins in S Florida

Panhandle & S Florida are night and day - why that matters, as this isn’t 10 years ago and cable boxes aren’t the be all / end all, is beyond me

There’s really no argument in regard to FSU getting into the B1G.

As far as SEC, there is the old duplicate market argument, which doesn’t hold much water anymore, or the fact that they don’t really need them as they have a bunch of other powerful brands, but I doubt that they would want the B1G to come in and steal them from under their nose and penetrate that market

Move out of the ACC is not a want situation. It’s a need to happen scenario if FSU wants to remain Elite.

There’s no other way to go about doing it other than, and since ACC’s been dropping the ball, the only option is to leave and leave immediately
Agree with all your points except the following;

“There’s really no argument in regard to FSU getting into the B1G”. There are, As stated by many FSU is not an AAU school which all BIG schools except for Neb which was prior to invite. The BIG no doubt wants to grow in the south, especially FL, but does FSU on its own check the box or would FSU and say Miami secure a significant presence in the south? If UNC decides to move towards the SEC which I don’t believe would be a good cultural fit, I believe the BIG inviting FSU and Miami would be a bold move.

“I doubt that they would want the B1G to come in and steal them from under their nose and penetrate that market”. From a business standpoint, the SEC will pass if adding FSU and/or Clemson does not increase the size of the pot and take for each SEC school. That’s yet to be determined.

From my vantage point, I see FSU and Clemson tied at the hip since both schools have past national success to point to, have awakened to the fact that their long term future success in the ACC is limited and both reside for all intent and purposes in SEC territory. It feels like wherever FSU goes, Clemson will follow and vice versa. Would you agree with this assessment?

Agree with all your points except the following;

“There’s really no argument in regard to FSU getting into the B1G”. There are, As stated by many FSU is not an AAU school which all BIG schools except for Neb which was prior to invite. The BIG no doubt wants to grow in the south, especially FL, but does FSU on its own check the box or would FSU and say Miami secure a significant presence in the south? If UNC decides to move towards the SEC which I don’t believe would be a good cultural fit, I believe the BIG inviting FSU and Miami would be a bold move.

“I doubt that they would want the B1G to come in and steal them from under their nose and penetrate that market”. From a business standpoint, the SEC will pass if adding FSU and/or Clemson does not increase the size of the pot and take for each SEC school. That’s yet to be determined.

From my vantage point, I see FSU and Clemson tied at the hip since both schools have past national success to point to, have awakened to the fact that their long term future success in the ACC is limited and both reside for all intent and purposes in SEC territory. It feels like wherever FSU goes, Clemson will follow and vice versa. Would you agree with this assessment?

AAU, from my understanding, is preferred but not a necessity

FSU should be AAU within the next 7-10 years, as President McCullough was brought in specifically for that

A travel partner (s) would clearly be preferred. A combination of UNC, Miami, GT and / or Clemson would do the trick (I can’t speak to the B1G’s interest in the latter 3)

I don’t believe FSU & Clemson are tied at the hip, as I’m not privy to Clemson’s situation with the B1G

Both of their lawsuits are currently ongoing vs the ACC though, as they know staying in the ACC would be a death blow to their athletic respective athletic departments (in the context of staying elite in football and highly competitive in other sports as well).
Endowments huh… so Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are in the running for future BIG membership? 😉
didn't you see the thread " The New Ivies" now that they aren't Ivy League material anymore they might be thinking B1G 😁
Also in case of a tie in the B1G vote to admit a Florida school and picking between FSU and Miami, size of endowment might come into play , just like a hooker choosing a pimp.😇
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didn't you see the thread " The New Ivies" now that they aren't Ivy League material anymore they might be thinking B1G 😁
Also in case of a tie in the B1G vote to admit a Florida school and picking between FSU and Miami, size of endowment might come into play , just like a hooker choosing a pimp.😇
MADHAT - "... size of endowment might come into play , just like a hooker choosing a pimp" That was hilarious! Relates to the topic. Endowment in millions of $$$$ vs. inches (or feet for the chosen few)