OT: The US Navy's has a crew called "The Three Presidents"

DJ Spanky

The Lunatic is in my Head
Jul 25, 2001
Apparently 1200 sailors will be switching between three of the super carriers over the next year or so.

Not a bad trio for your logo!


Here's the article:

Navy's newest crew: 'The Three Presidents'
In high school we called stuff like this a "Chinese fire drill". We would all change cars at red lights.
The FDNY did something similar up until 9/11.

Your first three years on the Job were spent in different companies...

2 engines and a ladder company.

They were also divvied up along the amount of responses, neighborhood, building type, etc. It was set up for you to be in a "busy" place at least once in those first three years.

It was a great program that I was lucky enough to be a part of in my early years. You learned a lot and brought back the knowledge learned to the place you were assigned to out of the Fire Academy.