OT: Walking Dead (spoilers)


All American
Gold Member
Nov 15, 2006
Decided to start new thread to discuss weekly show.

Still looks like a nice place with free 800K house in a safe place with running water to live in.... Something must be wrong, right?
Place doesn't appear to be completely buttoned down, to me. The walls are weak, the gate is weak, the security detail is nonexistent. My guess is that they're underpowered and the Congresswoman knows it. Also her kid is clearly a whack-job.
Something isn't right. The 'security detail' are a bunch of chumps. Don't really think they understand what they are dealing with. And someone took Rick's blender gun.
Who took the guns in the blender? They must have been watching him when he stacked the guns away.
Originally posted by rutgersdave:
Who took the guns in the blender? They must have been watching him when he stacked the guns away.
Didn't he only stash one gun in the blender?

Very suspicious though.

And why do Daryl and Michonne get to keep their weapons? Only collected guns I guess?
Originally posted by rutgersdave:
Who took the guns in the blender? They must have been watching him when he stacked the guns away.
My guess is the girl. She obviously goes over the wall on the reg, so she must be up to something.
I'm thinking these people started it all. Hollywood always finds a way to blame America.. big business, defense, etc.. the Pentagon is in neighboring Arlington.

Those interview videos.. for "transparency"?.. who is that really for? My guess is some big muckety-muck.

Another thought is that 53 mile radius thing.. that's as far south as Fredicksburg, VA and northeast to Baltimore and northwest to Frederick, MD... In Federick is Fort Detrick.. US Army Medical command. I think they need "the group" to go someplace like that to get something they want.

This post was edited on 3/2 9:41 AM by GoodOl'Rutgers
At the end Rick says if it doesn't work out with these people, they can just take Alexandria for themselves. Wonder if our heros will become the bad guys this time?
I LOVED this week's episode. So much suspense building.

Carol's little homemaker innocent act is awesome. So cagey.

I fear Daryl might want to just bolt, even if things were actually good in Alexandria, but hope not. The show is better with him in it.

Clearly, Alexandria has not been seriously tested. That's not much of a gate and the guys making the supply runs have no idea what they are dealing with. There is little evidence of any large walker hordes or bad guys in the area. I don't think Rick etc will become the bad guys in the sense of taking over the town and kicking the original inhabitants out, but Rick will assume power as required to make sure his (extended) family is safe.

The missing gun from the blender - I doubt it was the girl. She couldn't have wrapped the walker in the carpet near the drop site. It was a trap of some sort. It could have been the guys that Deanna exiled from Alexandria.

Can't wait to see how this plays out!
The one thing that does bother me is the suggestion that Alexandria "hasn't been seriously tested". It's a very densely populated area and, frankly, the densely forested area that appears in the show doesn't exist. The producers have taken very obvious liberties with the terrain which makes the plot development very unpredictable.
The show has become terribly predictable. This is why I believe we see the group truly assimilate now. The show then can progress with bigger more exciting battles for survival plus the corruption from inside the community will probably be something that the plot line roots out. In a large group like that there is always someone that gets power hungry. It's human nature. Then that causes some kind of split. And we now have a civil war.
I don't think it's predictable. I'm enjoying it. Maybe more predictable for those who read the comics?
Actually last night's episode was not predictable but everyone has an opinion...The group will assimilate only to a point and of course there is " something rotten in Alexandria"...the girl is a clue but what does she know or do that can impact the compound ?...Darryl is going to get bumped sooner than later...It is difficult to maintain a suspenseful series week after week but I think the writers have done a good job for the most part...
I know what happens (in the comic anyway, the show changes things so who knows how it will play out on the TV show) so it is fun to read you guys trying to figure it out.

As far as the EP last night, it was very tense and it keeps you guessing.

There are only 4 eps left in this season.
Darryl and Rick are a study in contrasts. Darryl is demonstratively unaffected by the conveniences of "home" likely because he never had them before. He carries the dead opossum around by the tail inside the immaculate house, then dresses it on the
clean front porch, innards and blood leaking out all over the place. Those on the porch around him kind of ignore him, kind of.

Then, later, Carol to Darryl (to the effect of): "When are you going to shower? You
need to shower. You better shower or I'm going to hose you down." You expect her to add, "And that hair, man. Will you please cut that hair?"

In contrast, Rick immediately showers and
shaves, and gets a haircut. Rick pretty quickly resumes pieces of his pre-walker identity.
Darryl never changed. He's openly suspicious of the compound, and now maybe suspect of Rick, who becomes the local LEO.

As another poster indicated, it looks like Rick & Co. could, in fact, come to be the "dark" force that undermines the compound. Interesting storyline.

This post was edited on 3/2 12:56 PM by RUinPinehurst
Still not sure how "well oiled" this place is..... The scouting party lost 4 members recently, and where are they getting their food from?
I don't think Daryl or Michonne care much about the guns.... They still have their weapons...
Why was Daryl allowed to keep his crossbow? And they were allowed knives.... Why did they only take guns?
Originally posted by R1766U:
Why was Daryl allowed to keep his crossbow? And they were allowed knives.... Why did they only take guns?
Because somewhere you have to draw the line between disarming everyone and allowing them some semblance of personal security. It appears that edge weapons are permitted in Alexandria.

I suspect that Daryl still having his crossbow is the attempt to not have to spend 12 minutes of air resolving how that happens. Instead, they gave in to the obvious conclusion.
I refuse to read the comics until this show comes to an end. I'm beyond excited for this season.

They've shown they're willing to off a character at any moment. I can't really see how that is "predictable."
Thought the episode was really well done. Could Morgan have taken the gun, is he still following the group?
Originally posted by RUinPinehurst:
Darryl and Rick are a study in contrasts. Darryl is demonstratively unaffected by the conveniences of "home" likely because he never had them before. He carries the dead opossum around by the tail inside the immaculate house, then dresses it on the
clean front porch, innards and blood leaking out all over the place. Those on the porch around him kind of ignore him, kind of.

Then, later, Carol to Darryl (to the effect of): "When are you going to shower? You
need to shower. You better shower or I'm going to hose you down." You expect her to add, "And that hair, man. Will you please cut that hair?"

In contrast, Rick immediately showers and
shaves, and gets a haircut. Rick pretty quickly resumes pieces of his pre-walker identity.
Darryl never changed. He's openly suspicious of the compound, and now maybe suspect of Rick, who becomes the local LEO.

As another poster indicated, it looks like Rick & Co. could, in fact, come to be the "dark" force that undermines the compound. Interesting storyline.

This post was edited on 3/2 12:56 PM by RUinPinehurst
Is it me, or does Darryl's filthy appearance skeeve you out? Darryl doesn't just need a shower. He needs to be steamed cleaned and scrubbed with Brillo. That's just to clean his skin. His greasy hair presents a whole other problem. Maybe a 50 pound bag of quick dry oil absorbent and a 5 gallon jug of Grease Relief will get the oil and grease out of his hair?

This post was edited on 3/3 10:24 AM by batts
I don't see Daryl showering anytime soon. Didn't he get rinsed a bit when it rained on them though?
Originally posted by RU4Real:
The one thing that does bother me is the suggestion that Alexandria "hasn't been seriously tested". It's a very densely populated area and, frankly, the densely forested area that appears in the show doesn't exist. The producers have taken very obvious liberties with the terrain which makes the plot development very unpredictable.
The women leading the group says something about how there were mass evacuations of the area. This group was told to stay put and wait for the army to return, but the army never returned.

So there actually were very few people in the area.
Rick didn't look very happy about his missing gun.....

Still wondering who took it and why.
Originally posted by R1766U:
Why was Daryl allowed to keep his crossbow? And they were allowed knives.... Why did they only take guns?
Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by rutgersdave:
Who took the guns in the blender? They must have been watching him when he stacked the guns away.
My guess is the girl. She obviously goes over the wall on the reg, so she must be up to something.
My guess is she was / is still with one of the four that were kicked out of the community. Deanna said that action was essentially a death penalty (which makes sense for someone who has been as sheltered as many of the residents appear). However, they could have caught on with another group in the area. If so, they might have designs on claiming Alexandria for their own (as Rick hinted it would be a possibility for his group to do).

Life in Alexandria, with no external conflict, is the end of the show. I can't imagine the show turning into "Leave it to Beaver" with an occasional zombie attack.
Originally posted by sherrane:

Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by rutgersdave:
Who took the guns in the blender? They must have been watching him when he stacked the guns away.
My guess is the girl. She obviously goes over the wall on the reg, so she must be up to something.
My guess is she was / is still with one of the four that were kicked out of the community. Deanna said that action was essentially a death penalty (which makes sense for someone who has been as sheltered as many of the residents appear). However, they could have caught on with another group in the area. If so, they might have designs on claiming Alexandria for their own (as Rick hinted it would be a possibility for his group to do).

Life in Alexandria, with no external conflict, is the end of the show. I can't imagine the show turning into "Leave it to Beaver" with an occasional zombie attack.
They've already sowed the seeds of dissension with the fight with Glenn and generally showing how weak an inept these people are. Best quote of the night was when Carl said something about them being weak, and he didn't want to get weak. You have to love Rick and Carl's little walker killing practice round to keep their skills sharp. Good stuff.
Originally posted by Crazed_RU:
They've already sowed the seeds of dissension with the fight with Glenn and generally showing how weak an inept these people are. Best quote of the night was when Carl said something about them being weak, and he didn't want to get weak. You have to love Rick and Carl's little walker killing practice round to keep their skills sharp. Good stuff.
Their ineptitude was better demonstrated by what essentially started the fight. A walker kills some of their scavengers and they hang it from a tree? It isn't as if the walkers have anything other than a very primitive cognitive process. It cannot understand punishment. There is no reward for doing this other than some sadistic entertainment / gratification.

RutgersDave observed the only real danger is from other humans (excluding a hoard of walkers from a few episodes earlier). That's why I believe the girl was going to see some other group. She could very well be spying on Alexandria for a group who wants to conquer it. I suspect the Alexandria group is aware there are others who want to conquer them, which is why Rick and the group was accepted into the community. Alexandria knows they can be conquered fairly easily unless they have advanced weapons to defend themselves with.
I've read the comics but enjoy the show a ton. The show diverges, has different characters but damn, this season finale is most likely going to be jaw dropping if they try to mimic anything near where the comic goes. Strap in folks.
How long until Rick gets it on with the blond? She is hittig on him, has a husband who doesnt like Rick, and Rick needs it. How are they generating power? Why are there no cars in town. Its all houses sort of like a twilight zone episode. The town is 1 street wide? New houses inside the wall and a ghetto just outside. Alot is not right there. Just saying and maybe its the writing producing?
Originally posted by RUtix4me:
How long until Rick gets it on with the blond? She is hittig on him, has a husband who doesnt like Rick, and Rick needs it. How are they generating power?[/B] Why are there no cars in town. Its all houses sort of like a twilight zone episode. The town is 1 street wide? New houses inside the wall and a ghetto just outside. Alot is not right there. Just saying and maybe its the writing producing?
Well, they are taking liberties here. THey have solar power but no where near enough panels that were shown to power all those houses (at least 15 which is the amount built for the set) Plus, there was no mention of a Battery storage facility, so I don't remember if they had power at night, but they would not have power at night or on very overcast days without batteries. THe amount of battery storage needed for 15+ houses, even with reduced energy demand, would be enormous, and I highly doubt they have it.
I just plain don't like it, from a security perspective. There just aren't nearly enough qualified people to defend a layout that big. You might as well not have the walls at all, since they're ultimately going to get breached without anyone knowing about it.
Originally posted by RU4Real:
I just plain don't like it, from a security perspective. There just aren't nearly enough qualified people to defend a layout that big. You might as well not have the walls at all, since they're ultimately going to get breached without anyone knowing about it.
I hope Rick has them build a much more secure Gate. Perhaps an inner and outer gate similar to what they had at the prison. They have a whole mall under construction to get materials from.
Originally posted by JPhoboken:

Originally posted by RU4Real:
I just plain don't like it, from a security perspective. There just aren't nearly enough qualified people to defend a layout that big. You might as well not have the walls at all, since they're ultimately going to get breached without anyone knowing about it.
I hope Rick has them build a much more secure Gate. Perhaps an inner and outer gate similar to what they had at the prison. They have a whole mall under construction to get materials from.
There's a mall?

Plus they have running water?