OT: Walking Dead

Good show - so where is Carol going?

Next episode preview looks like Daryl is off on his motorcycle - to find Carol?

Does Negan know where Rick's group is hanging out? I assume so, indicated by the stockpiles of weapons being brought to the gate/wall area......

At least Daryl also now has his crossbow back....
Do you know the timing of TV Show vs Comic? In other words, was this death written into the comic BEFORE there was a TV Show?

We have seen where "Rickshonne" was not in the comic, but was done for TV because of fan interest... so I have to wonder if this will work its way into the comic... will choices in the comic be made because of things in the TV show?

I wonder the same about GRRM's Game of Thrones series. The TV and Books have diverged from the beginning, largely because of format I would assume. But now the TV show is surpassing the books' timeline. So, I assume, GRRM provides some overall guidance.. but I also assume that if something works really well in the TV show that GRRM will seem to be forced into using it. Then again, he is famous for hating fan fiction, so maybe he will switch things up just to reassert his ownership of the written words.

The death was done in 2012, so 4 years ago. In the comic Abraham is the one who gets killed the same way by the same person. They changed it to the female doctor.

As far as GRRM, he couldn't give a damn what the TV show does, he will complete his story his way. There hasn't been any examples of anything from the show affecting the books in anyway. GRRM is not known to comprise his vision, so there is little to no chance of that happening.
As far as GRRM, he couldn't give a damn what the TV show does, he will complete his story his way. There hasn't been any examples of anything from the show affecting the books in anyway. GRRM is not known to comprise his vision, so there is little to no chance of that happening.

We'll see, won't we?
Will the comics go on indefinitely? (I haven't read, no real desire to)
LOL, no need the next book is almost finished, so so it can't change.

The ending was written in the 1990's.

Again, we shall see. Just because the ending doesn't change doesn't mean that GRRM will be unaffected by the TV show and its writers. Already he has put aside the next volume to collaborate on both the TV show and the compendium of "The World of Ice and Fire"

And GRRM has had inconsistencies in his world already. So the forging of the TV Story and his written word, in his mind, could result in more. or perhaps working on the expanded history of his world might lead to a more constant universe.

As I said, we shall see.
Again, we shall see. Just because the ending doesn't change doesn't mean that GRRM will be unaffected by the TV show and its writers. Already he has put aside the next volume to collaborate on both the TV show and the compendium of "The World of Ice and Fire"

And GRRM has had inconsistencies in his world already. So the forging of the TV Story and his written word, in his mind, could result in more. or perhaps working on the expanded history of his world might lead to a more constant universe.

As I said, we shall see.

Sorry, but this in't really a we shall see kind of thing, it is a more like a no way in hell this will ever happen kind of thing. Games of Thrones is just a dumb down version of the books, it is not a lot different like Walking Dead is. Apples and oranges. GRRM sat down with the producers to tell them what will happen in the finally two books, the last 2/3 seasons will be based on that discussions.
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Sorry, but this in't really a we shall see kind of thing, it is a more like a no way in hell this will ever happen kind of thing. Games of Thrones is just a dumb down version of the books, it is not a lot different like Walking Dead is. Apples and oranges. GRRM say down with the producers to tell them what will happen in the finally two books, the last 2/3 seasons will be based on that discussions.

It has already affected him..

Check it out GRRM is specifically adding a twist to be different than the TV show. While the opposite of making things match the TV show.. it is clear that the TV show affected the decision... in fact, since the TV show is produced faster than he produces the books, the TV show allowed him to differentiate by making decisions on characters fates BEFORE GRRM got around to it. Perhaps GRRM has planned to kill off a certain character.. or allowed the TV writers to think so.. but now he is suggesting that he plans to twist things up and have the character survive. Since he calls it a "twist".. wouldn't the "untwisted" version mean that GRRM is matching the TV show in most things?

I get it.. GRRM says he and the books are not affected by the TV Show.. I just don't buy it. He will either try to use somehting that worked in the TV show or do something to reinforce the idea that the books are independent.. either way, he is affected.

BTW.. TV Show is a lil over a month away.. April 24.
So will the TV show catch up to the books at some point? Then what? Wait?
Missed it last night so I'm just catching up now. Lady Doctor's death was pretty freaking fun. I hate when they waste deaths of semi-important or important characters, like if a zombie just randomly bit then during an attack they saw coming. But Lady Doctor's like "F you, I'm going to take a risk. I'm going to live it up. You should too! I want a F'ing soda. Oh, and there's an arrow in my eye."
Good show - so where is Carol going?

Next episode preview looks like Daryl is off on his motorcycle - to find Carol?

Does Negan know where Rick's group is hanging out? I assume so, indicated by the stockpiles of weapons being brought to the gate/wall area......

At least Daryl also now has his crossbow back....

When (if) Alexandria runs out of ammo, things could get interesting. Will Eugene be able to manufacture rounds? I have my doubts.
I really believe the term "Jumped the Shark" has jumped the shark. People love being the 1st person to decide something isn't worth watching. You think they would just stop watching if they were getting no enjoyment out of it. Every week in the TWD thread someone says the same thing. Who will it be next week? Stay tuned.

I will say it, thats why I stopped watching, so many jump the shark moments but when Glen survived I bailed for good. I just read this thread here to see what is happening each week
It has already affected him..

Check it out GRRM is specifically adding a twist to be different than the TV show. While the opposite of making things match the TV show.. it is clear that the TV show affected the decision... in fact, since the TV show is produced faster than he produces the books, the TV show allowed him to differentiate by making decisions on characters fates BEFORE GRRM got around to it. Perhaps GRRM has planned to kill off a certain character.. or allowed the TV writers to think so.. but now he is suggesting that he plans to twist things up and have the character survive. Since he calls it a "twist".. wouldn't the "untwisted" version mean that GRRM is matching the TV show in most things?

I get it.. GRRM says he and the books are not affected by the TV Show.. I just don't buy it. He will either try to use somehting that worked in the TV show or do something to reinforce the idea that the books are independent.. either way, he is affected.

BTW.. TV Show is a lil over a month away.. April 24.

Either you are not understanding what I mean or I am not understanding what you mean.

To be super clear:

That character died on the TV already. Since GRRM couldn't care less what happens on the TV show he is going to go ahead and do a big twist with that character in the books. Nothing that happens on the show will ever change what he has planned for the books,
I will say it, thats why I stopped watching, so many jump the shark moments but when Glen survived I bailed for good. I just read this thread here to see what is happening each week

Bac, That's exactly how I felt. I now try to watch the show and enjoy it for what it is, a post-Armageddon survival series in which the Zombies are not the primary threat to the group's existence. I now ignore the fact writers are catering to the viewing audience to sustain ratings by keeping certain fan favorites such as Glenn, Maggie, Darryl, etc alive. I actually enjoyed last week's show. Give it another chance with this perspective in mind.
Alicia Witt is awesome. She also played Delores Pasternak on "Two and a Half Men". Great role.

I always remembered her in the 'D-Girl' episode in the Sopranos.

she banged Moltisanti even though she was dating his cousin.

I always remembered her in the 'D-Girl' episode in the Sopranos.

she banged Moltisanti even though she was dating his cousin.


YES! I remember that, it was a great episode.

She's such a wonderfully talented psychobitch. She should really get more gigs.
Either you are not understanding what I mean or I am not understanding what you mean.

To be super clear:

That character died on the TV already. Since GRRM couldn't care less what happens on the TV show he is going to go ahead and do a big twist with that character in the books. Nothing that happens on the show will ever change what he has planned for the books,

You are missing HIS point. GRRM said he was thinking about a twist.. not that the twist was already worked into his story. The fact that the character died on the TV show factored into his decision process. In this case to o something different than the TV show.. but who is to say he won't go the other way on some other TV show vs his book decision? Sure, his ending is said to be complete.. and he has shared that with the TV writers already. So the TV writers will not break with the ending... with completing the arc of the story as GRRM designed it.

But GRRM said his writing is of the "gardener" variety.. plant seeds and see what grows from it... as opposed to the architect variety where everything is designed from the start. Your argument suggests that GRRM is an architect with the plan for the books already complete.. and he has said the opposite. GRRM knows where he has to end up.. but he has a whole world to play with to get there and plenty of it can be played with. I am saying that the TV show has already affected his decision process and will continue to do so.. how can it not?

Now. if his "twist" is that zombie Lady Stark is out there.. well, that is already in the books and different than the TV show... I don't know how that can be it and if it is that is a sign that the TV show chose to differ than the book, not the other way around. But if it is Jon Stark, who knows nothing, and he is really dead on the TV show but will be resurrected in the books.. or never die in the books... then we have a case where GRRM saw what they did in the TV show and decided to go the other way... maybe because of how fans reacted to the TV show. Maybe he saw the character die.. something maybe he encouraged in giving the writers guidance.. then saw it and said.. no, I cannot do that to Jon Snow.
Downside of Alexandria (the real one anyway) is that there are probably not of reloading supplies laying around. Not exactly a gun friendly place. Now if Rick and Co. managed to make it to Hamburg, PA, they could go to Cabella's and reload ammo till the cows come home.
You are missing HIS point. GRRM said he was thinking about a twist.. not that the twist was already worked into his story. The fact that the character died on the TV show factored into his decision process. In this case to o something different than the TV show.. but who is to say he won't go the other way on some other TV show vs his book decision? Sure, his ending is said to be complete.. and he has shared that with the TV writers already. So the TV writers will not break with the ending... with completing the arc of the story as GRRM designed it.

But GRRM said his writing is of the "gardener" variety.. plant seeds and see what grows from it... as opposed to the architect variety where everything is designed from the start. Your argument suggests that GRRM is an architect with the plan for the books already complete.. and he has said the opposite. GRRM knows where he has to end up.. but he has a whole world to play with to get there and plenty of it can be played with. I am saying that the TV show has already affected his decision process and will continue to do so.. how can it not?

Now. if his "twist" is that zombie Lady Stark is out there.. well, that is already in the books and different than the TV show... I don't know how that can be it and if it is that is a sign that the TV show chose to differ than the book, not the other way around. But if it is Jon Stark, who knows nothing, and he is really dead on the TV show but will be resurrected in the books.. or never die in the books... then we have a case where GRRM saw what they did in the TV show and decided to go the other way... maybe because of how fans reacted to the TV show. Maybe he saw the character die.. something maybe he encouraged in giving the writers guidance.. then saw it and said.. no, I cannot do that to Jon Snow.

I understand what you are saying, I just don't agree that is what is happening here, but we are way off topic, so lets just agree to disagree.
Only two more episodes this season! I understand the season finale is 1 1/2 hrs.

I'm guessing that either Glenn, Abraham, or Carol don't make it. No way they kill off Rick/Carl/Daryl or Maggie. The rest, who knows.....
I think it will be Abraham. The last two to go will be Maggie and Glenn, simply because they should have been gone long ago.
The Carol storyline is stupid...she was like a female Rambo all season, she was shooting those girls in the head, she almost killed Morgan or wanted to anyways. Now she's a pacifist? makes no sense at all imo.
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The group is splitting up, season is ending, must be time for a major attack on Alexandria.

And since when is George R. R. Martin writing for The Walking Dead? Take that GoT nonsense to another thread!
The group is splitting up, season is ending, must be time for a major attack on Alexandria.

And since when is George R. R. Martin writing for The Walking Dead? Take that GoT nonsense to another thread!
I actually don't mind he merging of the discussion in this thread. These two shows are like the only ones I watch so to get some good banter simultaneously is great.

For the record, GRRM claims in his blog that he doesn't fret too much about differences between tv and the books as they will both end the same way but perhaps get there differently. I think this is just his way of telling all the readers to efff off and he is still going to take his sweet old time writing the books. He is notoriously always behind schedule which is why we see one book every 4-5 years. To get overlap was inevitable.
The Carol storyline is stupid...she was like a female Rambo all season, she was shooting those girls in the head, she almost killed Morgan or wanted to anyways. Now she's a pacifist? makes no sense at all imo.

I agree - where is she going anyway?
The Carol storyline is stupid...she was like a female Rambo all season, she was shooting those girls in the head, she almost killed Morgan or wanted to anyways. Now she's a pacifist? makes no sense at all imo.

When you stay in a place like Alexandria, or the farm, or the prison, you notice a big return to what your serene life once was. I'm pretty sure there's been a long gap in real time during this season. If you go months without being attacked by other people or zombies, you start sensing more normalcy in your life and hope for that to be permanent. Sure, Carol is a badass, or at least capable of it, but she's always wanted to return to that "baking cookies" lifestyle. They've tried pushing that for many episodes over the last few seasons.
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Maybe she will get captured or Daryl will get capture looking for her and Negan will take care of them both?

That would be quite the shocker.

I have no idea what will happen other than the last two eps will be intense and the last one might be too much for some viewers.
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Sure, Carol is a badass, or at least capable of it, but she's always wanted to return to that "baking cookies" lifestyle. They've tried pushing that for many episodes over the last few seasons.

Well, she's not going to be baking any cookies by leaving...... It's not nice out there.
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I'd like to see a motorcycle chase scene with Daryl and Negan's guys. (Really Jax Telller from S.O.A., but they couldn't use characters from another network.)
The group is splitting up, season is ending, must be time for a major attack on Alexandria.

And since when is George R. R. Martin writing for The Walking Dead? Take that GoT nonsense to another thread!

As Ian McShane recently said, "It's just tits and dragons."
yeah but its so out of left field and like RU1977 says above, she's not gonna be baking cookies out there.

When you stay in a place like Alexandria, or the farm, or the prison, you notice a big return to what your serene life once was. I'm pretty sure there's been a long gap in real time during this season. If you go months without being attacked by other people or zombies, you start sensing more normalcy in your life and hope for that to be permanent. Sure, Carol is a badass, or at least capable of it, but she's always wanted to return to that "baking cookies" lifestyle. They've tried pushing that for many episodes over the last few seasons.
This would piss everyone off but there have been whispers that the "meeting Lucille" scene will be shot from the receiver's POV and you don't see who was picked. Just Negan going "you" and swinging and there's screaming and you see the POV go to black after a couple swings. Setting up a cliffhanger for October as to who it was. Again this is just rumors.
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This would piss everyone off but there have been whispers that the "meeting Lucille" scene will be shot from the receiver's POV and you don't see who was picked. Just Negan going "you" and swinging and there's screaming and you see the POV go to black after a couple swings. Setting up a cliffhanger for October as to who it was. Again this is just rumors.

I wouldn't be surprised.