OT: Who Killed NJ's "Pedals the Bear"?


All American
Aug 27, 2011
All over local (Triangle) news this morning. Seems some NJ hunter shot and killed this famous bear this past week. Pedals made the news last year or so, captured on video walking upright on his hind legs. It seems he had some sort of ursine handicap.

So who did in Pedals?
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Bear hunting is legal in NJ, so there isn't any legal issue with killing Pedals.

But assuming the hunter recognized the bear he was shooting, you have to wonder what he was thinking when he took aim on a bear that was named and had a following. Didn't he learn anything from the dentist that shot Cecil the Lion.

Shooting Pedals the Bear has the potential to upend his life. At the least it will add fuel to those who oppose bear hunting, potentially limited bear hunting in NJ in the future.
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State police are looking for the following persons of interest.

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I heard there is no evidence Pedals was killed as no one has any DNA evidence. I just hope the hunters were also trying to thin out the dear population at the same time. In one and a half years I hit 2 dear on 206. 10 thousand dollars in damage done to my Jeep and whiplash that lasted for 1 year after the first deer was hit. People should not get their panty's in a bunch over this bear!
Over 7000 permits for bear hunting sold, about 500 bear harvested. either there are tons of Elmer Fudd's relatives hunting Bear or its just not as easy as everyone thinks.
If it were easy the #s would bear this out.
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A bear with a deformity was killed during the hunt? A net positive for the population as a whole.
How are the decisions surrounding the bear hunt political? Is it because the bears don't vote or pay taxes?
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All over local (Triangle) news this morning. Seems some NJ hunter shot and killed this famous bear this past week. Pedals made the news last year or so, captured on video walking upright on his hind legs. It seems he had some sort of ursine handicap.

So who did in Pedals?
A hunter.
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Although I don't hunt myself, hunting in New Jersey is a very effective and necessary tool to manage the deer and bear populations. I never did understand the viewpoint of ppl that oppose hunting.

Yeah...what could go wrong with a bunch of Yahoos playing Daniel Boone re-enacting sitting out in the woods, sipping on their JD, and waiting for some poor bear to come along so they can shoot it....from a safe distance of course.'s hunting. These are probably the same hopeless lot that used their magnifying glass on ants when they were children. Heartless duds.
And to pretend that this "hunt" is some intelligent way to limit the bear population ? Dunderheads all.
Yeah...what could go wrong with a bunch of Yahoos playing Daniel Boone re-enacting sitting out in the woods, sipping on their JD, and waiting for some poor bear to come along so they can shoot it....from a safe distance of course.'s hunting. These are probably the same hopeless lot that used their magnifying glass on ants when they were children. Heartless duds.
And to pretend that this "hunt" is some intelligent way to limit the bear population ? Dunderheads all.

1. Are you a vegetarian? If the bear is eaten by the person who shot it, what exactly is the problem with that?

2. Identify a better method to limit the bear population.

Bonus question: Why is the bear poor? If you feel sorry for the bear getting killed by a human, don't you feel equally relieved that all the animals the bear would have so heartlessly killed and eaten during its lifetime are now safe?
Yeah...what could go wrong with a bunch of Yahoos playing Daniel Boone re-enacting sitting out in the woods, sipping on their JD, and waiting for some poor bear to come along so they can shoot it....from a safe distance of course.'s hunting. These are probably the same hopeless lot that used their magnifying glass on ants when they were children. Heartless duds.
And to pretend that this "hunt" is some intelligent way to limit the bear population ? Dunderheads all.
The first three days of the bear hunt were archery only, therefore the shots were taken at close range. An archery season for bear is an effective method of ensuring some success for a bear management hunt since a couple of years out of the last few had lower harvest amounts because the abnormally cold weather in early December caused bears to den up early. The bear population in New Jersey got out of control in some areas because of no bear hunting for approximately 30 years. It is a bear management hunt. Any bear taken whether big or small, famous or not is a part of the solution.
according to the story I saw posted yesterday Pedals was taken by a hunter who bragged about it and was claiming for some time how he wanted to take this this particular bear.

There had in fact been fund-raising going on to save this one particular bear and bring him to a nature safe zone somewhere in NY. Didn't happen in time.

Bear has a deformed paw for ID purposes.
according to the story I saw posted yesterday Pedals was taken by a hunter who bragged about it and was claiming for some time how he wanted to take this this particular bear.

There had in fact been fund-raising going on to save this one particular bear and bring him to a nature safe zone somewhere in NY. Didn't happen in time.

Bear has a deformed paw for ID purposes.
Good thing Pedals is the only bear in the entire NJ population that has a deformed paw.
He learned to walk because of his deformity. I am personally a deer hunter so I am sure some would probably consider me heartless but this story is pretty depressing.

Not (even) arguing pro or con bear hunt but Cecil the lion was basically a paid assination for $50,000-a "trophy" Hunting was not permitted when Cecil was killed and the j*rk dentist could have cared less and flaunted his money and "power".

Peddles unfortunately? was part of a legal bear hunt designed to kill the heard. Peddles had a deformity? and if the hunter saw he may as well through he was doing good. If it was a genetic deformity one can argue from a biological standpoint it made the population stronger. I believe hunters are taught not to leave animals wounded.
Watching the peddles video RIP-in the wake of "killer clown" sightings-I'm wondering whether a hunter saw and was scared off his rocker thinking it was some "yee-ha".

He has been saying for quite a while that he specifically wanted to take this bear out. Sounds like a douche that wanted a trophy moment. He is going to get the opposite.
He has been saying for quite a while that he specifically wanted to take this bear out. Sounds like a douche that wanted a trophy moment. He is going to get the opposite.

Oh I just got up (sorry) I'm a night person who had 1-2 hours of sleep before Saturdays nooner). Didn't realize they know who did it. Another grown up Bevis or butthead.
No reason to kill a defenseless animal unless they are threatening you. These ppl that live up in NW NJ should either live with the fact they've CHOSEN to live where bears live and deal with it or MOVE.
Bears are not defenseless