OT: Without naming the film…

- “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

- "Sir!... Sir!... Here's a good stick, to beat the lovely lady."

- "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers."

- "You'll shoot your eye out"

- "Keep the change, ya filthy animal."

- "Life is like a box of chocolates"

- "Yes, it's true... This man has no dick."

- "Elliot is a fat kid with glasses who eats paste"

- "I want my two dollars!"

- "Are you not entertained?!"

- "Wilson!"
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The winner of today's mystery meat contest is little Jeffrey Corbin who guessed some kind of beef.

You're Abe Froman? The Sausage King of Chicago?

Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?

Call the hospital. Tell them to expect two sorry looking assholes with multiple contusions and broken bones.
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We're not Watusi, we're not Spartans, we're Americans with a capital A. You know what that means? Our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country on this earth. We are the wretched refuse.

We're American soldiers. We've been kicking ass for 200 years. We're ten and one.

Listen up, hoss. You start running a respectable bidness, and I won't have to come down here and hassle you every night.

There's a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Reggie Hammond. Ya'll be cool.

Anyone who doesn't want to get killed better clear out of here.
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"He had a quiet way about him, a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here."
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I want them all. I want all the Warriors.

I'm gonna shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle.

"Are you aiming for these people?"
"No. Maybe that mime."

The only way we'll wind up laying together is if we're hit by the same car.
The problem was that there was a bloody Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf. That tends to understate the hugeness of the monument.

I fart in your general direction.

Your father was a hamster and your mother smells of elderberries.

Of course we are French. Where do you think we got these ridiculous accents?

Run away or I will be forced to taunt you a second time.