Our "long term" worry.


All American
May 29, 2003
We might be in the winners circle today but at some point you have to think the big dogs are not going to want to share "the money" with lesser and smaller conference members.

We're talking $100s of million a year. It's enough to get UCLA and USC to leave the PAC 12 (a conference they founded).

At some point is the money enough to get the big dogs to break off on their own in the SEC and BIG and keep all the money for themselves?

the bigger the conferences get the more likelihood the bigger teams break away. Especially those bringing in the bulk of the revenue.
How about we all start thinking more optimistically on these boards!!

How about we become the king of all college football with the massive amount of $$$ we are about to get in the BEST conference in the land along with the Tri state media backdrop. We can be the new blue blood
We might be in the winners circle today but at some point you have to think the big dogs are not going to want to share "the money" with lesser and smaller conference members.

We're talking $100s of million a year. It's enough to get UCLA and USC to leave the PAC 12 (a conference they founded).

At some point is the money enough to get the big dogs to break off on their own in the SEC and BIG and keep all the money for themselves?

the bigger the conferences get the more likelihood the bigger teams break away. Especially those bringing in the bulk of the revenue.
When is one of these schools moving to the NY/NJ Metro area or the DMV metro area? Last I checked Illinois and Northwestern were in the Chicago area, I don't think of them as the big dogs. Schools are not going to vote out members for less money. All these schools pay for themselves and then some. Some of you don't get how this works.
It could . But we bring nyc market and we stink. Body of work is we stink .The big dogs like getting wins against someone .
And if we ever get respectable we will bring in tv dollars
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You have serious problems people. It is solely up to us. The football team winning doesn’t occur in a vacuum. It’s time for everyone capable to pony up. Donate. We have a historically disgraceful endowment. If YOU build it they will come
You have serious problems people. It is solely up to us. The football team winning doesn’t occur in a vacuum. It’s time for everyone capable to pony up. Donate. We have a historically disgraceful endowment. If YOU build it they will come
Yep ! Amen
We might be in the winners circle today but at some point you have to think the big dogs are not going to want to share "the money" with lesser and smaller conference members.

We're talking $100s of million a year. It's enough to get UCLA and USC to leave the PAC 12 (a conference they founded).

At some point is the money enough to get the big dogs to break off on their own in the SEC and BIG and keep all the money for themselves?

the bigger the conferences get the more likelihood the bigger teams break away. Especially those bringing in the bulk of the revenue.
An astute observation and a worry going forward for RU. Why more of the cheerleaders don’t understand this is perplexing. Conference expansion is a double edged sword and nothing is guaranteed.
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Typical Rutgers fan view on life in general:

We Are Doomed Reaction GIF
jeeze a look at us we're screwed message because the conference now is coast to coast.
Some RU fans find horror in any and every move that makes the conference stronger and better off financial.
Rutgers will be fine, but if you want to hide under the table, maybe you should.
Once RU went B1G the loser mentality should have been lost and feeling like a winner begin
Guess some of you like staying in the loser mentality and find fault with the possibility Rutgers is now in a good place
The P5 (perhaps soon to be P4) includes the majority of FBS schools. Without this critical mass it won’t be NCAA-aligned anymore, and won’t have the programming content to sustain and grow revenue. But if somehow we see contraction to 30-40 teams and a semi-pro academic sham, good riddance. We’d then be swimming with fish our own size and would actually have a chance to win. In our current conference we do not. That’s fine, because of the conference payout and seeing the big boys play in Piscataway a few times a year and not just on TV in NYD bowls.
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In history how rare is it that a P5 booted a member? Do pro leagues kick out smaller market cities that have not been the most successful, let alone a bigger market one.

The moves to add teams don’t just happen because you woke up on the right side of the bed today and then you woke up on the wrong side the next day and am like eh kick them out. These aren’t willy nilly moves that just happen on a whim. If you’re in you’re in for a good reason, specifically recent additions. It’s not some legacy or historical thing.

Also it’s not like we even have a long history of this level of backing and support and have nothing to show for it. From what I read here sounds like the Olympic sports are better than ever. Basketball is as good as it has been in a generation. Football needs to come around but again we haven’t had the time yet either. It hasn’t even been a decade yet.

I’ve also said the enticement to get ND is having a national conference coast to coast. You think ND if they come won’t want a presence in NYC/DC on the east coast? The B10 has gone to the trouble of being bold and a pioneer to create the first national CFB conference and they would just undo it? I tend to think no.
Wonder if Indiana, Illinois , Northwestern and some other B1G boards are filled with those claiming the end is near, we're not good enough to keep, because the B1G just got stronger .
Or is having a losing mentality during the height of success only an RU thing.
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They all can't win every game, they will need bottom feeders. It also helps that there really is no other alternative in the NYC metro area and you can't have a legit league without a NYC metro area presence.
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In history how rare is it that a P5 booted a member? Do pro leagues kick out smaller market cities that have not been the most successful, let alone a bigger market one.

The moves to add teams don’t just happen because you woke up on the right side of the bed today and then you woke up on the wrong side the next day and am like eh kick them out. These aren’t willy nilly moves that just happen on a whim. If you’re in you’re in for a good reason, specifically recent additions. It’s not some legacy or historical thing.

Also it’s not like we even have a long history of this level of backing and support and have nothing to show for it. From what I read here sounds like the Olympic sports are better than ever. Basketball is as good as it has been in a generation. Football needs to come around but again we haven’t had the time yet either. It hasn’t even been a decade yet.

I’ve also said the enticement to get ND is having a national conference coast to coast. You think ND if they come won’t want a presence in NYC/DC on the east coast? The B10 has gone to the trouble of being bold and a pioneer to create the first national CFB conference and they would just undo it? I tend to think no.
Post of the year on this topic.
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Think it's far more likely there is a future push / negotiation around disproportionate revenue sharing than somebody me getting booted.
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Think it's far more likely there is a future push / negotiation around disproportionate revenue sharing than somebody me getting booted.
Agreed, at some point we might be asked to take less money, that is a real possibility.
We might be in the winners circle today but at some point you have to think the big dogs are not going to want to share "the money" with lesser and smaller conference members.

We're talking $100s of million a year. It's enough to get UCLA and USC to leave the PAC 12 (a conference they founded).

At some point is the money enough to get the big dogs to break off on their own in the SEC and BIG and keep all the money for themselves?

the bigger the conferences get the more likelihood the bigger teams break away. Especially those bringing in the bulk of the revenue.
I noted in another thread that once this deal expires, in 10 to 15 years you could have the bluebloods of 16 to 20 teams peel off to form a premier conference and the rest left to relegated status. I put those odds well over 50% right now.
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Ok let's get this straight.

1. Last week we were a member of one of the two premier conferences in the NCAA.
2. This week we are still a member of that conference which just added two legendary college athletic programs.
3.The benefits of #1 and #2 listed above are beyond what most on this board could imagine 15 years ago.
4. We need to start worrying about getting kick out.

Only on TKR.
We might be in the winners circle today but at some point you have to think the big dogs are not going to want to share "the money" with lesser and smaller conference members.

We're talking $100s of million a year. It's enough to get UCLA and USC to leave the PAC 12 (a conference they founded).

At some point is the money enough to get the big dogs to break off on their own in the SEC and BIG and keep all the money for themselves?

the bigger the conferences get the more likelihood the bigger teams break away. Especially those bringing in the bulk of the revenue.
Remember, each B10 university owns a % of the network. If it ever came to your worry, it would only likely happen if the B10 disbanded and the network goes "poof." The B10 brand is valuable as is the network. Unlikely scenarios.
Anything can go downhill. Just have to try to stay ahead of everything. Some things will always be out of our control and can’t worry about everything. Success will cure a lot of deficiencies.
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I noted in another thread that once this deal expires, in 10 to 15 years you could have the bluebloods of 16 to 20 teams peel off to form a premier conference and the rest left to relegated status. I put those odds well over 50% right now.

The big dogs don't want to play each other every week. They'd get too beat up. That's why Bama plays the college of deaf and blind every November. SEC needs their easy games, like Vandy, USC and TX. Ha, ha, see what I did there.
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I noted in another thread that once this deal expires, in 10 to 15 years you could have the bluebloods of 16 to 20 teams peel off to form a premier conference and the rest left to relegated status. I put those odds well over 50% right now.
IMO, I don’t think so because some of those blue bloods will be blue dregs and I doubt they or their fans want that. Everyone can’t be a winner.

I think it cements as the P2 with 20-24 teams in each eventually. What I could see is a mini playoff in each leading to the champs of each playing for the NC. Just like I’ve said a sort of pseudo NFL…AFC and NFC champ play in a Super Bowl. Also what I could see is maybe a lining up and then pooling of tv rights of the B10/SEC to chop in many different ways among media outlets and streams.
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The big dogs don't want to play each other every week. They'd get too beat up. That's why Bama plays the college of deaf and blind every November. SEC needs their easy games, like Vandy, USC and TX. Ha, ha, see what I did there.
Not disagreeing, but insane money causes people to make insane decisions. In the end, the Benjamins do decide.
IMO, I don’t think so because some of those blue bloods will be blue dregs and I doubt they or their fans want that. Everyone can’t be a winner.

I think it cements as the P2 with 20-24 teams in each eventually. What I could see is a mini playoff in each leading to the champs of each playing for the NC. Just like I’ve said a sort of pseudo NFL…AFC and NFC champ play in a Super Bowl. Also what I could see is maybe a lining up and then pooling of tv rights of the B10/SEC to chop in many different ways among media outlets and streams.
If we Rutgers can get to our potential maybe its not an issue. Definitely true that yesterday's bluebloods can be an afterthought today --- see Tennessee, Va Tech, Arkansas.
Not disagreeing, but insane money causes people to make insane decisions. In the end, the Benjamins do decide.
If it ever comes to this, it'll be because Rutgers can't compete in the free-for-all NIL world. A real possibility. In such a situation, not sure many will mind being relegated. We certainly wouldn't be the only ones. Ha, ha, and at least we would've outlasted the Fruit.
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Thinking long term is futile. Even in chess, you only want to think a few moves ahead. And worrying is futile.
If it ever comes to this, it'll be because Rutgers can't compete in the free-for-all NIL world. A real possibility. In such a situation, not sure many will mind being relegated. We certainly wouldn't be the only ones. Ha, ha, and at least we would've outlasted the Fruit.

Can Illinois, Indiana and Purdue (perhaps Minnesota) compete any better than Rutgers in that world?
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jeeze a look at us we're screwed message because the conference now is coast to coast.
Some RU fans find horror in any and every move that makes the conference stronger and better off financial.
Rutgers will be fine, but if you want to hide under the table, maybe you should.
Once RU went B1G the loser mentality should have been lost and feeling like a winner begin
Guess some of you like staying in the loser mentality and find fault with the possibility Rutgers is now in a good place
It’s not about a “loser” mentality or a “winner” mentality, it is about a realistic understanding of what is going on. Three days ago, nobody and I mean nobody thought USC and UCLA would leave the PAC 12. To assume what the landscape of college football will look like in 5 years is being very self righteous. We simply do not know how these expanded conferences will be constructed, it may not be what everyone thinks today what a conference looks like. To dismiss the possibility of the top “tier” football programs demanding a larger slice of the conference $$$ pie is not over the top. There potentially could be a further split and instead of 50 or 60 schools in the top tier, it could be more like 30 or 40.
When is one of these schools moving to the NY/NJ Metro area or the DMV metro area? Last I checked Illinois and Northwestern were in the Chicago area, I don't think of them as the big dogs. Schools are not going to vote out members for less money. All these schools pay for themselves and then some. Some of you don't get how this works.
You overrate markets. We are moving beyond the business model that got us into the big ten (higher cable subscription fees being charged to everyone in the market for the conference network) and towards a combo of national/regional TV rights, and streaming.

Obviously Rutgers, with our below average fan base is a net taker when it comes to conference streaming revenues.

Which game gets higher ratings in the NYC market - Rutgers vs Michigan or USC vs Michigan in an average year (i.e. a year when Rutgers is not great and Michigan and USC are quite good).

Assume we dont improve - at some point the TV networks are gonna start to demand more marquee programs.

I dont think they would vote us out - it would be more like the Big XIII/SWC merger to form the Big 12.

Obviously this doesnt apply if we get good again. If we are a team thats usually in the top 25 our presence in NYC will be keep us in the money.
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IMO, I don’t think so because some of those blue bloods will be blue dregs and I doubt they or their fans want that. Everyone can’t be a winner.

I think it cements as the P2 with 20-24 teams in each eventually. What I could see is a mini playoff in each leading to the champs of each playing for the NC. Just like I’ve said a sort of pseudo NFL…AFC and NFC champ play in a Super Bowl. Also what I could see is maybe a lining up and then pooling of tv rights of the B10/SEC to chop in many different ways among media outlets and streams.
Their fans might not want it. But we know fans are no longer the driving factor. They certainly werent the driving factor in this expansion (or the expansion that added us, or the expansion that added Penn State for that matter.)

TV drives the bus, and this expansion makes it clear that its about adding more marquee matchups. At some point Fox and ESPN are gonna say - you know - if we cut this whole thing down to 32 (or 40 or whatever) teams, we would have marquee matchups almost every week and we could charge alot more for ads and you would then make a ton more money.
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Their fans might not want it. But we know fans are no longer the driving factor. They certainly werent the driving factor in this expansion (or the expansion that added us, or the expansion that added Penn State for that matter.)

TV drives the bus, and this expansion makes it clear that its about adding more marquee matchups. At some point Fox and ESPN are gonna say - you know - if we cut this whole thing down to 32 (or 40 or whatever) teams, we would have marquee matchups almost every week and we could charge alot more for ads and you would then make a ton more money.
The fans mention is more of a throwaway statement in there in there but an admin isn't going to want a once name brand program be turned into an also ran or worse. It somewhat matters though because if they turn into that or worse than fan support and popularity can wane over the longer term. Not everyone has such a loyal base as Nebraska, including blue bloods.

Of course tv drives the bus and I've always said that. They influence everything from who plays where and when and who gets in and who doesn't. You pay billions of dollars, you're gonna have a lot of control in shaping how things look.

The only place I'd stop is I think it's going to cement as a P2, not a P1 like where others think it's heading. At one time 4 16 power conferences were all the rage and now what's happened to that theory. Now all the rage seems to be the road to a P1 and I don't see that for reasons I've given in a couple threads. No blue blood wants to turn into a loser. Plus as a P2, all the brands in those conferences are gong to make an immense amount of money there's no real motivation to leave a P2 to form a P1.

I've said before that almost all the moves in realignment come out of necessity and fear of being left behind and worry over big financial disparities. That was true when Miami, VT, BC left all the way up to now with USC/UCLA leaving. I don't think that dynamic exists with a P2. The B10/SEC are both going to make tons of money and have very good access to any playoff and shape how it looks. Like I've said with every realignment move, there's inertia there and schools don't really want to move. They feel they have to out of necessity because of the factors I mentioned above. I don't think those factors exist in a P2 and so I don't know that the inertia will be overcome in a P2 setting.

edit: should also add regarding marquee matchups...if some of these blue bloods turn into blue dregs because everyone can't be a winner, a marquee matchup of today doesn't mean a marquee matchup of tomorrow.

You know thinking about it without doing the math, I wonder if you might not even get more marquee matchups keeping schools like us and others around because all the brand programs can remain blue bloods instead of turning into blue dregs. You’ll in turn have more marquee matchups as opposed to losing some marquee names that sink to the bottom if you only have brand names.
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