Our "long term" worry.

Even among the P5s or future P2 there will be more reflective-have-nots than haves. They have voting power. The real danger is a shrinking market, shrinking revenues and then a move to a professional minor-league system as "college" football becomes something only a few markets are interested in.

That is, as current college-football markets teams are eliminated from competing for the best bowls and championships, any real interest in following them or donating to them will dry up. There are also political influences drying up some donations.. I heard a case of it just this week, though the school is not a football school.

We'll have to see if any schools drop football or first drop in class (likely on the way to dropping football). If we see a wave of that, that may be another time we have to worry about the next shoes to drop.
I noted in another thread that once this deal expires, in 10 to 15 years you could have the bluebloods of 16 to 20 teams peel off to form a premier conference and the rest left to relegated status. I put those odds well over 50% right now.
that's a narrow thought because these so called 20 teams vary in athletic achievements in olympic sports and networks want regional relevance......
We might be in the winners circle today but at some point you have to think the big dogs are not going to want to share "the money" with lesser and smaller conference members.

We're talking $100s of million a year. It's enough to get UCLA and USC to leave the PAC 12 (a conference they founded).

At some point is the money enough to get the big dogs to break off on their own in the SEC and BIG and keep all the money for themselves?

the bigger the conferences get the more likelihood the bigger teams break away. Especially those bringing in the bulk of the revenue.

That's the precise reason we are in the B1G. We give them access to our market. Our property is located on the Upper East Side. It's really that simple.
that's a narrow thought because these so called 20 teams vary in athletic achievements in olympic sports and networks want regional relevance......
Football pays for all the other sports. They could just peel off for football. Its all speculation, but in the end the money will decide and almost nothing else. If anything else mattered, we wouldn't have discussions about realignment. Its essentially all about the money.