I don't know which streaming services have it but CW has fairly wide distribution so it's still pretty good. Don't forget this is for lower ACC games. I remember I used to see lower tier ACC games on some local channel 10 maybe from Chicago? And also on YES when I used to get that so I think CW is step up from that.For the mockery:
Will PAC12 and ACC Games be pre-empted by the Twilight Zone Marathon and the Yule Log? 😂
Seriously, however, when looking at several streaming services besides YouTubeTV, at least one or two of them did not offer a CW channel.
Northwestern, now Stanford. Integrity seems to be a lost virtue in some of the "finer" academic institutions?
As to NW and Stanford, human being are human beings, good bad and everything in between. The dynamics don't change regardless of outward appearances. You'll likely find the spectrum of the same stuff wherever you look.