Parking Assignments Now Available on

100% agreed. It's what? A 10x-20x increase? How do you not reach out to people who put down deposits and not let them know what's up along the way? Getting bumped from blue to purple is one thing, gettnig bumped from purple to the RAC is a being misled, imo.

Did you make the minimum donation for the Purple Lot ($250)?

I ask because that's the only way I can see you getting bumped that far down. It was made clear that there were minimum annual donations for all lots.
Also.. just noticed in the article on that Light Blue lot lost several HUNDRED spots due to ongoing construction... this is another factor in the mins and booting many to the RAC.
Did you make the minimum donation for the Purple Lot ($250)?

I ask because that's the only way I can see you getting bumped that far down. It was made clear that there were minimum annual donations for all lots.

I'm sorry, I was using that an an example, but I believe this is still theoretically possible, isn't it? Wasn't purple less than 19 last season? (Seriously, I'm not sure).

I was a black lot guy.
ts but nothing for consecutive years as season tx holder and multiple sports.

The consecutive years of giving category starts next year (2016 season) with donations made towards this year (2015 season) counting as the first year of giving. They didn't go back and look at all our prior years of donating.
I'm sorry, I was using that an an example, but I believe this is still theoretically possible, isn't it? Wasn't purple less than 19 last season? (Seriously, I'm not sure).

I was a black lot guy.

I think it was 23 for Purple. I was sure I'd be back in Purple after missing by 2.5 last year but ended up in Black again with 31.25 points.
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This half-empty yellow lot talk has to stop.

In past years they oversold it.. so if you had a yellow lot pass.. but did not arrive early enough.. for whatever reason.. for a well attended game.. you were sent off to some other satellite lot.

They just cannot do that to people who donate enough for yellow or better.

It would also be nice if they bothered to plant some grass or something to keep down the dust and mud in yellow. The high part of yellow nearer the circle is plain ugly.
If anyone is looking to sell a silver or black pass, please let me know. I was bumped to tan lot and will be looking to sell/trade it...if I can get a silver/black

I'm in Green for the first time ever. Just couldn't donate enough to stay in the Scarlet Lot even with 112 Priority Pts. It's just my wife and I.

Somehow this doesn't sit well with me. We were supposed to have a pp system that was skewed toward long time fans as a reward for supporting this program during lean times. Then slowly but surely they are taking it back by requiring large donations to keep you in even if you have plenty of pp.

Sorry, I know we need money in the BIG, but long time supporters who given plenty, have been in scarlet for many years and have 112 pp shouldn't be unceremoniously dumped from the Scarlet lot.

I feel for you Banks. I have 77 pp, the cutoff for yellow was 71, I already have to donate at least $2000 for my amount of season tickets, its getting harder and harder to keep up. Just a few years ago, I qualified for scarlet. Any year now maybe I will have to leave yellow where I have been for over 16 years.

But don't sweat it, you'll enjoy green, tailgated there a many times. some great people and great game day atmosphere.
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I was bumped to tan lot with 19 points. I expect to see more empty spots in the yellow and blue lot as RU continues to artificially suppress supply to get us to donate more....

I would hope this isn't true, but I wouldn't swear they are not doing it.
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I met someone who was in yellow last year for the Michigan game. When walking through the lot 90 mins before kickoff there didn't seem to be a ton of empty spots and there was still a lot of time to go. I don't buy these 1/2 empty lot stories about yellow especially when I've also seen scarlet packed.
Somehow this doesn't sit well with me. We were supposed to have a pp system that was skewed toward long time fans as a reward for supporting this program during lean times. Then slowly but surely they are taking it back by requiring large donations to keep you in even if you have plenty of pp.

Sorry, I know we need money in the BIG, but long time supporters who given plenty, have been in scarlet for many years and have 112 pp shouldn't be unceremoniously dumped from the Scarlet lot.

I feel for you Banks. I have 77 pp, the cutoff for yellow was 71, I already have to donate at least $2000 for my amount of season tickets, its getting harder and harder to keep up. Just a few years ago, I qualified for scarlet. Any year now maybe I will have to leave yellow where I have been for over 16 years.

But don't sweat it, you'll enjoy green, tailgated there a many times. some great people and great game day atmosphere.

Unfortunately this is what is needed to be done to in order to raise money for Rutgers to compete. You eventually deciding to not maintain your donation and drop back into a lower lot will knock me into a lower lot. But I'll be there ready to donate more in order to move back up. Donations from alumni in every way shape and form are what fund big time college athletics and this step is needed to improve the program. There will be casualties along the way and it just needs to be accepted. If too many people feel the same way you do? Well then it turns out we didn't deserve to compete in the first place.
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From how parking has been explained the cutoff numbers that everyone is looking at is the car the fills the LAST SPOT in each lot. If the lots were empty for the smaller games like Howard or Tulane, that meant the season ticket holder was not using their pass and/or their tickets. Penn State and Michigan were both packed last year, and I'm sure they will be when OSU and MSU come to town.
Bumped from black to silver. 23.75 points.
same here...

if the school really wanted some extra cash they'd save a few spaces and let folks "buy-up" to the lot the wanted now that they know what is needed. Bet they could raise some $$ doing that. I'd consider spending some money to get back in black.
The consecutive years of giving category starts next year (2016 season) with donations made towards this year (2015 season) counting as the first year of giving. They didn't go back and look at all our prior years of donating.

Really? They had lifetime giving and the associated points. But in years past they also showed the number of points for # of season tickets for football as well as men's/women's bball and also showed the number of points for consecutive years as a season ticket holder collectively across all those sports. I think they must have included that otherwise my points wouldn't be as high as they are based on just donations.
Somehow this doesn't sit well with me. We were supposed to have a pp system that was skewed toward long time fans as a reward for supporting this program during lean times. Then slowly but surely they are taking it back by requiring large donations to keep you in even if you have plenty of pp.

Sorry, I know we need money in the BIG, but long time supporters who given plenty, have been in scarlet for many years and have 112 pp shouldn't be unceremoniously dumped from the Scarlet lot.

I feel for you Banks. I have 77 pp, the cutoff for yellow was 71, I already have to donate at least $2000 for my amount of season tickets, its getting harder and harder to keep up. Just a few years ago, I qualified for scarlet. Any year now maybe I will have to leave yellow where I have been for over 16 years.

But don't sweat it, you'll enjoy green, tailgated there a many times. some great people and great game day atmosphere.

I have mixed feelings about this.

There have certainly been a lot of "Richie Rutgers" guys out there, who have had season tickets since the days when they were $75 per season, but never donated a dime, and feel entitled to the best parking because they have a ton of longevity points. I don't feel bad about bumping those guys from the premium lots. The premium lots are premium for a reason.

But there are other guys like OntheBanks who are loyal football and basketball season ticket holders and have made solid contributions every year, but not quite enough to get the best parking. It is even harder for someone like OTB, since he is just buying 2 tickets, so his donation is based on 2 people, while he is competing for parking spaces against groups that make donations based on up to 8 people. I don't like the fact that someone like him got bumped (even though I think he'll like the Green lot just fine, maybe even better than Scarlet). I also know that one day, when I hit retirement, and parking prices keep increasing, I will probably get bumped from my preferred lot too.
I was bumped to tan lot with 19 points. I expect to see more empty spots in the yellow and blue lot as RU continues to artificially suppress supply to get us to donate more....
We heard this last year and then both were full for the big games
Unfortunately this is what is needed to be done to in order to raise money for Rutgers to compete. You eventually deciding to not maintain your donation and drop back into a lower lot will knock me into a lower lot. But I'll be there ready to donate more in order to move back up. Donations from alumni in every way shape and form are what fund big time college athletics and this step is needed to improve the program. There will be casualties along the way and it just needs to be accepted. If too many people feel the same way you do? Well then it turns out we didn't deserve to compete in the first place.

Believe me, I get how the system works and I know we need money, just lamenting how a long time fan with 112pp who can't keep up with the donations requirements for lots (when there were none previously, just pp)

This isn't war, there doesn't need to be casualties, especially long time fans who have supported this team for decades during lean times.

To be honest, I would much rather see higher ticket prices to make up the difference than dumping long time tailgaters from their lot.
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No, think logically. Pure manipulation on RU's part. Is there more demand? Sure there is. there a sudden influx of people that never bought a ticket before suddenly donating thousands? I doubt it...

I was in blue lot 3 years ago and suddenly I'm barely on Busch campus? Let's get real here....something stinks
Might be your donation level? [poop]
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No, think logically. Pure manipulation on RU's part. Is there more demand? Sure there is. there a sudden influx of people that never bought a ticket before suddenly donating thousands? I doubt it...

I was in blue lot 3 years ago and suddenly I'm barely on Busch campus? Let's get real here....something stinks
the screw job comes in with the people who get f'd upping their donation to stay in their lot they were in last yeaer and then getting bumped down and not me that's just taking advantage of people and leaves a bad taste
Looks like yellow again, by a few points: 76 points vs. 71 cutoff. Are we supposed to get some sort of confirmation from RU? If not, I guess I can email my ticket rep...
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Believe me, I get how the system works and I know we need money, just lamenting how a long time fan with 112pp who can't keep up with the donations requirements for lots (when there were none previously, just pp)

This isn't war, there doesn't need to be casualties, especially long time fans who have supported this team for decades during lean times.

To be honest, I would much rather see higher ticket prices to make up the difference than dumping long time tailgaters from their lot.

JP, believe me you will be happier if you go to yellow not green. I was in Scarlet for many years and could still qualify but I went to Yellow because some friends were there and never looked back.

Not as tight between cars, great people, very easy in and out. After a year you will not even think about the Scarlet lot.
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I was bumped to tan lot with 19 points. I expect to see more empty spots in the yellow and blue lot as RU continues to artificially suppress supply to get us to donate more....

That's game they play. In the end the only concern is the Donation$ and beating the prior year. The hell with with the impact on the fans.
Was in Purple for a couple years...raised to dropped back to Purple. At least we'll have a real bathroom to use now ;).
how much do you need to donate to get consecutive years giving and what year did it start? Does the rfund donation count?
This is the first time in 12 Years of being a Season Ticket Holder that I am calling BS.

There is no way in Hell that the average donation increased 1100.00 from year to year. If this is the case I fully except a shovel in the ground for something athletic in the next 6 months due to the SURGE in Donations.
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I think anyone who bought season tickets during the Terry Shea era deserves to have their Priority Points doubled -- at least for those years.

On second thought, maybe we should have Points subtracted for being stupid enough to think being loyal during the lean years would pay dividends when Rutgers put a winning team on the field.
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I'm one of the ones forking over 1K... I've been in Blue up until last year for almost 20 years. Last year I only donated for the 2 seats I buy (that was it) and wound up missing the Blue cutoff by 2.5 points. This year I bought the early season tickets and donated $1K over the seat donation. I have moved back into blue lost but only made the lot by 1 point. I don't really want to donate more than what I donated this year but at the rate the points have gone up I'll be fighting just to stay in purple soon
If the Point Totals continue to increase the way they do Next Year the blue lot will require the equivalent of of a $5000.00 Donation and to park on Bush will Require an equivalent of $2000.00.
But we don't have $2M-$4M to build a Baseball/Softball practice Bubble.

I call Bullshit.

People who know me know I am a go with the flow kinda guy, but I am really perturbed that A long Time Season Ticket Holder who also goes to 2-3 Away Games a Year and donates a minimum of 1500.00 a year for the last 5 years can get pushed from the lot he has had since originally purchasing Season tickets.

Example: Blue Lot for 10 Years

11 Years Season Ticket Holder (This Year)
10,000.00 Total Donations
1500.00 This Year
6 Tickets
42 PP's and Purple Lot.

$1500.00 may not seem like alot to Rutgers Athletics, but it is alot to me, and I fell like my loyalty to the program is being spit on.

I know there are people who have had tickets longer and donate more who are going to tell me to shut up, but I've really just about had it.
Next Year I will likely not get parking. I would rather pay $20.00 a game and park on someones lawn and walk to Blue then spend $3500.00 to park in Blue Lot after donation and Parking Fees. The way I see it I will need to donated a minimum of $3000.00 to be considered for Blue Lot. (Would get me to about 58 points next year.)

I call on the Fan Advisory Board to suggest changes and additions for how to gain points.

1. Wrestling Season Ticket SHOULD Count towards PP's 1 point per consecutive year & one point per Ticket. (similar to Women's Basketball who Wrestling can probably outdraw within the next couple years) The Tickets cost just under $100.00 for the season so what is the harm in giving PP's for it, hell you might even entice people to buy them who normally are Single Ticket People.

2. If you purchase Away Game Tickets through Rutgers and attend the game you should be awarded Priority Points. This is pretty easy to find out as well if you want the priority points you need to pick your tickets up at Will Call.

3. Priority Point for arriving in the stadium Early like they do with students. I understand it's all about money, but you need to make money without alienating your most loyal fans who primarily are middle class.
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Guys, it's supply and demand. There is a finite amount of spaces compared to season ticket holders. The system is fair. Bottom line; more years, tickets and donations gets you the better lot. Deal with it. I remember last year people saying that paying $50 for parking is crazy. Guess what? People are willing to pay it, and donate on top of it.
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If the Point Totals continue to increase the way they do Next Year the blue lot will require the equivalent of of a $5000.00 Donation and to park on Bush will Require an equivalent of $2000.00.
But we don't have $2M-$4M to build a Baseball/Softball practice Bubble.

I call Bullshit.

People who know me know I am a go with the flow kinda guy, but I am really perturbed that A long Time Season Ticket Holder who also goes to 2-3 Away Games a Year and donates a minimum of 1500.00 a year for the last 5 years can get pushed from the lot he has had since originally purchasing Season tickets.

Example: Blue Lot for 10 Years

11 Years Season Ticket Holder (This Year)
10,000.00 Total Donations
1500.00 This Year
6 Tickets
42 PP's and Purple Lot.

$1500.00 may not seem like alot to Rutgers Athletics, but it is alot to me, and I fell like my loyalty to the program is being spit on.

I know there are people who have had tickets longer and donate more who are going to tell me to shut up, but I've really just about had it.
Next Year I will likely not get parking. I would rather pay $20.00 a game and park on someones lawn and walk to Blue then spend $3500.00 to park in Blue Lot after donation and Parking Fees. The way I see it I will need to donated a minimum of $3000.00 to be considered for Blue Lot. (Would get me to about 58 points next year.)

I call on the Fan Advisory Board to suggest changes and additions for how to gain points.

1. Wrestling Season Ticket SHOULD Count towards PP's 1 point per consecutive year & one point per Ticket. (similar to Women's Basketball who Wrestling can probably outdraw within the next couple years) The Tickets cost just under $100.00 for the season so what is the harm in giving PP's for it, hell you might even entice people to buy them who normally are Single Ticket People.

2. If you purchase Away Game Tickets through Rutgers and attend the game you should be awarded Priority Points. This is pretty easy to find out as well if you want the priority points you need to pick your tickets up at Will Call.

3. Priority Point for arriving in the stadium Early like they do with students. I understand it's all about money, but you need to make money without alienating your most loyal fans who primarily are middle class.

If WRESTLING counts towards priority points that would be ridiculous and I and many would be done. I mean WRESTLING!! ARE YOU KIDDING.
Is there a specfic place where they tell you your lot besides the cutoff list

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