I tend to stay away from scandal talk but here is a story on our President's recent letter to alumni:
Ok I read this stupid letter. Here's the important part.
"None of these allegations about the supposed knowledge of University employees has been substantiated in a court of law or in any other process to test their veracity.
To which I respond, so what? This is the standard Penn State defense. It's not a fact. It hasn't been proven at trial. Anyone who questions Paterno's credibility is obviously biased.
In the real world, in which we all live, any human being with half a brain is not required to suspend all mental functions on a subject because a fact has not been proven in a court of law. In fact, I would suggest that nearly 100% of the facts that we deduce, rely upon, and act upon in our daily lives are not proven "in a court of law." To the contrary, we all gain information from various sources and draw conclusions based upon what we have learned.
This process, which apparently is not sufficient for Penn State fans to even consider anything unflattering about Paterno, is also the process which a jury uses to substantiate claims "in a court of law."
To say over and over that damning information against Paterno cannot be considered, discussed, or used to make conclusions because it has not been "proven in a court of law" is pure sophistry. This is the last gasp of Paterno supporters who can't bring themselves to believe that their legendary head coach and his 409 wins could have harbored a serial child-molester for over a quarter century.
Even if all of these allegations against Paterno were proven in a court of law, an embarrassing number of Penn State fans would still not believe them, but would instead claim bias on the part of the jury or judge, or stupidity on the part of those who put forth Penn State's case. If you Penn State apologists choose not to consider information that has not yet "been proven in a court of law" that's your option. Just don't expect the rest of us to stick our heads in the sand and join your cult of denial.