No I'm actually not, I just don't subscribe to the school of thought like this board does that everything penn state does is evil and Joe Paterno is Satan. My little cousin with special needs met Joe years ago at a special Olympics Pa event, got her picture and it was one of the highlights of her childhood. The man has personally made my family happy so he's ok in my book and I understand that people make mistakes and aren't perfect, even if that mistake is a huge one but I know DAMN well that none of u are perfect and live without sin, and because this board is anonymous and u have no fear of being caught saying this garbage by your boss, employer, friends you just troll penn state, hey whatever helps u sleep at night.
It's one of the reasons why this board doesn't keep many new posters and the same people are always posting.
As for why I didn't respond to the money apparel deals thing, well you see unlike at least 50% of this board I actually work for a living and don't live in my parents basement. I can't spend all day and night am checking this message board, there's other things I need to take care of.
Caliknight. Email me at and I will be happy to send over a picture of my Rutgers Diploma. Just so there's no questioning it, I will tell you ahead of time that my name is 'David Nathan Atkinson' (Thus DNA). And I will happily send you over my Rutgers degree so you can shut the f*ck up with your high and mighty routine.