Idiots like me??? surely you jest. trying to make others feel bad about themselves? they should do that all on their own if they continue to spew the jopa protecting BS that they do. and it's not just the BWI nuts, I had 2 vendors in my office this week who were saying poor joe, he did what he was obligated to. People may say it is horrid what happened, and on that we can all agree, but talk to them. get them to discuss joe and you will see they all think he got a raw deal. I've yet to talk to one psu fan that thinks joe deserved sanctions and statue removal or any other actions taken against him. "he did what he was legally supposed to". and I and many others call BS on that.
and by the way, it shouldn't matter if a fan went to the school or not to consider them a fan. there is a large percentage of people on this board who didn't go to RU but support the school and the athletic department..
I, too, attended the psu game last year. yes, the people were very nice when we tailgated and wandered through the RV lot. yes we had a mostly good time except for the outcome of the game, the weather and the jerk who ran through our tailgate and stole our R flag. BUT, when I saw the memorial to Joe I knew it was not just a small few that had drank the Kool Aid is the masses. Jonestown 2.
photo from outside the stadium....where people were PRAYING. Joe Knew.