First of all, I never used words like "selfish prick" because I don't think that. The fact that you don't know what a "school yard" player is, tells me more about you. Yes, he often passed out, but not as a setup, but as a desperation pass, because his drive was stopped. That doesn't make him selfish, just desperate. School yard players aren't thinking team, or passing, or wins, they are undisciplined, and don't take care of the ball. A little more flamboyant than they have to be, but most of all don't understand the big picture, it's all about the moment. And, that is where coaching comes to play. A guards job is to get everyone around him better, to create opportunities, to encourage them. Yes, their weren't many options for Corey, but I believe it was more because of Corey then anything else. This team would benefit from Corey, but in a Defensive, limited way...