RAC renovation

Post #204 above shows that Indiana played an entire basketball season in their home arena while the arena was under the same kind of construction as ours, PLUS, they replaced seats (which we won’t do). All I am saying is it’s doable to play at the RAC. And I also believe that playing the season at the RAC is the safer, more reasonable choice.

I am happy. I am not worried. I am not panicked. I am just saying playing the season at home is viable option, and the Indiana post with three links to the project proves that. Whatever Rutgers leadership does, I sincerely hope it works out well, no matter what their decision is.

Go Knights!

I wonder if being completely funded by two donations had anything to do with Indiana being able to draw it out longer rather than moving the team and getting it done sooner? I have no idea if, or why, that would have an impact but that seems pretty rare to have a pretty big renovation completely funded by two alumni.
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It is my understanding that Rutgers would be away from the RAC for a year. Also,there would be some form of a luxury box. Would you rather play at Jadwin or Newark during that off season?
Will this renovation affect the 2022-2023 season?
For your sake and those of others including myself - I hope our cars dont break down in Newark or the surrounding areas or you don’t get harassed at Newark Penn Station or 🤮 from the stench at Newark Penn Station or enjoy paying $30 to park or dealing with traffic at 5:30- 6pm trying to make a 630 game at the Rock.
If it makes you feel any better, none of these doomsday scenarios actually happen outside of suburban paranoia.

Neither I nor anyone I know has ever been harassed at Newark Penn Station, and my alma mater has been playing at Prudential Center for almost 15 seasons.

I guess a car could break down anywhere, but is this really something that happens often to you? Even still, your route in and out of the city would most likely be in heavily traveled, busy areas where you're unlikely to be preyed upon by the boogie man. I don't think I've had a car break down on me in almost 30 years.

(Also, the whole point of an arena in Newark - a rail hub - is NOT to have to drive. Some people I know don't hate it, but I'd never do it. And by taking the train, you avoid the $30 parking fee (which is ridiculous, but also totally avoidable).

Oh, and the stench in the bathrooms is pretty much the same as it is at the LBAC. It's a high volume pubic bathroom that probably isn't cleaned often enough. Fortuntely, there are copious bathrooms inside The Rock that are actually rather nice.

I don't care where Rutgers plays, but aside from the likely difficulty of scheduling, Prudential Center is certainly Rutgers' best option, and by a lot.

Beyond that, Trenton is the clear No. 2. The arena is large enough, has no primary tenant to compete against for scheduling dates, and is also totally accessible by rail ... if you choose not to drive, which also isn't to bad there. By train, you can go right down to the end of the Northeast Corridor via NJ Transit, and then take the light rail a couple stops (maybe even one stop? I forget) to a platform about a block from the arena.

Is it perfect? No. Only staying at the LBAC would be ideal. But if there isn't a choice, these seems like the only two viable alternatives. (Could you play the nonconference creampuffs at the Barn? Is there enough seating there? Seems like there wouldn't be, but I've never seen a game there.
Now that RU72 has broken the news, here's what I heard from reliable sources back in February...

*It's 95 percent certain the games will be played in Newark during the season in which construction takes place. RU had also zeroed in on Trenton, but after a few meetings it was determined that Trenton was not a good place to play because it's in the Philly market. TV and radio want the games played in the NY market.

*Don't expect much in regards to added seating

*Bathrooms could remain limited. According to one person I spoke with, paraphrasing..."you wouldn't think it, but adding bathrooms is tricky. There are so many rules and regulations, it would make your head spin."

*Corridors will be expanded

*...and this is the change I found most interesting: the RAC's main entrance will be moved to the side that faces the green lot.
None of that matches up with what I’ve heard.
Will they give season ticket holders an option to opt out and still tetain their RAC seats..would make sense

Every season ticket plan on hold for that year.

Tickets for the displaced year only could then work like Football Parking:
Accounts are ranked and given priority to purchase season tickets for the year at Prudential Center.

If you don't want to purchase for the year, them you just don't.
But it has no effect on your RAC tickets.

Maybe throw a couple extra PP for those who do end of purchasing ST for that year though?
Re: Jersey Mike's naming deal
The contract includes an opt-out for Jersey Mike’s that can be executed in July 2029 if Rutgers does not “substantially renovate” the 8,000-seat, trapezoid-shaped arena or build a new one by July 1, 2028.
If it makes you feel any better, none of these doomsday scenarios actually happen outside of suburban paranoia.

Neither I nor anyone I know has ever been harassed at Newark Penn Station, and my alma mater has been playing at Prudential Center for almost 15 seasons.

I guess a car could break down anywhere, but is this really something that happens often to you? Even still, your route in and out of the city would most likely be in heavily traveled, busy areas where you're unlikely to be preyed upon by the boogie man. I don't think I've had a car break down on me in almost 30 years.

(Also, the whole point of an arena in Newark - a rail hub - is NOT to have to drive. Some people I know don't hate it, but I'd never do it. And by taking the train, you avoid the $30 parking fee (which is ridiculous, but also totally avoidable).

Oh, and the stench in the bathrooms is pretty much the same as it is at the LBAC. It's a high volume pubic bathroom that probably isn't cleaned often enough. Fortuntely, there are copious bathrooms inside The Rock that are actually rather nice.

I don't care where Rutgers plays, but aside from the likely difficulty of scheduling, Prudential Center is certainly Rutgers' best option, and by a lot.

Beyond that, Trenton is the clear No. 2. The arena is large enough, has no primary tenant to compete against for scheduling dates, and is also totally accessible by rail ... if you choose not to drive, which also isn't to bad there. By train, you can go right down to the end of the Northeast Corridor via NJ Transit, and then take the light rail a couple stops (maybe even one stop? I forget) to a platform about a block from the arena.

Is it perfect? No. Only staying at the LBAC would be ideal. But if there isn't a choice, these seems like the only two viable alternatives. (Could you play the nonconference creampuffs at the Barn? Is there enough seating there? Seems like there wouldn't be, but I've never seen a game there.
Thanks for the info about the Trenton rail connections. Didn’t know that and it makes that site more appealing for me.
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What did we do for the year at Giants Stadium?

Other than the parking situation it sounds very similar to what might happen this time.
What did we do for the year at Giants Stadium?

Other than the parking situation it sounds very similar to what might happen this time.
Good question. That was a year before I bought my season tickets so I’m not sure. But we normally played a couple of games there each year before the new stadium was built and I think they were part of season ticket packages.
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Not even the wider corridors?
I agree. I think at the end of the day they will look at the overall hassle and the potential for losing revenue, alienating newer season ticket holders, etc. and determine it’s not worth it.
Ok Softee. For your sake and those of others including myself - I hope our cars dont break down in Newark or the surrounding areas or you don’t get harassed at Newark Penn Station or 🤮 from the stench at Newark Penn Station or enjoy paying $30 to park or dealing with traffic at 5:30- 6pm trying to make a 630 game at the Rock. I don’t worry about these things in the suburbs or in Piscataway.
By the way, are you the director of tourism for Newark ? Have no idea why you re so vested in this topic.
Learn to respect opinions of others even if you disagree !

By the way, 9 people shot in Newark earlier tonight !
The stench of Penn What does it smell like ?

Thousands and thousands of people from outside Newark commute in daily without incident.

Are you scared of your own shadow as well ?
Thanks for the info about the Trenton rail connections. Didn’t know that and it makes that site more appealing for me.
Looks like it's only one stop on the light rail River Line from the Northeast Corridor line at the Trenton Station.

I used to go to the Cure for Trenton Titans/Devils game and always saw the Rive Line trams but never paid any attention.

It's also only 4 stops from NB to the Trenton Station. Scarlet Express anyone?
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Looks like it's only one stop on the light rail River Line from the Northeast Corridor line at the Trenton Station.

I used to go to the Cure for Trenton Titans/Devils game and always saw the Rive Line trams but never paid any attention.

It's also only 4 stops from NB to the Trenton Station. Scarlet Express anyone?
I work in NB so that’s probably what I would be doing.
The stench of Penn What does it smell like ?

Thousands and thousands of people from outside Newark commute in daily without incident.

Are you scared of your own shadow as well ?
Hey Buckeye. I go to about 10 Devils game a year and some via NJ Transit via Newark Penn Station. Have you ever been to Newark Penn Station ? I doubt you have. Take a day trip from your lovely scenic Ohio town to Newark Penn Station and let me know your thoughts. Laughable when people comment who have never been to that hellhole.
And commuting at rush hour is a lot different than catching a train home in Newark that runs once an hour at 10 / 11 pm at night with dozens of hobos; vagrants harassing you etc. If that s your thing buckeye, all the power to you !
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Hey Buckeye. I go to about 10 Devils game a year and some via NJ Transit via Newark Penn Station. Have you ever been to Newark Penn Station ? I doubt you have. Take a day trip from your lovely scenic Ohio town to Newark Penn Station and let me know your thoughts. Laughable when people comment who have never been to that hellhole.
And commuting at rush hour is a lot different than catching a train home in Newark that runs once an hour at 10 / 11 pm at night with dozens of hobos; vagrants harassing you etc. If that s your thing buckeye, all the power to you !
I've never been to Newark Penn Station .... 😂 😂 😂. I've traveled on the Northeast Corridor line for many many years.

Trust the powers to be on this

They know the value of the RAC…and what makes it the home court it is

I fully expect
1) the old media room to be blown out
2.) bring in an the end zone to just under to where the glass offices
3.) the glass offices become a club or luxury boxes or some combo
4.) the above adds 1500-2000 seats with no affect on crowd noise (if anything …makes it louder
5.) then take the filler in concourse and keep going with it toward the circle and put in the entranced there with more ammentiris and bac to the rac’s permanent chicken finger stand ….

Office built there …maybe a restaurant or team apparel store there. A real ticket office

The works
We have a media room?
Which is what?
If renovations are to be made to the RAC, most likely the team will still be able to play as work will be performed immediately after the season. Seating upgrades can be done fairly easy and new permanent seating sections spoils also get done quickly. There may be a situation where games are played with out certain sections available, but the plan would be to play around the work/work around the play.

the entrance will not be moved to the side permanently. If anything it would be temporary to allow work on a new grand concourse entrance.

New bathrooms would be added in the rear of the building. All this being said there is still a chance that a new arena is built. There are some people who prefer that option.

end of the day I don’t feel confident enough to say which direction they’ll end up going. I do know that major sponsors have been approached about the new arena to see what type of commitments could be secured.

I’ve also heard from someone who has seen renderings of a new look RAC. He wasn’t sure if the rendering was official or from a firm trying to get in on the project. The way he described it made it seem similar to the attached picture.

end of the day I don’t feel confident enough to say which direction they’ll end up going. I do know that major sponsors have been approached about the new arena to see what type of commitments could be secured.

I’ve also heard from someone who has seen renderings of a new look RAC. He wasn’t sure if the rendering was official or from a firm trying to get in on the project. The way he described it made it seem similar to the attached picture.

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If renovations are to be made to the RAC, most likely the team will still be able to play as work will be performed immediately after the season. Seating upgrades can be done fairly easy and new permanent seating sections spoils also get done quickly. There may be a situation where games are played with out certain sections available, but the plan would be to play around the work/work around the play.

the entrance will not be moved to the side permanently. If anything it would be temporary to allow work on a new grand concourse entrance.

New bathrooms would be added in the rear of the building. All this being said there is still a chance that a new arena is built. There are some people who prefer that option.

end of the day I don’t feel confident enough to say which direction they’ll end up going. I do know that major sponsors have been approached about the new arena to see what type of commitments could be secured.

I’ve also heard from someone who has seen renderings of a new look RAC. He wasn’t sure if the rendering was official or from a firm trying to get in on the project. The way he described it made it seem similar to the attached picture.


And before I get bashed for providing info, I’ll just say that my source is from a corporate sponsor who was approached to buy the naming rights of the RAC.
The Square of Scare
Credit goes to you if they go that route. If you actually think about it, it would seem to be the easiest possible way to update the exterior of the RAC. It's just installing bracing to square the trapezoid, then facing it with panels. I wouldn't mind it being a red square (no pun intended). That would also sort of make it fit in with the modern architecture surrounding it.
I like the new business school look. Hate the new dorms. The Yellow Brick already faded and looks cheap and pre fabby. Red brick square amuses me. RAC has always been quirky. Keep it quirky.
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If Rutgers needs to move for the year, it should be looked at as an opportunity to cement themselves as the dominant program in the region. Split most of the games between Trenton and the Rock to drive more interest in the South and the North, and save a couple of games for MSG and Barclays to lock down NYC. For all the talk about the value of the NY market, the school has done f**k all to raise its profile here, other than putting up a couple of billboards, and Greg using the City or entertain recruits. Getting apathetic alumni living in NYC more engaged and excited about Rutgers would go a long way towards solving fundraising problems.
If renovations are to be made to the RAC, most likely the team will still be able to play as work will be performed immediately after the season. Seating upgrades can be done fairly easy and new permanent seating sections spoils also get done quickly. There may be a situation where games are played with out certain sections available, but the plan would be to play around the work/work around the play.

the entrance will not be moved to the side permanently. If anything it would be temporary to allow work on a new grand concourse entrance.

New bathrooms would be added in the rear of the building. All this being said there is still a chance that a new arena is built. There are some people who prefer that option.

end of the day I don’t feel confident enough to say which direction they’ll end up going. I do know that major sponsors have been approached about the new arena to see what type of commitments could be secured.

I’ve also heard from someone who has seen renderings of a new look RAC. He wasn’t sure if the rendering was official or from a firm trying to get in on the project. The way he described it made it seem similar to the attached picture.

If we lose the RAC for a year, we should work with the conference and our new partners to get UCLA to come over for a game in the Garden. We could tell them to bring Jabbar, and we could celebrate the basketball history of NYC. Have some pregame events at Rucker Park and the West 4th street courts. Have some NYC high school all stars play before the game, and have some street ball legends play at halftime. All of our local rivals would lose their minds over it.
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Trust the powers to be on this

They know the value of the RAC…and what makes it the home court it is

I fully expect
1) the old media room to be blown out
2.) bring in an the end zone to just under to where the glass offices
3.) the glass offices become a club or luxury boxes or some combo
4.) the above adds 1500-2000 seats with no affect on crowd noise (if anything …makes it louder
5.) then take the filler in concourse and keep going with it toward the circle and put in the entranced there with more ammentiris and bac to the rac’s permanent chicken finger stand ….

Office built there …maybe a restaurant or team apparel store there. A real ticket office

The works
YES! YES! and YES! Modernize it. Give us 10,000 screaming fans and still keep the charm and noise reverberating inside the building. I really think this can be done and done well.
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These are still college kids, they go to class and enjoy the college experience, plus fatigue of flights and strange hotel rooms.

Still taking 14 bus rides to East Rutherford to the IZOD Center (home to KVH, Chris Morris, Kenny Anderson, Buck Williams and Chris Dudley) is no picnic (does it even still exist?)
IZOD Center is a movie studio now. No sports in there
Whole idea / reality of playing away from the RAC for 1 full year sucks!
Given the political ties / attendance capacities / and Hobbs affiliation with Seton Hall - I’m sure it’ll be Newark but I really hope it’s Trenton or even Meadowlands. Cozy arena in Trenton and much easier to park and get out of the Trenton arena or Meadowlands than the Newark disaster. Newark sucks and getting there / parking etc is an absolute nightmare.
Trenton Arena is easier to get to than Pru Center???