Rutgers v Buffalo


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2005
BIlly G writeup - Buffalo is also experiencing a down year and competed in the NY State Championships yesterday. They are 3-1 on the year with wins over Campbell 46-6, Appalachian State 20-18 and Cumberland 50-0. They lost handily to Gardner Webb 32-7. They had a champion at Brockport with Max Soria winning at 125. Maybe we can have some reserves wrestle this last match.


125 Josh Patrick vs Max Soria
133 Delvecchio vs Sean Peacock
141 Ashnault vs Jason Estevez
149 Theobold or Hunt vs Justin Cooksey
157 Perrotti vs Alex Smythe or Rod Ndokaj
165 Orr or Visicaro vs Rod Ndokaj
174 Backukas vs Tyler Brill or Mohammed McBryde
184 Parfumi or Hrymack vs Austin Weigel or Brett Perry
197 Normandia vs Joe Ariola
285 Bernard vs Silvis
125 Josh Patrick vs Max Soria (sr) - Soria wins 4-2. No offense from PAtrick.
133: Delvecchio vs Sean Peacock (Fr) - trade takedowns in first period. But Delvecchio escape and his rideout make it 3-2. Delvecchio rides tough in whole second period. now riding advantage too.
Nice job riding him the whole period by DelVecchio.

This post was edited on 11/29 4:42 PM by obrats
DelVecchio out, up 4-2 plus riding. On feet now in third. gets takedown into cradle and then a pin!! That is another $630 !!
RU 9 - Buffalo 3
141 Ashnault vs Jason Estevez (Livingston, NJ) - Both are redshirt freshman from NJ. AA gets quick takedown, a bit of ride, escape by Estevez, then another deep shot by AA. AA didnt convert, then gets another deep leg and takedown. rides out period. AA is Up 4-1
AA starts on bottom in second and out quickly.
AA ankle pick from watching Sanderson college tapes! moves into bow and arrow, for another 3 points.
10-1 now. Scramble and escape, so 10-2
10-2 going into 3rd period. AA on top.Couple stalling points and an escape makes it 12-3. on feet now, with AA winning by major.
RU 13 - Buffalo 3

SKWC Pin Pool
149: Theobold vs Justin Cooksey (fr) - Theo comes out aggressively. takedown and cradle almost pin. 5-0 at end of 1st period. Theo starts down in second. gets reversal and cradle to back for 3. up 10-0.
riding in second. much stronger. but a couple mental lapses. almost self pinned in 3rd rather than give up points. ended up ok, but cant lose fundamentals. Theo was sloppy in 3rd period. wrestling reckless-style. got a major.
RU 17 Buffalo 3

(note: Buffalo had serious academic APR issues, is ineligible for NCAA tournament. New coach, new academic focus and redshirting everyone possible.
In other news Morales just beat Grey from Blair/Cornell 11-7. I expect Ashnault to have a big jump in rankings this week.
157: 157 Perrotti vs AlexSmythe
long time on feet. AP moving forward and finally gets takedown. AP's style is very long shots elbows out and could make for a pancacke specialist's dream. AP gets ridden hard with legs and finally sneaks out back for 2 pt reversal. AP up 4-0.
Buffalo starts down in 3rd. AP back to riding time. misconduct by both wrestlers. 1 pt penalty each.
Perrotti wins 5-0.

This post was edited on 11/29 5:14 PM by josh1728
RU 20 WVU 3

165: Orr versus Ndokaj - Orr gets two takedowns, but two escapes in first. Up 4-2. Ndokaj escapes in second and gets takedown. Now 5-4
Ndokaj gets stalling point and now 6-4. Orr is obviously gassed. finally gets out. Buffalo 6-5, but riding time too. Ends 7-5 for Buffalo.
RU 20 Buffalo 6

This post was edited on 11/29 5:19 PM by josh1728
174: Backukas versus Muhamid McBryde (sr) - Bakuckas with takedown, escape McBride, takedown Bakuckas. Up 4-1 in first.Gets too cocky, lets McBride up and gets taken down. Phil escapes. Gets takedown, now 7-4.
Bakuckas out in 2nd, gets takedown. now 10-4, plus riding. McBride out in third. Phil gets takedown. now 13-5 with riding. minute to go....
McBride out. now 7 point lead. 13-6. But then phil works all the way to the end and gets 2 more at end. wins 15-6, major.
RU 24 - Buffalo 6
184: Hrymack versus Tony Lock (jr) - Hrymack does not convert a shot. taken down. gets up, taken down again. and ridden, now out. down 4-2. gets takedown and now 4-4. Hayden is riding. needs much more energy.
Just a tremendous job by Josh and the team. Lots of admirable performances today even if they all did not wind up winning their matches.
Hrymack rides out Lock. Hayden down to start second and gets out. Hrymack up 5-4 now. His legs are so long and his steps big, making just such huge targets.
Period ends 5-4 Hrymack up. Lock takes down to start 3rd. Can Hrymack ride him? nope. now 5-5. Hrymack not moving and keeps right knee stuck in front of opponent. Hrymack get shot on, somehow stuffs it and runs around the back at the end. he wins 7-5.
RU 27 Buffalo 6
Agreed , Josh deserves MVP (most valuble poster), Obrats w an assist. Made the day great to watch the thread. I liked Josh describing all the moves too and other descriptions of the action.
197: Ralph Normandia vs Joe Ariola (fr) - Ralph gets first takedown, Ariola out. Ariola gets takedown, then Normandia gets out. It is 3-3. Normandia is undersized too. He is about 185 pounds, but looks like a 174, and is deceptively strong. Mostly moving forward in this match.
Normandia out quickly in second period. Up 4-3 now.
Third period starts with Normandia on top. quick escape and it is 4-4. One takedown will win this. Neither wrestler is materially better. Ralph is a little faster, but smaller. 1 minute left.
ralph gasses. loses 7-4 after a takedown and a stalling point against him.
RU 24 - Buffalo 9

This post was edited on 11/29 5:48 PM by josh1728
285: Wesley Bernard versus Ian James (fr). First period is aggressive sumo. James is a big boy. He has to be 275 as a freshman. Bernard is trying and almost gets two takedowns. he needs confidence, as he has been on the wrong side of the score most matches.
James escapes...up 1-0. After some work on feet, Bernard looks like he is getting more comfortable and confident. gets a takedown and is up 2-1 and rides out period. Bernard takes neutral reinforcing belief he likes feet versus James. He is tying up with greco tops frequently. needs to be careful of James' mass if he stands too tall.
Sumo match in 3rd period so far...
Bernard wins 2-1. I think this is Bernard first win in Division I.
RU 27 - Buffalo 9
RU wins three times.

GO RU !!
Congrats to Wesley ,and great job again Josh ! Now go watch the RU football team's big comeback !
Thanks for providing these awesome updates! Great day to be an RU wrestling/football fan!!
Originally posted by josh1728:
285: Wesley Bernard versus Ian James (fr). First period is aggressive sumo. James is a big boy. He has to be 275 as a freshman. Bernard is trying and almost gets two takedowns. he needs confidence, as he has been on the wrong side of the score most matches.

Thanks for updates. I think Wesley is a big boy (fr) also LOL. $$$$

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