Schiano wants to be HC for a PLUM PROGRAM


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 7, 2001
Not a snowball's chance in hell does Schiano go to BC. Too big a step down. He's already seen how tough it is at Rutgers, a HC job he probably could have had, if he REALLY wanted it. BC has much worse facilities, worse fan support, worse recruiting area. Can't see him going there, unless he's really desperate.

Schiano wants a PLUM job, including the following:

- Michigan
- Miami
- Nebraska
- Notre Dame
- Texas

Maybe under the right circumstances, he considers a

Not P5, but I heard their flag football team is a bunch of ballers. Many doghouses needed to.

What if he hired Plum_Street as a coordinator? That would make BC more Plum
Well, RUChip......YOU read the clearly defined post, and felt you had to respond to boot! Doesn't sound like someone who doesn't care.
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Not a snowball's chance in hell does Schiano go to BC. Too big a step down. He's already seen how tough it is at Rutgers, a HC job he probably could have had, if he REALLY wanted it. BC has much worse facilities, worse fan support, worse recruiting area. Can't see him going there, unless he's really desperate.

Schiano wants a PLUM job, including the following:

- Michigan
- Miami
- Nebraska
- Notre Dame
- Texas

Maybe under the right circumstances, he considers a


BC would be a good gig for him. He'd be able to assemble a good staff and he'd be able to recruit better than they do now.
Personally, I'd love to go head to head with schiano - the guy is a competitor and would make northeast footbAll better.

At BC he would work his Patriots connection to the bone.
Al, Schiano wanted Rutgers. Rutgers didn't want Schiano.

We hit the reset button- wanted nothing to do with the past.
Not P5, but I heard their flag football team is a bunch of ballers. Many doghouses needed to.

Some years ago I was part of a group tour that was allowed on Plum Island to look at what was left of Fort Terry the precursor to the animal disease lab. We had to go through background checks and were searched in a TSA sort of way before being let on the Island. Once there we had to stay together and were always accompanied by a minder. But the Lab Staff couldn't have been nicer or more welcoming. They seemed excited to have folks visiting. We weren't let in any labs or anything like that.They put on a brief talk about their work and some of the leadership came by to welcome us in an auditorium. At the end of the little talk some of the staff pulled up a chart with various logo merchandise for sale. How could you pass up on a hat and t-shirt from a spooky top secret lab on a restricted Island? I bought some plus a few for my brother who was not on the trip but as a veterinarian understood their role.
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Not P5, but I heard their flag football team is a bunch of ballers. Many doghouses needed to.

What I wanna know is: who's the girl and why did she wanted to have her photo taken next to an animal disease center sign?
Couldnt just post this in that Schiano thread?

The scope of the thread is different. The scope of that thread is, "Is Schiano headed to Boston College".

The scope of this thread is, "Where does Schiano want to head next?"
The scope of the thread is different. The scope of that thread is, "Is Schiano headed to Boston College".

The scope of this thread is, "Where does Schiano want to head next?"
The scope of the first thread was BC just hired the #2 guy from OSU as its AD. BC's coach was on the hot seat before the AD change. If the new AD makes a change, logically, OSU assistants will be rumored as candidates. Schiano has great recruiting ties to the Northeast. Ryan Day has NE connections as well as experience at BC. They will both be mentioned if Addazio doesn't have a big year.
The scope of the thread was really that BC isn't a good enough destination for GS, which is an opinion that has been expressed in multiple posts on the other thread.
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Always said ND would be perfect for GS. He had that "Father Flanagan" approach
The scope of the thread is different. The scope of that thread is, "Is Schiano headed to Boston College".

The scope of this thread is, "Where does Schiano want to head next?"

umm, not quite.... it's "Where does rutgersal thinks Shiano wants to go next."
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wanted to have her photo taken next to an animal disease center sign?
When we visited only one member of the group was allowed to bring a camera on the Island. He was instructed there were certain things he could not photograph and a security officer had to review all his photos to make sure they didn't need to delete any prohibited stuff before we left the Island.
When we visited only one member of the group was allowed to bring a camera on the Island. He was instructed there were certain things he could not photograph and a security officer had to review all his photos to make sure they didn't need to delete any prohibited stuff before we left the Island.
Seriously? Why?
Well, "The Far Side" comic may be long gone, but I still enjoy reading RutgersAl.
Seriously? Why?
They didn't really spell it out. Perhaps there really was super secret stuff? But if there was I didn't see anything that stood out. It looked like most other government facilities I've visited, pretty routine.

Perhaps it was fear of infiltration or attacks by the anti-vivisectionist types that are unhappy they do animal testing and ruining their experiments?

But chatting with the folks from the lab they didn't have much sense of humor about some of the kookier conspiracy theories that are out there about the Island and what they do at the lab. Clearly they didn't relish being the Area 51 of the East.
They didn't really spell it out. Perhaps there really was super secret stuff? But if there was I didn't see anything that stood out. It looked like most other government facilities I've visited, pretty routine.

Perhaps it was fear of infiltration or attacks by the anti-vivisectionist types that are unhappy they do animal testing and ruining their experiments?

But chatting with the folks from the lab they didn't have much sense of humor about some of the kookier conspiracy theories that are out there about the Island and what they do at the lab. Clearly they didn't relish being the Area 51 of the East.
Far as I'm concerned, they can develop any animal-based biological WMDs as long as they don't harm any sheep. :)
Parliamentary League of the Upper Midwest Standings (PLUM)

  • Bethany Lutheran College 86
  • St. Olaf College 77
  • Simpson College 69
  • St Cloud State University 29
  • Ripon College 15
  • South Dakota State University 6
  • North Dakota State University 3

I personally think he could bring Simpson College back to their glory days of being #1.
Just look at these guys. They could learn to keep choppin.

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