I don't mind that he takes such an anti-GS or anti-whatever viewpoint. Life's more interesting when there's a variety for views and so forth.Being a douche. Maybe if he realizes he’s achieved that goal he’ll stop and try another.
Just wish he'd realize/admit he operates on almost pure speculation. He's weaving conjecture and an occasional fact (or half-truth) into narratives that suit his viewpoint. Which is very disingenuous behavior.
Repeating conjecture as fact often enough causes the inattentive and/or unskeptical to adopt the conjecture as fact. Then they repeat it. And it becomes viral. So we wind up with a bunch of misinformation from which people draw unsupportable conclusions.
We see it in politics ALL THE TIME from all sides. It's a super unattractive aspect of human nature. Would be nice not to have to deal with it sports too.