So we all knew Bolin didnt have a strong arm..

You guys seem to have all of the answers. You forget we played a top 10 team and Bolin was fine. We also ran the ball well. The 2 deep Washington punts that had us start on the 2 really were an important key.
And also, don't you think the staff already knows whether or not Bolin can stretch the field? I'm sure they don't have to see a few games to figure it out.
question also can be..does RU have any real accomplished WRs 'home Run" threats that can stretch the field thru speed and route running?
Always harping on the negative^^^^^^^^^^
you hate those fact type questions or answers.dont you,either from a fan or paid national reporters!!
Also,just ignore the OP questioning the starting QBs arm strength after one games time as body of work(not a negative?).. go spin master knight shift!
you hate those fact type questions or answers.dont you,either from a fan or paid national reporters!!
Also,just ignore the OP questioning the starting QBs arm strength after one games time as body of work(not a negative?).. go spin master knight shift!
OK, Mrs. Golden. I just hate your posts.
I do NOT like Golden,read my other post today and response to you about my Ash view..nice try though.
BTW..Bolin said the game plan was to throw shorter passes just in front and over the his post game comments.
Point still Point still stands, this was a wonderful game and it was given away. Bowman does not have arm strength and that was known before he got here. Bolin showed me nothing that tells me he's better than Gio
Point still Point still stands, this was a wonderful game and it was given away. Bowman does not have arm strength and that was known before he got here. Bolin showed me nothing that tells me he's better than Gio
Straight talent wise Gio looks to be the better player. I think it's clear Bolin got job for leadership, decision making purposes.

Is it the right call? Maybe.

I do have a slight concern that going Bolin was in part because it makes for an easier transition to Lewis.
Straight talent wise Gio looks to be the better player. I think it's clear Bolin got job for leadership, decision making purposes.

Is it the right call? Maybe.

I do have a slight concern that going Bolin was in part because it makes for an easier transition to Lewis.
It seems to me that Gio to Lewis would be an easier transition.Two bigger kids with stronger arms who can run.
It seems to me that Gio to Lewis would be an easier transition.
Bolin's gone after this year.

This was at most going to be a year where Lewis got his feet wet. It was always about next year and beyond.
I think there plenty of room for improvement. Thought he played his best early and then threw quite a few inaccurate passes most of which requires touch than arm strength. Tough opener so certainly willing to see what this week brings.
That guy literally might be the single worst post on these boards at this time. Maybe for a couple of years now, actually.

Says the guy who was actually banned for being the worst poster on this site, not to mention a sad middle aged frat boy with zip going in his life.
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Says the guy who was actually banned for being the worst poster on this site, not to mention a sad middle aged frat boy with zip going in his life.

You're a sad, clueless person, but whatever it takes!
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Here's my 2 cents assessment with Bolin. He is not a world beater QB. He's not getting drafted in the first day. May not be drafted at all. I don't know. What I do know, is that his calling might be in coaching. He is a born leader. He has that "it" factor. His greatest strength is leadership. He may not have the strongest arm but he is accurate with the short stuff. I don't think his weakness is arm strength. His weakness I believe, from the limited highlights I have seen, is he seem to have the propensity to throw interceptions. Nova-esq, if you will. But I do agree that he doesn't have the strongest arm.

That said, QB is more than arm strength. It's also decision making, leadership, along with instilling confidence in your team mates. Look how fluid the read option was, in particualr the exchanges with the RBs, compared to last year. It's night and day. For those clamoring for Gio, look at film and see how awkward Gio looked at times running the read option. Gio also has the same tendency to throw interceptions. The difference is, Gio is no where as accurate as Bolin. Even with the short stuff. Do you guys think Gio could have thrown those passes in that opening TD drive? You're fooling yourself if you do. Look what happened last year when he couldn't run any more after he got injured. Wasn't as effective when forced to rely on his passing ability.

The best QB on the team is Lewis. But he needs tons of experience. Some of you may not want to believe it, but Bolin is really the best we have until Lewis learns and becomes acclimated to the college game.

I know the backup QB is always the most popular guy when you don't win, but after seeing how Laviano and Rettig are doing or did with different teams, you would think people would learn by now to trust the coaches. Especially Kill who has a history of nurturing and developing good QBs.
His deep throws looked terrible so far in this game.

Id like to see him prove me wrong, but its not looking good.