Sources: Greg Schiano left Patriots to return to Rutgers

You continue to talk out of your ass regarding Schiano. Schiano is one of the few people who have built up credibility with the fanbase to withstand a losing season or two while we're rebuilding without having rioting ensue. I don't think he'll have much trepidation at all about the fan-base, plus he's a confident guy who knows what needs to be done and knows that he can do it.

And there was no "evenly split" fan-base when he left. We had just finished a very successful 9-4 season, capped with a nice win against Iowa State in our bowl game, and that season easily could've been a 10-11 win season if we could've closed the deal against UNC and Louisville (very close losses). Plus, recruiting was on the upswing with top 20-30 classes. Most fans were distraught when he left.

Finally, there's very little question on whether he takes the job, as long as we come up with decent $$. As I've been saying for a couple of months now, Greg is very likely to be our next coach (no guarantees, but high probability).

One more thing on your other post: Jones won 2 championships in the MAC. Big deal. And his two in the BE were ties, where Cincy wasn't good enough to get the BCS bowl, so they were no more meaningful than finishing 2nd and he never had a season as successful as Greg's 2006 season, plus he went 4-8 in his first year at Cincy, after they were 12-1. Also, he had two good years at TN, two horrible ones and one mediocre one. I still think he's a good candidate, but not as good as Schiano.
You are posting revisionist history in arguing that there wasn’t a large portion of the RU fan base who felt Schiano had taken us as far as he was going to, and were not that unhappy when he left (once they realized replacing him was going to be done on the cheap attitudes started changing somewhat).

Your “10-11 win season if we could have closed the deal” is actually making the major point used at the time why people thought him leaving might not be so bad for RU.
You are posting revisionist history in arguing that there wasn’t a large portion of the RU fan base who felt Schiano had taken us as far as he was going to, and were not that unhappy when he left (once they realized replacing him was going to be done on the cheap attitudes started changing somewhat).

Your “10-11 win season if we could have closed the deal” is actually making the major point used at the time why people thought him leaving might not be so bad for RU.
I was one of those fans.

Now, at this point, I do think he brings instant credibility back to the program. He might not have a high ceiling, again going with the notion that he will only take a program so far, but I think his floor is very high. He's built a college program from similar depths, he knows our area, he has name recognition, he's been an NFL coach, he worked under Urban, he's likely more open to the idea of a spread offense, Belichek gave him a job(even if it never came to be), he has the back of a large segment of the fanbase, not only from his big supporters, but also from those like me who would now welcome him back.
Sounds like some (supposedly) Rutgers fans will be rooting for Schiano to fail.
I doubt it. I approach each game hoping for a win. That doesn't change because I want the coach fired. It doesn't change because of who the coach is. It'll never change.

The fact that Schiano would be my last choice to replace Ash changes nothing. If I ever got to a point where I'd approach a game not wanting the team to do well, then I'd quit coming to games entirely.
Either GS can still recruit NJ or he can't. If he is able to get players here, bring him back. We now have much more to offer prospective recruits than ever before. Why take a chance on someone who may not be able to get NJ's best here-like Ash.
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It’s also very weird that Schiano accepted the gig at New England and stepped down a month later.


I though maybe it all had to do with the timing of Kraft's massage parlor escapades and threatened release of video. The Kraft story broke right after Greg got hired in Feb. The next weeks there was a big deal about releasing video. Throw Greg into that scene and a media that might like to drag in Paterno, Tennessee, Ray Rice video etc. pats might have seen something coming down the pike and deiced it was best for all to disperse
Disagree that he is the best choice. Jones has a better overall record and has won 4 championships.
jones took over brian kelly central michigan team that had the most talent in the mac. they had an nfl qb, several nfl ol, and a walkon wr named Antonio brown. Jones then followed kelly to cincy were once again they were loaded with talent. Once he could not follow kelly anymore things did not work out
How do you know Hobbs was solidly in Ash's corner? It's not like Hobbs, until he makes a decision, is going to talk publicly about any negatives with a coach of one of his teams. That would be extremely unprofessional.

He decided to bring him back for a 4th year. Isn’t that a strong sign he was still in his corner? You think that changed in the off season when GS and the Pats parted ways?
I though maybe it all had to do with the timing of Kraft's massage parlor escapades and threatened release of video. The Kraft story broke right after Greg got hired in Feb. The next weeks there was a big deal about releasing video. Throw Greg into that scene and a media that might like to drag in Paterno, Tennessee, Ray Rice video etc. pats might have seen something coming down the pike and deiced it was best for all to disperse
One thought I had was that Belichick was helping his buddy out and hatched a fake "hire" to help rehabilitate GS's image after he was let go by the new coach at OSU. So BB and GS planned for GS to do the quick resign thing all along.

With BB being the GM, it's not quite as complicated as it might be on other teams. Nobody would have to know but GS, BB, and Kraft.

Otherwise, GS gets fired from NFL. Gets effectively fired from Tennessee before he even starts. Then gets fired from OSU. The Patriots hire help GS look a lot better after all that.

I give this little conspiracy theory low odds of being true. But I wonder a little.
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How would they know before the season started that they would fire Ash in November? Did they have a crystal ball? What if he had won?
jones took over brian kelly central michigan team that had the most talent in the mac. they had an nfl qb, several nfl ol, and a walkon wr named Antonio brown. Jones then followed kelly to cincy were once again they were loaded with talent. Once he could not follow kelly anymore things did not work out
Where did they not work out? He had a winning record everywhere.

At TN, he went 5-7, then 7-6, 9-4, 9-4, 4-6 (fired). Total stats: 34-27 over 5 seasons. His conference record in the SEC wasn't great, but they haven't done any better since he left either. And he managed to win conference championships 4 times. Winning is habit forming and elusive. But he did it.

To compare, Schiano never won anything. Was only 1 game over .500 lifetime, and well under .500 in conference play (Big East, not SEC). He had a full 11 years and in his last four, was under .500 in conference.

So... neither coach was perfect. But one seemed to objectively do better. And one is more offensive minded, which would be a nice change after Schiano and Ash (discounting Flood who had no pedigree to speak of).

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to hire Urban Meyer and pay him whatever it takes. But I don't think that's realistic.
Well looks like GS will be back.

Anyone know what he's driving right now? It would be cool to see if his truck is in the parking lot next week.

Anyone have time to scout it out?
He decided to bring him back for a 4th year. Isn’t that a strong sign he was still in his corner? You think that changed in the off season when GS and the Pats parted ways?
No. I think GS is irrelevant to the decision.

I think that Hobbs, if he were unconstrained, would love to spend lots more money than he has been spending to make every athletic program successful. But that's not the world he's been living in.

I think it's more indicative of there being spending constraints imposed on Hobbs from above. Budgeting on the scale RU, and Hobbs, do considers multiple years financial impacts across all programs; not just simple math over the course of a single season for a single team.
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Complete nonsense. Ash sucked. Some of us knew it earlier than others. We all wanted him to succeed.
Not nonsense at all. You want to say you were not one of them? Fine, I didn't keep tabs, but there definitely people who were rooting for him to lose his way out the door asap.
I didn't have any bad feelings when he left. Was a little shocked because it came out of nowhere. But I wasn't upset with him in the slightest for going to the NFL because all this is just business. Not personal.

Conversely, I will not be excited if he comes back; I'll be a little let down. Because I think there are better options out there. While he did an excellent job a program builder, he had 11 years and never won the Big East or anything else. He did very poorly at Tampa Bay. And not as well as Ash as DC at Ohio State.

I get why people are very fond of him because he was smart about creating a soft schedule and getting us to bowl games regularly. But times have changed, our schedule will never be soft anymore, and his in-conference record was poor back then, even in the last 4 seasons (after 7 years of program building).

He'd be my last choice if we can't get any of the better options. For me, a let-down.

If times have changed, is it possible that the man has changed/grown/learned also? Or, is this just that you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
If times have changed, is it possible that the man has changed/grown/learned also? Or, is this just that you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
It's possible and if he's hired, that's what I'll have to base my hope upon. I don't hate the guy, I really like him for what he did here and especially for being so amazingly great with Eric Legrand.

I would just rather we find someone who has had more outright coaching success; more winning. Because in my experience, winning is habit-forming and some people win big games, some people fold. GS won a couple big games, but he also folded a lot when it really mattered. Thus we never won the Big East when we really should've.

I find it hard to translate that record into doing well in the Big Ten East. I guess you could say that I've separated my fondness for GS from my objective evaluation of him as the right coach to make RU truly and consistently competitive in the Big Ten.
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Sounds like some (supposedly) Rutgers fans will be rooting for Schiano to fail.
Though I feel there are RU fans that dislike Schiano and don't want him back at one time they probably were Schiano supporters that just
jumped off his bandwagon when they started feeling he'd never make RU an elite program and decided he wasn't good enough.
Then there are those who felt let down by his leaving for the pro game and the timing of it.

But I feel most Schiano detractors will hope he succeeds , only give him a short leash giving up on him quickly if RU doesn't look like it's improving with him as HC.
But after the Ash experience the next HC,if not Greg, might get the same treatment.
jones took over brian kelly central michigan team that had the most talent in the mac. they had an nfl qb, several nfl ol, and a walkon wr named Antonio brown. Jones then followed kelly to cincy were once again they were loaded with talent. Once he could not follow kelly anymore things did not work out

This is why comparing coaches can be a tricky thing. The phrase "All things being equal..." comes to mind. Things are rarely, if ever, equal from one coaching situation to another. There are things that are more easily done at some places than they are at others and, at RU, it seems that just about everything has been harder than it's been elsewhere. It's why knowing the lay of the land and/or knowing exactly what you're getting yourself into is so high on my list of priorities for the next head coach.
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How would they know before the season started that they would fire Ash in November? Did they have a crystal ball? What if he had won?
Not that I believe all of the details of this article, but going into this season one wasn’t exactly going out on a limb to believe Ash was going to continue to fail.
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The first year in the B1G Elmer Flood was 8-5. Does Greg do better? I bet he beats State Penn and we at least win 9. The wheels fell off the program after that.

We don’t know if they would’ve had Schiano left but I’m betting they don’t.

We will never know but saying we would’ve done this bad this long under Greg would be a mistake...
I believe most of this. Because....
First off Schiano was never annouced as the NE Defensive Coordinator.
Second, Schiano never signed a contract.
Third, who believed that nonsense about wanting to watch his daughter play soccer or whatever she plays as the reason he left NE before even starting. I knew there was another story to him leaving.
People were posting that they would be unhappy if we won 3 games because Ash might be retained. That's pretty much the definition of rooting for Ash to fail.

Are you this remedial? Bc if you really don't understand how off the mark your response is, I will gladly explain.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you already know what a bad argument that was.
Are you this remedial? Bc if you really don't understand how off the mark your response is, I will gladly explain.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you already know what a bad argument that was.

What a silly way of saying "I was wrong but don't have the class to admit it".

Wanna try again?
Sources told FootballScoop in recent days that Schiano left his post back in New England in order to make himself available to return to Rutgers as the Scarlet Knights’ head coach. Sources said Rutgers made it clear to Schiano at the time he will be the choice to replace Chris Ash once the position became available.

Sources said that Schiano informed Bill Belichick of his intention to return to Piscataway, and that Belichick immediately recognized a late November/early December departure would be incompatible with the Patriots’ schedule. The two came to a mutual understanding that the right thing to do for both sides was for Schiano to resign at that time.
Isn’t that unethical??
You are posting revisionist history in arguing that there wasn’t a large portion of the RU fan base who felt Schiano had taken us as far as he was going to, and were not that unhappy when he left (once they realized replacing him was going to be done on the cheap attitudes started changing somewhat).

Your “10-11 win season if we could have closed the deal” is actually making the major point used at the time why people thought him leaving might not be so bad for RU.

Sorry, no way was a "large" (which to me means half or more) portion of the fanbase thinking Greg had done all he could and "not that unhappy" he left. Surely you recall the absolute meltdown on this board when he announced he was leaving for TB. I'm not saying there weren't some folks in this camp, but I would've guessed it was 20-25%.
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Sorry, no way was a "large" (which to me means half or more) portion of the fanbase thinking Greg had done all he could and "not that unhappy" he left. Surely you recall the absolute meltdown on this board when he announced he was leaving for TB. I'm not saying there weren't some folks in this camp, but I would've guessed it was 20-25%.
Of course there was a meltdown. Nobody expected it and it was very late in the hiring cycle.

You can guess 25%. To me, and others apparently, it felt a lot more like 50%. And that comports with human nature which is to always want more. It especially comports with RU fan nature which is to bitch about everything all the time.

Whereas you want us to expect that 75% of the fan-base was perfectly happy with Schiano and had no complaints whatsoever. Not buying it.

There's no way for anybody to verify or prove this. So let me just say YOU'RE WRONG!
Bad feelings at the time. He had his chance of lifetime and took it. Bad timing for us for sure, but he can totally redeem himself now.

Short of Urban, there is no one I would rather have than Greg. Instant cred with the tools to get us off life support immediately.

This is gonna be a wildly exciting time to be a Rutgers football fan again if he returns.
I didn't have any bad feelings when he left. Was a little shocked because it came out of nowhere. But I wasn't upset with him in the slightest for going to the NFL because all this is just business. Not personal.

Conversely, I will not be excited if he comes back; I'll be a little let down. Because I think there are better options out there. While he did an excellent job a program builder, he had 11 years and never won the Big East or anything else. He did very poorly at Tampa Bay. And not as well as Ash as DC at Ohio State.

I get why people are very fond of him because he was smart about creating a soft schedule and getting us to bowl games regularly. But times have changed, our schedule will never be soft anymore, and his in-conference record was poor back then, even in the last 4 seasons (after 7 years of program building).

He'd be my last choice if we can't get any of the better options. For me, a let-down.
Fair assessment. If he were to come back I agree with the under that after 1 loss folks on this board will question his hire. In fact, folks on this board will question any hire. Maybe we should drop to D3 and see how we do against Montclair St.

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