Sources: Greg Schiano left Patriots to return to Rutgers

Where did they not work out? He had a winning record everywhere.

At TN, he went 5-7, then 7-6, 9-4, 9-4, 4-6 (fired). Total stats: 34-27 over 5 seasons. His conference record in the SEC wasn't great, but they haven't done any better since he left either. And he managed to win conference championships 4 times. Winning is habit forming and elusive. But he did it.

To compare, Schiano never won anything. Was only 1 game over .500 lifetime, and well under .500 in conference play (Big East, not SEC). He had a full 11 years and in his last four, was under .500 in conference.

So... neither coach was perfect. But one seemed to objectively do better. And one is more offensive minded, which would be a nice change after Schiano and Ash (discounting Flood who had no pedigree to speak of).

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to hire Urban Meyer and pay him whatever it takes. But I don't think that's realistic.

Now you're just trolling. Let's look at some facts...
  • Jones was 34-27 at a top ten all-tie program that's won multiple national championships and his record is, apart from Dudley's before him, the worst of any TN coach since about 1960 - and he won no championships in the SEC, despite your implication he did. Given every advantage in the world being at a storied program, he did worse than Schiano did over his last 7 years.
  • As I've said a few times now, but which you keep ignoring, his first 2 championships were in the 2nd tier MAC (i.e., who cares?) and his second 2 were at Cincy, but his teams weren't good enough to win the BE BCS bid, meaning, again, who cares?
  • Schiano's 2006 season was better than any year Jones has ever had, by a decent margin.
  • Jones was 34-27 (56%)/14-24 (37%) at TN, while Schiano, over his last 7 years (after reviving the program from the ashes - no, not those Ashes), was 56-33 (63%)/25-24 (51%), i.e., Schiano did much better. Even if you throw in the Cincy years, Jones was 57-41 (58%)/26-33 (44%), which is still worse than Schiano's last 7 years.
Bottom line is Jones is NOT demonstrably better than Schiano, record-wise - in fact, just the opposite, although I still think Jones is a good candidate. Just not as good as Schiano, especially when factoring in all the other things Schiano brings to the table, including recruiting, program-building, and improving academics greatly and, of course, having done all that once before at Rutgers. Case closed.
Of course there was a meltdown. Nobody expected it and it was very late in the hiring cycle.

You can guess 25%. To me, and others apparently, it felt a lot more like 50%. And that comports with human nature which is to always want more. It especially comports with RU fan nature which is to bitch about everything all the time.

Whereas you want us to expect that 75% of the fan-base was perfectly happy with Schiano and had no complaints whatsoever. Not buying it.

There's no way for anybody to verify or prove this. So let me just say YOU'RE WRONG!

You got 3 likes on your first anti-Schiano post in this thread, while I got 11 likes in my rebuttal. I think you know what that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Sorry, no way was a "large" (which to me means half or more) portion of the fanbase thinking Greg had done all he could and "not that unhappy" he left. Surely you recall the absolute meltdown on this board when he announced he was leaving for TB. I'm not saying there weren't some folks in this camp, but I would've guessed it was 20-25%.
i think it was more than 25%, but even if was that number, that is still a significant chunk of the fan base. Were you the one advising Hobbs to keep Ash for this season, using the logic that going from 22,000 season tickets to 16,000 isn’t a “large” drop?
Where did they not work out? He had a winning record everywhere.

At TN, he went 5-7, then 7-6, 9-4, 9-4, 4-6 (fired). Total stats: 34-27 over 5 seasons. His conference record in the SEC wasn't great, but they haven't done any better since he left either. And he managed to win conference championships 4 times. Winning is habit forming and elusive. But he did it.

To compare, Schiano never won anything. Was only 1 game over .500 lifetime, and well under .500 in conference play (Big East, not SEC). He had a full 11 years and in his last four, was under .500 in conference.

So... neither coach was perfect. But one seemed to objectively do better. And one is more offensive minded, which would be a nice change after Schiano and Ash (discounting Flood who had no pedigree to speak of).

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to hire Urban Meyer and pay him whatever it takes. But I don't think that's realistic.
Already said why he won at central and cincy. he was 14-24 in conference games with the volvs. he did what sec teams do and play an easy non conference schedule. A huge reason it has not got better is because of the players he brought in. vol fans will tell you this is the least talented team they have seen
i think it was more than 25%, but even if was that number, that is still a significant chunk of the fan base. Were you the one advising Hobbs to keep Ash for this season, using the logic that going from 22,000 season tickets to 16,000 isn’t a “large” drop?

25% is not a "large" portion of the fanbase, when it comes to being unhappy with a coach, since I'd guess there's a baseline of 10-15% who are unhappy with almost any coach. 25% of season tickets lost is huge - totally different situations. I wanted Ash fired at the end of last year, so wrong on that one too (and I was not in favor of the Ash hire to begin with).
You got 3 likes on your first anti-Schiano post in this thread, while I got 11 likes in my rebuttal. I think you know what that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Going with the masses, eh? You know what they say about the masses.
I am not a big fan of bringing Greg back but I think folks are overlooking the fact that our recruiting was improving to the point that the championships would be inevitable because we would have better talent on the field.
Now you're just trolling. Let's look at some facts...
  • Jones was 34-27 at a top ten all-tie program that's won multiple national championships and his record is, apart from Dudley's before him, the worst of any TN coach since about 1960 - and he won no championships in the SEC, despite your implication he did. Given every advantage in the world being at a storied program, he did worse than Schiano did over his last 7 years.
  • As I've said a few times now, but which you keep ignoring, his first 2 championships were in the 2nd tier MAC (i.e., who cares?) and his second 2 were at Cincy, but his teams weren't good enough to win the BE BCS bid, meaning, again, who cares?
  • Schiano's 2006 season was better than any year Jones has ever had, by a decent margin.
  • Jones was 34-27 (56%)/14-24 (37%) at TN, while Schiano, over his last 7 years (after reviving the program from the ashes - no, not those Ashes), was 56-33 (63%)/25-24 (51%), i.e., Schiano did much better. Even if you throw in the Cincy years, Jones was 57-41 (58%)/26-33 (44%), which is still worse than Schiano's last 7 years.
Bottom line is Jones is NOT demonstrably better than Schiano, record-wise - in fact, just the opposite, although I still think Jones is a good candidate. Just not as good as Schiano, especially when factoring in all the other things Schiano brings to the table, including recruiting, program-building, and improving academics greatly and, of course, having done all that once before at Rutgers. Case closed.
Remind me. How many conference titles does Schiano have?

How many national championships as D coordinator with OSU? You know, where Ash won one of those?

And how many times has he been fired lately? 2? Maybe 3?
25% is not a "large" portion of the fanbase, when it comes to being unhappy with a coach, since I'd guess there's a baseline of 10-15% who are unhappy with almost any coach. 25% of season tickets lost is huge - totally different situations. I wanted Ash fired at the end of last year, so wrong on that one too (and I was not in favor of the Ash hire to begin with).
Considering you pulled the 25% figure out of your a**, you are arguing way too much about the significance of that number.

A lot of fans were not unhappy when Schiano left because. prior to learning how cheaply and badly they would handle hiring his replacement, there was a lot of hope Rutgers could get someone who did a better job on gameday.
You continue to talk out of your ass regarding Schiano. Schiano is one of the few people who have built up credibility with the fanbase to withstand a losing season or two while we're rebuilding without having rioting ensue. I don't think he'll have much trepidation at all about the fan-base, plus he's a confident guy who knows what needs to be done and knows that he can do it.

And there was no "evenly split" fan-base when he left. We had just finished a very successful 9-4 season, capped with a nice win against Iowa State in our bowl game, and that season easily could've been a 10-11 win season if we could've closed the deal against UNC and Louisville (very close losses). Plus, recruiting was on the upswing with top 20-30 classes. Most fans were distraught when he left.

Finally, there's very little question on whether he takes the job, as long as we come up with decent $$. As I've been saying for a couple of months now, Greg is very likely to be our next coach (no guarantees, but high probability).

One more thing on your other post: Jones won 2 championships in the MAC. Big deal. And his two in the BE were ties, where Cincy wasn't good enough to get the BCS bowl, so they were no more meaningful than finishing 2nd and he never had a season as successful as Greg's 2006 season, plus he went 4-8 in his first year at Cincy, after they were 12-1. Also, he had two good years at TN, two horrible ones and one mediocre one. I still think he's a good candidate, but not as good as Schiano.
I agree with you. Schiano knows the geography, how the whole thing works at Rutgers and in NJ, that's huge. I wish he won more while he was here but we were a dropped pass away from beating WV and going to the Orange Bowl in 2006. While he wasn't coach, the 2012 team was his and they were blitzing Teddy Bridgewater away from a title and a New Years bowl. His last recruiting class was the best in school history and the one he left just before signing day was even better. He'll build the program and we'll win games. Sign him and be happy you're about to get a lot better.
I am not a big fan of bringing Greg back but I think folks are overlooking the fact that our recruiting was improving to the point that the championships would be inevitable because we would have better talent on the field.

Chip Kelly took the Tampa job then turned it down the next day. If GS coached at RU in 2012, he wins the league. And the Big Ten announcement happened in Nov. He likely wouldn’t have left after that. FU Chip

It’s been nothing but downhill since. Time for a reboot
no contract is ever complete until EVERYONE signs--options should always be open--hey I know the usual guys can't stop complaining but shyt give it a break--we know you won't , never satisfied, so who cares -Hobbs needs to satisfy himself and mainly a "few" others
Chip Kelly took the Tampa job then turned it down the next day. If GS coached at RU in 2012, he wins the league. And the Big Ten announcement happened in Nov. He likely wouldn’t have left after that. FU Chip

It’s been nothing but downhill since. Time for a reboot
No he wouldn't have stayed. He was already told his next contract would be smaller. He was leaving at some point.
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Chip Kelly took the Tampa job then turned it down the next day. If GS coached at RU in 2012, he wins the league. And the Big Ten announcement happened in Nov. He likely wouldn’t have left after that. FU Chip

It’s been nothing but downhill since. Time for a reboot

Schiano was probably going to leave eventually even with the B1G invite. The program probably would have been in a better place when he left, however, but I always thought he needed to challenge himself. That’s out of his system now and his success elsewhere was minimal at best. Probably a good time for both parties to be happy with him being back.
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Remind me. How many conference titles does Schiano have?

How many national championships as D coordinator with OSU? You know, where Ash won one of those?

And how many times has he been fired lately? 2? Maybe 3?

So, I crushed you in the previous post, so you change the subject to largely irrelevant things. Like I said, I'll take 2006 over any of Jones's "conference championships" (2 in the MAC and 2 in the BE that were basically 2nd places, since on BCS bowls).

And who the eff cares about whether OSU won a national championship while Schiano was there? Nobody, it's irrelevant, as proven by your next comment about Ash, since we know how important that was for his success at RU.

Also, the only firing that was based on performance was Tampa Bay and that was questionable, since he had a great first year, but wasn't given enough time to turn that mess of a franchise around. And as you know, many great coaches have been fired at least once, including Nick Saban.
If true all those leaving the Pats so quickly after being hired was a bunch of BS by those who acted like they had the inside scoop.

I think Football scoop was just reporting the rumorbecause he was available , not the reason he left.
He would have been just as available after NE's season was over and could have been named the next RU FB HC after Rutgers season was over waiting to assume control once the Patriots season ended , before the Superbowl or after NE played in it

Greg might be willing to come back but I doubt
he would unless Hobbs can guarantee he'll get the support he needs to rebuild Rutgers football into a good program.
But that has been discussed repeatedly the last couple of years.
GARY'S 1st priority was always about
His money over support for the team.
How would they know before the season started that they would fire Ash in November? Did they have a crystal ball? What if he had won?

There was a lot of talk that the big money guys met and decided before the season that unless Ash made a MAJOR improvement in the team this year he was going. They knew the odds were low because the team didn't suck because of the schemes - it was because he couldn't recruit. And recruiting again looked poor at that time. So they in effect were giving him a couple of games to save himself even though they were pretty sure he couldn't. Time works out pretty good for that set of rumors.
Remind me. How many conference titles does Schiano have?

How many national championships as D coordinator with OSU? You know, where Ash won one of those?

And how many times has he been fired lately? 2? Maybe 3?
Won't hold him back if he learned from his mistakes, willing to delegate in areas he's not best at and still has the enthusiasm that helped him build a good program from a terrible one and is able to gain the confidence of the High School coaches he so they won't tell their players Rutgers might not be a good fit for them.

Schiano has a lot of faults he needs to overcome, but from the time he left Rutgers, was fired from Tampa, given his walking papers from Day the new Buckeye HC, Greg might have learned something that will help him do better the second time around

Face it Rutgers isn't going to get the best and brightest to come, but it might have a chance to go after the best of the rest type and Greg fits in that category
If Rutgers was prime spot, Greg's name wouldn't be on the tip of everyone's tongue ,the name there would be Urban.:ThumbsUp
I believe most of this. Because....
First off Schiano was never annouced as the NE Defensive Coordinator.
Second, Schiano never signed a contract.
Third, who believed that nonsense about wanting to watch his daughter play soccer or whatever she plays as the reason he left NE before even starting. I knew there was another story to him leaving.

I'm guessing on this one but when the money guys heard he was talking to the Pats they reached out and basically said to not take the job if he was interested in coming back - or maybe after hearing about the interest he decided not to commit to his buddy's pats team without being 100%. The way things have worked out up until now fit with what I've been hearing and I now will be very surprised to not see Schiano back. Maybe if Nunzio goes 8-0 they give him the job but that's not going to happen. The money guys are fans of and have a very good relationship with Greg.
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Considering you pulled the 25% figure out of your a**, you are arguing way too much about the significance of that number.

A lot of fans were not unhappy when Schiano left because. prior to learning how cheaply and badly they would handle hiring his replacement, there was a lot of hope Rutgers could get someone who did a better job on gameday.

I think we can all agree that almost everyone was stunned by RU cheaping out so low on Schiano's replacement and that we could've done much better than Flood.
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Won't hold him back if he learned from his mistakes, willing to delegate in areas he's not best at and still has the enthusiasm that helped him build a good program from a terrible one and is able to gain the confidence of the High School coaches he so they won't tell their players Rutgers might not be a good fit for them.

Schiano has a lot of faults he needs to overcome, but from the time he left Rutgers, was fired from Tampa, given his walking papers from Day the new Buckeye HC, Greg might have learned something that will help him do better the second time around

Face it Rutgers isn't going to get the best and brightest to come, but it might have a chance to go after the best of the rest type and Greg fits in that category
If Rutgers was prime spot, Greg's name wouldn't be on the tip of everyone's tongue ,the name there would be Urban.:ThumbsUp

#1 That would be surprising.
#2 Pray it is so.
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GARY'S 1st priority was always about
His money over support for the team.
That's why when he first talked to Mulcahy about being the Rutgers Head Coach he had a lost of demands we expected met or he wouldn't take the position.
That list included more than his own salary , but what he felt needed for Rutgers to become a winning program.
Greg's ego might have made people think he was all about himself, but that ego also was the reason he wouldn't allow Rutgers to be a losing program under him.

Yes he wanted what he could get, that's what most HCes do when they talk salary.
#1 That would be surprising.
#2 Pray it is so.
#2)you and me both will be praying it's so.
#1) read an article a few years back ( it was talked about on this board) when he was sitting at home
and he stated he knew he made mistakes and had learned from them .
So I'm going by that .
I think we can all agree that almost everyone was stunned by RU cheaping out so low on Schiano's replacement and that we could've done much better than Flood.
I thought it was imperative that Rutgers take advantage of the last two years of the Big East’s automatic BCS bid and basically do what Louisville actually did to increase their attractiveness to other conferences.

I was livid when they hired Flood instead to be cheap and preserve the recruiting class at the time, and of course pleasantly surprised when the B1G invited us despite our ineptitude.
Now you're just trolling. Let's look at some facts...
  • Jones was 34-27 at a top ten all-tie program that's won multiple national championships and his record is, apart from Dudley's before him, the worst of any TN coach since about 1960 - and he won no championships in the SEC, despite your implication he did. Given every advantage in the world being at a storied program, he did worse than Schiano did over his last 7 years.
  • As I've said a few times now, but which you keep ignoring, his first 2 championships were in the 2nd tier MAC (i.e., who cares?) and his second 2 were at Cincy, but his teams weren't good enough to win the BE BCS bid, meaning, again, who cares?
  • Schiano's 2006 season was better than any year Jones has ever had, by a decent margin.
  • Jones was 34-27 (56%)/14-24 (37%) at TN, while Schiano, over his last 7 years (after reviving the program from the ashes - no, not those Ashes), was 56-33 (63%)/25-24 (51%), i.e., Schiano did much better. Even if you throw in the Cincy years, Jones was 57-41 (58%)/26-33 (44%), which is still worse than Schiano's last 7 years.
Bottom line is Jones is NOT demonstrably better than Schiano, record-wise - in fact, just the opposite, although I still think Jones is a good candidate. Just not as good as Schiano, especially when factoring in all the other things Schiano brings to the table, including recruiting, program-building, and improving academics greatly and, of course, having done all that once before at Rutgers. Case closed.

Yeah Jones really isn't my guy man. If he couldn't succeed at TN then I doubt he gets it done here.
That's why when he first talked to Mulcahy about being the Rutgers Head Coach he had a lost of demands we expected met or he wouldn't take the position.
That list included more than his own salary , but what he felt needed for Rutgers to become a winning program.
Greg's ego might have made people think he was all about himself, but that ego also was the reason he wouldn't allow Rutgers to be a losing program under him.

Yes he wanted what he could get, that's what most HCes do when they talk salary.
He did allow Rutgers to be a losing team, his regular season was 2 games below 500 and that is a losing season.
It could have would have been much worse, the only thing he accomplished was to weaken the ooc schedule every year, and then
combine that with the teams that left the conference, and you got a real loser.
#2)you and me both will be praying it's so.
#1) read an article a few years back ( it was talked about on this board) when he was sitting at home
and he stated he knew he made mistakes and had learned from them .
So I'm going by that .

#2)you and me both will be praying it's so.
#1) read an article a few years back ( it was talked about on this board) when he was sitting at home
and he stated he knew he made mistakes and had learned from them .
So I'm going by that .
When trying to kill Manning, while he was taking a knee at the end of a game, he couldn't win, what is his excuse for
that, today he would be called a piece of SHI.

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