Sports Illustrated Reporter: Hearing Schiano before end of season

Can’t miss?? I wouldn’t go that far. He missed in Tampa and OSU, didn’t he??
I think we need to check our definitions or expectations. Stop thinking about finding a guy who could win us a national championship and start thinking about finding a guy who will be guaranteed to improve how we play, how we recruit and who can reignite the fan base.

Schiano is cant miss in those terms.... u hire an up and comer and thats no guarantee ( see ash)
I think we need to check our definitions or expectations. Stop thinking about finding a guy who could win us a national championship and start thinking about finding a guy who will be guaranteed to improve how we play, how we recruit and who can reignite the fan base.

Schiano is cant miss in those terms.... u hire an up and comer and thats no guarantee ( see ash)
Who beside RutgersAl actually thinks that Rutgers will ever win a national title in football ?
Who beside RutgersAl actually thinks that Rutgers will ever win a national title in football ?
Its seems like thats what everyone is worried about... especially in their criticism of schiano. They want to find a young meyer or saban or chip kelly who has some magic potion to make us a perennial top 10 team.
You sound upset that I knocked your pom poms out of your hands and your megaphone with GS on it. When you calm down, I can address your points.
Randy Edsall says hello too. 2.0 situations rarely work out.
Well you've had three chances already but done nothing. I won't hold my breath.
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Well you've had three chances already but done nothing. I won't hold my breath.
Do you need me to go and find the threads. OK, I will. There are lots of choices for coaches. Let's not do the Rutgers thing and put all of our eggs in Greg's basket, OK?

Maybe it would best to have an offensive-minded head coach for once.
Here's the knock on Schiano. He didn't win the big one. He beat Louisville, Syracuse, Pitt, USF, UCONN and Cincinnati. He never beat West Virginia. His games against WV were 41-31, 35-14, 24-21, 24-17, 31-3, 41-39(triple overtime), 27-14, 35-30, 34-19, 40-0, and 80-7. These are the unpardonable sins for which some will never forgive him.
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Do you need me to go and find the threads. OK, I will. There are lots of choices for coaches. Let's not do the Rutgers thing and put all of our eggs in Greg's basket, OK?

Maybe it would best to have an offensive-minded head coach for once.

Still haven't addressed my points. You and your straw man have a nice time together. I'm done.
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Here's the knock on Schiano. He didn't win the big one. He beat Louisville, Syracuse, Pitt, USF, UCONN and Cincinnati. He never beat West Virginia. His games against WV were 41-31, 35-14, 24-21, 24-17, 31-3, 41-39(triple overtime), 27-14, 35-30, 34-19, 40-0, and 80-7. These are the unpardonable sins for which some will never forgive him.
Soread offenses were his downfall. Now everyone has one.

He’d need to put his ego aside and hire real OC and DC’s and get out of their way, which then begs the question- what do you need him for?

We would never do it but I’d like to see one of those wild offensive SEC/B12 coaches.

I’m just bored. Flood was a bore, Ash is paint drying and GS doesn’t really excite. I want to see modern college football at Rutgers.
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Here's the knock on Schiano. He didn't win the big one. He beat Louisville, Syracuse, Pitt, USF, UCONN and Cincinnati. He never beat West Virginia. His games against WV were 41-31, 35-14, 24-21, 24-17, 31-3, 41-39(triple overtime), 27-14, 35-30, 34-19, 40-0, and 80-7. These are the unpardonable sins for which some will never forgive him.
If Schiano comes in here and never beats Ohio State and still brings us to annual bowl games I'd sign up for that in a heart beat.
His defense was so great, he almost beat New Hampshire, oh I guess you are right. His defense never beat V.T. W.V.
Miami, not once. Oh he did Beat Army, Connecticut, and Buffalo sometimes. Please give it a rest. You think this new
generation of recruits give a damn about his 500 win loss record, long long time ago. " Oh dad, mom, I want to go to Rutgers,
because that old guy, beat Army a few times, OK? mom ?
Here's the knock on Schiano. He didn't win the big one. He beat Louisville, Syracuse, Pitt, USF, UCONN and Cincinnati. He never beat West Virginia. His games against WV were 41-31, 35-14, 24-21, 24-17, 31-3, 41-39(triple overtime), 27-14, 35-30, 34-19, 40-0, and 80-7. These are the unpardonable sins for which some will never forgive him.

Maybe so. Also realize WVU was also pretty damn loaded with those teams. RR had them rolling. Remember they smoked Georgia in the Sugar Bowl the one year. I was as pissed as anyone we couldn’t beat WVU but damn, we were beating Syracuse and Pitt consistently at that point. Wouldn’t come close to this at this point. Bring him back!
Just a random thought ..
what happens if St Greg doesn’t live up to the expectations some people are setting?
Schiano left Rutgers, the greatest job in the history of football, to be a head coach in the NFL. He is a traitor, a Quisling, and a Benedict Arnold and should never be allowed to set foot on the Banks again. His abandonment of the program and the emotional distress he caused many fans are the reasons he can never, ever be forgiven.
--Agree to an extent, but I believe in second chances. Problem is, 2.0 situations at the same school usually end up worse. Randy Edsall is an example. @rutgersguy1 has more of them.

Even though he can recruit New Jersey like no one before or since.
--Pure hyperbole. Hafley, Partridge and the Campaniles do an equal or better job. Narduzzi. Boston College. Temple.

Even though he has coached in the NFL and on National Championship teams.
--He failed in the NFL. He was a terrible failure at Tampa. He had a chance at New England, and he backed out. How do we know he won't back out on RU if given the job?
Chris Ash coached on a National Championship team too. A lot of good it did him at RU.

Even though he has a past record of building this very program from nothing into a contender.
-Contender? He never won a championship or a share of a championship. He does not get credit for Flood's winning a share either. He was not here.

Even though he has been hired by two of the supposed greatest minds in football, Urban Meyer and Bill Belichick.
-Chris Ash was hired by Urban Meyer. It's easy to succeed at Ohio State. Four and five star recruits are beating down their door.

Even though he was named Coach of the Year and Recruiter of the Year.
--Being named recruiter of the year at Ohio State, Alabama or Michigan is not much of an accomplishment.

Nope. Collectively our feelings are way too bruised for us ever to consider hiring him again. I would much rather hire some guy who had success at Buffalo, who's actually older than Schiano because he runs an offense I like, even though he has none of the foregoing qualifications.
--No bruised feelings here. Just want a more modern coach who is offensive-minded. Matt Canada. And all the other names in the threads linked above. If nobody else wants the job, or the best deal they get is with Greg after considering others, then no problem with him being hired.

Happy now? Cause I won't sleep if you don't approve of my answers to your hyperbole.

:):Gun: :Shoot:
Here ya go.
Soread offenses were his downfall. Now everyone has one.

He’d need to put his ego aside and hire real OC and DC’s and get out of their way, which then begs the question- what do you need him for?

We would never do it but I’d like to see one of those wild offensive SEC/B12 coaches.

I’m just bored. Flood was a bore, Ash is paint drying and GS doesn’t really excite. I want to see modern college football at Rutgers.
To play exciting football in the B1G you need elite talent. Rutgers is not going to get that. We tried to do that with Terry Shea when the West Coast offense was en Vogue. Disaster. Out here, Cal tried to do that with Sonny Dykes. Disaster. His replacement, Justin Wilcox, maybe more bland on offense, but his defenses are fun to watch. Stanford, Iowa, Utah, and even Wisconsin do well without succumbing to the latest fads. Key is to build around what talent you know your program can consistently get that is capable of competing at B1G level, add a few of elites along the way and be consistent in your approach/identity.
To play exciting football in the B1G you need elite talent. Rutgers is not going to get that. We tried to do that with Terry Shea when the West Coast offense was en Vogue. Disaster. Out here, Cal tried to do that with Sonny Dykes. Disaster. His replacement, Justin Wilcox, maybe more bland on offense, but his defenses are fun to watch. Stanford, Iowa, Utah, and even Wisconsin do well without succumbing to the latest fads. Key is to build around what talent you know your program can consistently get that is capable of competing at B1G level, add a few of elites along the way and be consistent in your approach/identity.
I give Justin Wilcox credit so far he has done it more with defense but who did he hire as his OC? While it hasn't been all that productive yet his OC Beau Baldwin (a name I've brought up for us) is the former HC of high flying offense Eastern Washington. I believe Beau Baldwin's OC at Eastern Washington Troy Taylorwas also an OC for Whittingham at Utah for a bit (as Utah has gone through almost as many OCs as we have in the last 10-11 years). So it's not as if these defensive coaches didn't reach out for these top spread offensive coaches. Same with defensive HC Bronco Mendenhall at BYU and now UVA...Robert Anae his 2 time OC is a former Leach assistant.

Kevin Wilson and Seth Littrell as his OC at the time had very successful offenses at lowly IU in the B10....his biggest KK at TT....lack of defense. Same with Sonny Dykes at Cal..I think he cycled through a bunch of DCs during his tenure. Look at Leach at WSU...finally has gotten two solid DCs in Grinch then Claeys and he's taken his level of performance higher...and he's not recruiting gang busters. Brohm got them mediocre with Hazell's players which weren't ranked that high.

So to me get one of these offensive coaches but makes sure you have the budget for a strong DC. Say like a Leavitt or coaches I've mentioned here in the past like Nick Howell of UVA or Jon Heacock at ISU (they have since gotten raises so might be harder)...etc...These kind of combos I think would have a good chance to get us to the mediocre point and maybe more in time. Or if it's defensive coach ...make sure he's got good offensive influence and connections in his career to know what he wants and who to get to implement a productive offense.
Soread offenses were his downfall. Now everyone has one.

He’d need to put his ego aside and hire real OC and DC’s and get out of their way, which then begs the question- what do you need him for?

We would never do it but I’d like to see one of those wild offensive SEC/B12 coaches.

I’m just bored. Flood was a bore, Ash is paint drying and GS doesn’t really excite. I want to see modern college football at Rutgers.

Who beside RutgersAl actually thinks that Rutgers will ever win a national title in football ?
A lot of ifs , but under the right circumstances
winning a NC is possible.
If the right HC and staff can be found and RU is willing to pay the price.
If the support for the RU FB program is on the same level or close to the way Notre Dame, Michigan, OSU ,Bama, Texas and Oklahoma are from the fanbase and administration
Then Rutgers will be seriously in the hunt to win a national title in football and might even do it.
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And some of you are like butt hurt little girls who were jilted by their first boyfriend. Take your own advice.

Ridiculous hyperbole? That was intentional but apparently over your head. Rather than address Schiano's obviously strong work experience you chose to make a facile comparison to another coach that has no relevance whatsoever to whether Schiano would be a good hire.

And I never said that Schiano would be the only one who should be considered. So you're now apparently upset about something I never suggested. Try addressing the arguments actually made in a post and you won't be as upset.

Dont even bother with Knightshift
I give Justin Wilcox credit so far he has done it more with defense but who did he hire as his OC? While it hasn't been all that productive yet his OC Beau Baldwin (a name I've brought up for us) is the former HC of high flying offense Eastern Washington. I believe Beau Baldwin's OC at Eastern Washington Troy Taylorwas also an OC for Whittingham at Utah for a bit (as Utah has gone through almost as many OCs as we have in the last 10-11 years). So it's not as if these defensive coaches didn't reach out for these top spread offensive coaches. Same with defensive HC Bronco Mendenhall at BYU and now UVA...Robert Anae his 2 time OC is a former Leach assistant.

Kevin Wilson and Seth Littrell as his OC at the time had very successful offenses at lowly IU in the B10....his biggest KK at TT....lack of defense. Same with Sonny Dykes at Cal..I think he cycled through a bunch of DCs during his tenure. Look at Leach at WSU...finally has gotten two solid DCs in Grinch then Claeys and he's taken his level of performance higher...and he's not recruiting gang busters. Brohm got them mediocre with Hazell's players which weren't ranked that high.

So to me get one of these offensive coaches but makes sure you have the budget for a strong DC. Say like a Leavitt or coaches I've mentioned here in the past like Nick Howell of UVA or Jon Heacock at ISU (they have since gotten raises so might be harder)...etc...These kind of combos I think would have a good chance to get us to the mediocre point and maybe more in time. Or if it's defensive coach ...make sure he's got good offensive influence and connections in his career to know what he wants and who to get to implement a productive offense.

Yes, Baldwin is a good one. Agree, a good OC and DC can make or break it for a HC. Ash's biggest mistake was not starting with a good OC and DC that understood how to put players in a better position. OC in particular.

Cal's sets are not too unlike ours. A big difference, however, is that Chase Garber (QB) can run. He's not super fast or quick, but he is tough and athletic. Cal's WR have trouble can have trouble with separation but seem more sure handed than the Rutgers WRs. Garber is not a bad passer, but not what I would call a pinpoint passer.

I still think if by chance Schiano were to come to Rutgers (I am in the doubtful category, but admittedly, not in "the know"), I do think think McNulty would be good to keep as OC. Here, I am probably in the minority, but team offensively seems to be better despite still having talent that is not highly ranked.
Yes, Baldwin is a good one. Agree, a good OC and DC can make or break it for a HC. Ash's biggest mistake was not starting with a good OC and DC that understood how to put players in a better position. OC in particular.

Cal's sets are not too unlike ours. A big difference, however, is that Chase Garber (QB) can run. He's not super fast or quick, but he is tough and athletic. Cal's WR have trouble can have trouble with separation but seem more sure handed than the Rutgers WRs. Garber is not a bad passer, but not what I would call a pinpoint passer.

I still think if by chance Schiano were to come to Rutgers (I am in the doubtful category, but admittedly, not in "the know"), I do think think McNulty would be good to keep as OC. Here, I am probably in the minority, but team offensively seems to be better despite still having talent that is not highly ranked.
I don't want McNulty...didn't want him last year don't want him for the future...everybody seems to be yearning for the nostalgia of the past rather than looking at the present. Even though I didn't want him I actually thought he'd be an improvement over the first two OCs and even that really hasn't materialized. And how about the wasted year last year of a pro style vs changing over more to a spread this year? What happened to continuity? Like I've said before continuity doesn't have to be necessarily embodied in a single person but more in a philosophy/identity emanating from the top. We have the same OC yet a different type of offense this year. Just reminds me of Strong at Texas with his pro style OC Shawn Watson brought from Louisville..first year pro style then 2nd spread but kept the same OC and didn't work. Same kind of confusion of what to run and how to implement it just like us.

I don't know why we never look in the direction of Leach tree guys if not for HC, at least for OC, cause you know so many of them know offense and how to implement it. Also see how much they improved the offenses they took over given a couple years. Riley, Littrell, Dykes, Heupel, Cumbie, Harrell, etc...If we're going for an OC instead of a DM type or resurrecting a Kill or McNulty from the past why not a Bedenbaugh who is a famed OL coach but never been a playcaller or Spurrier Jr at WSU or whatever other Leach tree guy that's worked with him for some appreciable time....I'll take that kind risk, and it is a risk for sure, over the kind of risks/hires we made.
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I always thought there was more to the story about him leaving the NE Patriots. My first thought was it about control of the defense and Belichic wanted it done his way. Greg was just going to be the babysitter.
However, this makes more sense. Greg needed to be available as soon as Ash is fired. Even if Ash makes it to the end if the season Schiano would have been tied down with NE through the playoffs.
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To play exciting football in the B1G you need elite talent. Rutgers is not going to get that..... Key is to build around what talent you know your program can consistently get that is capable of competing at B1G level.

Yeah if only there was elite talent available within a 100 mile radius of Rutgers. Poor RU in the middle of nowhere.

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Yeah if only there was elite talent available within a 100 mile radius of Rutgers. Poor RU in the middle of nowhere.




All of the best players in B1G now come from this area.
Before we can get a new coach, we have to insure the powers that be remove the current one. Speculation is fine but we have to make it clear to Hobbs that the status quo is unacceptable. Item number one should be raising the buyout money. Once that is done a search can commence.
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All of the best players in B1G now come from this area.

All would have come here with a winning RU program in the BIG. Think 7-5, 8-4 or 9-3.