Stubhub SHU game

Right now, there are 455 tickets listed for sale.

300 Level: 266
200 Level: 170
100 Level: 19

Cheapest buy in, with fees, is $34 and change.

Here is the latest update as of 1pm on Friday:

300 Level: 179
200 Level: 148
100 Level: 10

Cheapest buy in, including fees, is $35 and change (300 level).
The entry point for the 200 level is $88.

118 less tickets available than yesterday.

Down to 337 tickets available for sale on Stubhub.

Prices may drop tonight or tomorrow morning, so keep an eye on them.
But $35 bucks to be there in person is not breaking the bank.
Cant sit in the 100’s for less than $200. Would never happen at the pebble