Suriano question

No offense, but the two are comparable in that both are equally irrelevant to this discussion. That was my point. You went somewhere else altogether.

Rice wasn't fired until there were video leaks to ESPN, was he? Prior to that, the matter was hushed up by Rutgers and Rice got a light suspension. After the airing on Outside the Lines, Barchi stepped in. I agree that what Sandusky did was much worse but the institutional reaction to the problem with Rice was keeping the matter quiet until that became impossible. As far as Sandusky goes, culpable parties are either dead or in prison, which is where they belong.

Mike Rice was suspended 3 games and fined $50K for abusive language and behavior. He was also required to go to anger management. There was no cover up. What do you think abusive language and behavior means? ESPN then took the tapes from an extortionist.

ESPN created the media storm. But make no mistake no one enabled him. There was practiced tapes of guys throwing basketballs at coach too. And they laughed as they did it.

Sorry for barging in on the wrestling discussion RU fans.
Rank School Avg. Wrestling Attendance
1 Iowa 9860
2 Penn State 7833
3 Ohio State 5880
4 Oklahoma State 5041
5 Rutgers 4706
6 Iowa State 3280
7 Minnesota 2715
8 Nebraska 1948
9 South Dakota State 1614
10 Northern Iowa 1603
11 Virginia Tech 1507
12 Lehigh 1485
13 Cornell 1472
14 Missouri 1377
15 Edinboro 1309
16 Michigan 1217
17 Arizona State 1045
18 NC State 1027
19 Army 1012
20 Wisconsin 955

ARWU Rankings for Penn State:

ARWU Rankings for Rutgers:
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