We talk wrestling on not only the Other Sports board, but the Round Table and Football board as well during the season. You're right, it's not a big board. The only two free boards that are that big are the football and mens' basketball board. But trust me when I say that we have gone out of our way to promote men's wrestling on this site, to the point where our head writers write about the sport in season now. I'm not going to compare it to other boards or compare our fanbase to other fanbases because it's such a new sport at Rutgers (in the sense that we only started to care about it when Goodale came aboard during Scott Winston's freshman year). That being said, I think we do well in discussion, inside info, and analysis, when you add up the different people on the board (guys like Bill, Josh, obrats, etc). I can guarantee you there's been a ton of new wrestling season ticket holders on this board due to the promotion we've been doing. It's almost to the point where we're getting close to basketball season ticket holders (which is a bit sad in other ways).
As for allowing outsiders, that's always happened, and it still does. I think I can count on one hand right now how many posters in this thread I've banned. Wrestling doesn't drive the site though. All repetitive arguments do is frustrate the people who do post here regularly. Many PSU posters aren't listening to what is being discussed at all by other posters here. And when we have information contrary to what has been said, people just revert back to their main talking points, because most of them don't know anything about the situation more than what they can read in a rulebook. It's the way some people come across as being obnoxious calling out people like Bill that we know have been involved in our program for years and has no benefit in lying to us. Nobody's afraid to hear that chances are Suriano won't be at Rutgers next year. Most of the discussion has been to see what chance we have despite the rules in place, because those rules aren't hard and fast like people have been trying to claim.
Glad to hear progress is being made, and I would honestly like to see more teams represented in forum discussion and banter (the constant PSU vs Iowa arguments about past events people cannot let go of becomes tiresome). A few dumpster fires in a forum can have some benefit for a growing fan base, though, IMO.
I understand there are good guys here and can appreciate that. But for the record, I called out Bill because his posting history on this Suriano subject was emotional and contradictory. That behavior will trigger a call-out on any forum. Especially if it becomes difficult to distinguish "inside info" from mere opinion. I know he is untouchable here, but he seems to have forgotten that definitive statements of outcome should be avoided in situations that are "fluid". In other words, don't say you know what will happen until there is truly certainty on the matter.