Taking it to the hoop!….Simpson


Gold Member
Jul 27, 2001
Montclair NJ
The kid is fast, talented and is one of our better foul shooters,
There’s no way Pike wants out of control, contorted, runs through multiple defenders resulting in turnovers, blocked/awkward shots.

When the ball isn’t in and out of his hands and he tries to make a play, that’s what we get…. Defenses will be prepared for it.

Our concept of “attacking the basket” has to be addressed.

Gavin was motionless on offense, easy to guard unless it’s a long rebound or a broken play
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When Gavin was out there simpson beat his man on the wing and the help defender never left Gavin from the corner and Simpson just didn’t finish at the rim. I expect most defenses will play Gavin the same and leave a lot of room of Davis and Simpson to operate. We never went back to it because gavin wasn’t in and part of the byproduct of that was the offensive spacing was pretty bad.
When Gavin was out there simpson beat his man on the wing and the help defender never left Gavin from the corner and Simpson just didn’t finish at the rim. I expect most defenses will play Gavin the same and leave a lot of room of Davis and Simpson to operate. We never went back to it because gavin wasn’t in and part of the byproduct of that was the offensive spacing was pretty bad.
Out of control, fumbling, tripping, caught in the air altered shots are not remotely “not finishing”
Simpson was never in a position to finish and never got to the rim
Out of control, fumbling, tripping, caught in the air altered shots are not remotely “not finishing”
Simpson was never in a position to finish and never got to the rim
I can see why someone in their 70s could see it that way but the specific play I’m talking about was certainly not finishing. And there were others.
Zap is right. It has nothing to do with Gavin being on the floor or not. Loose handle barreling drives and pull up 2’s are a recipe for disaster. Maybe it was playing in front of friends or family or maybe feeling the need to do too much with the new guards competing for PT. Whatever it was he needs to grow up and fast. Play strong and smart and under control or ride the pines. He will come around.
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Was hoping Simpson cleaned up his handle this off season and got stronger with the basketball. Really needed him to make the jump it seems the sophomore from Canada on Princeton has made..
I can see why someone in their 70s could see it that way but the specific play I’m talking about was certainly not finishing. And there were others.
I'm trying to understand what you're saying "we never went back to it". Never went back to what? Driving to the basket? If a guard sees an opportunity to beat his man to the basket he takes it, there is no other way to describe the way Simpson played other than out of control with loose handles. He will get better.
I'm trying to understand what you're saying "we never went back to it". Never went back to what? Driving to the basket? If a guard sees an opportunity to beat his man to the basket he takes it, there is no other way to describe the way Simpson played other than out of control with loose handles. He will get better.
We never had a guard come off a screen to Gavin’s side and clear out the middle

Instead we took Gavin out and tried to dump it into cliff.

The few times we spread and the few times the offense was initiated in the PnR with cliff I thought we looked a lot better offensively.
The kid is fast, talented and is one of our better foul shooters,
There’s no way Pike wants out of control, contorted, runs through multiple defenders resulting in turnovers, blocked/awkward shots.

When the ball isn’t in and out of his hands and he tries to make a play, that’s what we get…. Defenses will be prepared for it.

Our concept of “attacking the basket” has to be addressed.

Gavin was motionless on offense, easy to guard unless it’s a long rebound or a broken play
I get RUsojo’s point. Derek drives leading to TOs were in part due to bad decision making on his part to force drives but also in part to him running into a tree with a help defender assisting more so because of the lack of scoring threat from outside shooter. Derek has to do a better job of recognizing and not forcing but Gavin has to do a better job of being respected as a scorer.

First game against quality opponent that made shot after shot and played defense like mad crazed dogs in the paint and RU didn’t establish an offensive flow.

Is what it is for the first game. We’ll get better and will take it over beating Our Sisters of the Blind by 40 pts at home.

I get RUsojo’s point. Derek drives leading to TOs were in part due to bad decision making on his part to force drives but also in part to him running into a tree with a help defender assisting more so because of the lack of scoring threat from outside shooter. Derek has to do a better job of recognizing and not forcing but Gavin has to do a better job of being respected as a scorer.

First game against quality opponent that made shot after shot and played defense like mad crazed dogs in the paint and RU didn’t establish an offensive flow.

Is what it is for the first game. We’ll get better and will take it over beating Our Sisters of the Blind by 40 pts at home.

I always respect SoHo’s posts and insights.
I’m trying to figure out what a person in his 70’s (which isn’t me) has to do with anything?
Truthfully I shouldn’t have singled out Simpson, our entire team was guilty of it.
You can see the moment Hyatt drops his head and starts dribbling, here comes an out of control bee line to the basket regardless of what’s in front of him.
Who’s in their 70’s?
And why would that matter?
Extremely strange response singling out a fellow board member’s age
My prediction is those complaining about people in their 70’s will one day ( hopefully) be in their 70’s. No Zappaa isn’t old … still a youngster.
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Hyatt looks like same old Hyatt from last year---didnt take a leap on either end of the floor. His defense is pretty bad and while he does get rebounds does not get them based on fundamentals of boxing out
Simpson looks to me like he is playing out of position again and needs the all in his hands on offense to create for us. We do not have a true shooting guard.
Way too many erratic possessions on offense and needs to stop.
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Simpson had 1 WIDE open drive where he drove down the right side but attempted to finish too far from the basket. A bigger player probably dunks it. He threw it up from too far out. Was GG in the right side corner on that play?

Meanwhile it seemed like Princeton finished every drive strong and made almost every one.
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Simpson had 1 WIDE open drive where he drove down the right side but attempted to finish too far from the basket. A bigger player probably dunks it. He threw it up from too far out. Was GG in the right side corner on that play?

Meanwhile it seemed like Princeton finished every drive strong and made almost every one.
Their road/route to the basket wasn’t through a sea of bodies arms and legs like ours was…
It seemed like we missed a lot of layups, but our players bodies were not under control or in shooting position on most of them