Team Rio - Mike Rice

Am I to believe that making fun of the way Malick Kone talked was done to make him a better basketball player OR calling Biruta a Lithuanian ****** makes him a better basketball player? And more importantly is not personally disrespecting them.

Currently in the news is someone who is using "role playing" as an excuse.

The idea is that it motivates them to practice harder and with a chip on their shoulder that they can later carry into games. It’s sort of like Henry Winkler in The Waterboy instructing Adam Sandler to picture the other team’s players insulting his mother and what not.

Again, you don’t have to like it. But you should at least try to understand the difference between reality and fiction regarding Mike Rice being ‘abusive’. All the stuff you are objecting to was Mike Rice saying this is what your opponents are thinking about you - that you’re weak and pathetic - like playing against girls blah blah blah. It wasn’t him saying that he thought that of them.
OK, can see it in OCS, where the prospective officers are driven unmercifully. But those prospective officers may one day have to give an order they know will get some of their people killed. A basketball court is not a war zone.

It’s just a method of motivation. A proven and time tested one at that. What Mike Rice did was child’s play compared to OCS. I know because I completed OCS. That’s also why I understand what was happening there and what was in the heads of his players. You can be sure none of them felt abused.
This discussion is why Mike Rice has an uphill climb as a candidate to return as a relevant assistant somewhere in College Basketball....the fact remains that Martelli Jr has landed 1 and now 2 jobs as an assistant and Associate Head Coach David Cox is now in charge as the Head Coach at Rhode Island, gives some indication that the information was blown way out of context.

Did Rice go too far with the comments?? Absolutely, it has been a learning curve for a lot of protocol in coaching styles....but to think a Frank Martin at South Carolina, or even Coach K has not done something similar, is foolish.

Similar to Ray Rice, the video places things in context that words just cannot describe. Mike Rice is a very good coach and while his antics derailed RU from getting where it wanted to go, there is a way and multiple ways to figure out how to max out players production. Not everyone is built for military combat or that level of coaching, but there isn't one right answer here.

What I find ironic is that Nick Saban has a reputation as being 10X worse in comparison to Mike Rice, but is considered the standard for all of college football coaches, while a close 2nd or 5th, is Chris Petersen at Washington, who doesn't have that reputation at all...... I'm not saying football and basketball coaching are the same, just pointing out that if you looked at the legends of coaches in football and basketball, there are more Parcells/Saban types than Phil Jackson types....
The slurs he threw at some players during practice were not Mike Rice being Mike Rice. It was Mike Rice role playing RU’s competition as having no respect for them as players. That he personally treated people with that level of disrespect is all part of the fictional abuse narrative.

This is not true. I attended a closed practice before any of this became known and I what I witnessed was out of control. I let my host know it and the AD as well. Everyone knew what was going on. they all made excuses for behavior. Mike Rice is a way better Coach than he is a man.
Rice to St. John's as an assistant is a rumor that is out there.
Hearing Mullin is seriously considering adding Rice to his staff.
makes sense, since Mullin doesn't really want to coach/can't coach.

Also, the people defending Rice in this thread... damn... when you're defending and making excuses for someone pegging kids with basketball and shouting racist and homophobic shit at them, does nothing click in your mind saying "this is too much"? He not only did those terrible things personally, but he did serious damage to the University that you all love (no matter how many times you attempt to say that was all just Murdoch/ESPN). There are better hills to die on.