The Wall Street Journal- Article on New Brunswick

I'm looking forward to revised renderings that show improvements to the street level and public space. Right now this project looks too aloof.
Agreed lawmatt. The street level wall should be nixed and some more greenery / inviting pedestrian spaces would be nice. Not to put too much pressure on DEVCO but it's a tremendously important project. If done well it has the potential to be a real centerpiece / locus of activity for downtown and provide more of a fluid link between George and Easton.
Originally posted by DosCoreys:
Agreed lawmatt. The street level wall should be nixed and some more greenery / inviting pedestrian spaces would be nice. Not to put too much pressure on DEVCO but it's a tremendously important project. If done well it has the potential to be a real centerpiece / locus of activity for downtown and provide more of a fluid link between George and Easton.
Hopefully the barrier means that demolition is imminent


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