The only knock on Macy is that she wasn't savvy enough to delete prior social media posts concerning an employer she was interviewing with and didn't subsequently delete them after she was hired. She's got the job, and the only thing that should take it away at this point is poor job performance going forward. She will surely face a bit of a rockier road, though, than Taryn Hatcher did.
The scrutiny here is on RVision.
The first question is: how connected is RVision to the Athletic Department? Are they their own separate entity, or do they fall under the AD umbrella? Or some combination? No one seems to be able to clearly point out the organizational tree for RVision. If this was about an assistant coach or grad assistant or whatever, it's very clear where that person falls in the food chain. There's really no clarity about whether RVision falls in the athletic department food chain at all. Does RU supply any money/support to RVision, or is it all private funding?
The second question is: why was RVision so dense? This is a visible communications position, one of the faces of the RVision organization - optics are important. Especially so in sports, where fanbases are incredibly tuned in to even the smallest details. Things like social media searches should be a given. Hiring candidates from rival schools *has* to be a consideration - and there needs to be a PR plan in place if (when) that becomes an issue down the line. (e.g. no matter how good he might be for the job, the Yankees aren't going to hire Pedro Martinez to be a media face of the franchise lest Facebook explode with gifs of him tossing Don Zimmer). This is compounded by how the first question is answered - is this just RVision being tone deaf, or is it the Rutgers Athletic Department being tone deaf and/or oblivious?
The third question is: where do we go from here? If RVision truly is an extension of the athletic department (which it is functionally, if not organizationally), there really should be a commitment to supporting the RU community. It should absolutely be an opportunity for RU students/grads to get exposure and to give them some advantage when heading out into the job market. If WRSU was bringing in talent from other schools, or the Targum, or whatever, it would also be a head-scratcher. There should really be some sort of "show cause" language in their hiring practices - only look outside the RU sphere when there is no acceptable RU candidate.
Hopefully the attention this hire has gotten will effect some positive change going forward, and provide more clarity into the RVision/RU relationship.