Thread for well-balanced, thoughtful RVision talk

The only things I care about are: a) Is she good looking and b) is she any good? Taryn H had both of those in the yes column. I don't believe this young lady has any talent.

Hard to imagine she was "the best." Haha.
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I consider myself in the group of "positive and vocal proponents of the program." Maybe I am currently too busy with other things, but I am not that worked up about Macy and RVision. If Macy wants to make a positive impression, produce quality work and advance her career, I would think she would put her PSU allegiance aside when preparing and filming her RVision segments. In the few segments aired on the forum, she is doing a fine job.

I also think about it this way--if I was trying to get a start in my field by obtaining an internship or get a job at PSU or Maryland, and there was a job that interested me, I would hope that I would be considered and hired if I was the best available candidate for the internship or job, regardless of how much I cheered for Rutgers in the past.

That is pretty much how I feel, except that if this truly is an internship, then I think the University should reserve internship positions for Rutgers students and recent alumni.
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Don't hire someone who has publicly criticized your organization. Is that too much to ask?

What school she went to does not matter. The fact that a simple google search was not conducted is the issue. All blame belongs on the person in charge of hiring. Macy can thank her connect in the AD office or the incompetence of the hiring manager for her new internship. The question is which one?
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You guys have reached a whole new level of crazy. I started coming over to this board because every other post was about PSU and now I can't stop reading the car crash threads like this one.

The outrage on the internet these days has gotten completely out of hand. Do you realize what you guys have gone 3 pages complaining about? A PSU alum that tweeted pro-PSU tweets and made a TIC comment about being in the Rutger's bookstore was hired for an unpaid internship. There are employees at every university in the country that went to school elsewhere. I'm sure there are many other RU employees that went to PSU and many PSU employees that went to RU. And she isn't even actually an employee of Rutgers!

Get over it. You're embarrassing yourselves.

I agree 100%. Seriously I find it troubling that anyone would think this is a big deal, not to mention the really crazy stuff like accusing her of being a spy, the send ing of hate tweets at her, trying to her get fired, etc. There is a reason why the other thread was deleted!

While the hate towards Penn State is very amusing and is part of what makes CFB and rivalries fun but I would warn against crossing the line into crazyville.

Just my 2 cents.
I agree 100%. Seriously I find it troubling that anyone would think this is a big deal, not to mention the really crazy stuff like accusing her of being a spy, the send ing of hate tweets at her, trying to her get fired, etc. There is a reason why the other thread was deleted!

While the hate towards Penn State is very amusing and is part of what makes CFB and rivalries fun but I would warn against crossing the line into crazyville.

Just my 2 cents.

Agree with the principle of this. IMO we don't want to become like the McAndrew board.

Joe P.
Not to mention the fact that many of the people most vocal on this topic are, at the same time, among the most positive and vocal proponents of the program.

So he kinda created a strawman which I now feel comfortable ignoring.
Hating PSU is one of the few topics that unites the board (well at least outside of people on the board who wasted money sending their kids to PSU.)
I join the group who doesn't want this young lady to lose her opportunity. It's a field where it's already tough enough for women and being let go would do harm to any future career which wouldn't be fair to her.

I also give her credit. Unlike many I applaud the fact she didn't delete her posts/tweets or try to hide her loyalty.

Then again, that's what Cults do lol.
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I was a Penn State fan in the 70's, before enrolling in RU in the early 80's and then became a 3 year starter on the football team. I'm glad there wasn't social media back then, you guys would have ate me alive.
Agree with the principle of this. IMO we don't want to become like the McAndrew board.

Joe P.

The McAndrew board tends to ban a lot of posters, including those registered with the home site who don't toe the "party line". Do you really want to go down the same slippery slope of even discouraging constructive criticism of our school's decisions?

And the last 5 posters or so are focusing on some of the initial hate/demands for termination directed at the new intern (which I agree are ridiculous), while completely missing the point of questioning whether our university takes even the most basic common-sense steps with respect to hiring, appointments and other management decisions..
certainly nobody cares she openly rooted for PSU to beat Rutgers while she was a student there....right?

Would expect a PSU student to root for the Nits against any school they played and not have that held against them if they were hired by one of the schools the Nits played, in any capacity.
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I think to make amends Macy should tweet some anti PSU tweets, or burn a PSU jersey or something like that. Post some photo's of her wearing Rutgers onsie pajamas?

I'd have this fixed in a day.

honestly if she did that she would be a hero to all of us, but we all know that will never happen.

They are a bunch of zombie drones.
This issue shouldn't be about this one individual. She got the job, and as a fan base and as individuals, we shouldn't make her real life miserable over a hobby of ours.

Going forward, considering RVision is not exactly Frontline when it comes to journalistic 'chops', RVision roles really should be about getting Rutgers students experience in the media world and an opportunity to build a professional portfolio. We saw how Taryn was able to go from RVision to some BTN work to a job in Hawaii. To me, that is a success.. I personally don't care if there are better candidates elsewhere, if there are Rutgers students interested in the job, they should be given the opportunity.
I think that for Rvision to be successful, they should hire the best person available for the job.

The JoePa kissing picture sucks to look at, but honestly... who cares?

I trust the people that run Rvision, that they hired the best person available.

This isn't a big deal.

There's no reason to get all "storm the castle" over this.

If you want to channel your rage somewhere: write your legislator, and complain the the American Dream giveaway is s boondoggle, and that the money should be invested in the state U's infrastructures.

p.s. I support John O.'s strategy on thread management here, fwiw.
If you don't know who did the hiring how do you know she was the best hire?
So these are more or less my final thoughts on the topic.

The latest information I'm hearing is that Ms. Golder was a Luicci hire. Tom is, as we know, Sr. Director of Digital Media and while he's a good man and bleeds Scarlet, I think any missteps with regard to vetting the new hire's social media accounts can be laid at his doorstep and chalked up to a learning experience.

Tom rolls up to Kevin, who rolls up to Julie. To the extent that Macy's social media may have caused concern among Rutgers fans, I think the Athletic Department as a whole needs to look at its oversight policies with regard to hiring and make sure that the proper governance is in place. I can tell you with all certainty that prior to her being hired, there were conversations at least on some level regarding the fact that Rutgers fans have no love for anything Penn State.

The current claim is that Macy's position is essentially an unpaid internship. Taryn was also unpaid. The difference was that Taryn was a Rutgers student and so the whole concept of "internship", along with the various conditions that go along with that, were faithfully satisfied.

It's my opinion that going forward, the position of RVision reporter should be filled from within the Rutgers community. We boast of our Communications program and so we should back up those claims by ensuring that on-air internships be offered only to qualified students who show the requisite skills and promise.

The claim that Macy was "the most qualified person who would accept the job for free" fails, on its face. Taryn Hatcher moved from her unpaid internship to the Big 10 Network and is now a television sports reporter in Hawaii. There isn't a single student in the program who wouldn't look at her success and want to emulate it. If the suggestion is, as has been implied, that none of them are qualified, then we either need to redouble our teaching efforts within the Communications program or scrap the whole thing and give its funding to the Olympic sports.

Finally, I think that the so-called "professionals" need to think back on all the events surrounding this dialog and focus on what could have been done better. The suppression of debate on this topic can, I believe, be wholly attributed to a certain kinship and loyalty among "journalists" who perceived that one of their own was being unfairly attacked and circled the wagons in her defense.

This is, in my opinion, pure weak sauce. A true, professional journalist's responsibilities lie with the truth, first and foremost. Truth with regard to their subject matter and truth with regard to their audience. Controversies happen. When they do, it should be the responsibility of every journalist to foster the debate which leads, ultimately to the truth - and in turn, to conflict resolution.

It should NOT be "let's make everybody shut up so this goes away". That's something we expect from Trenton - it's not something we expect from Piscataway.

Finally, I wish Macy Golder all the luck and success that she earns and deserves. I hope she represents Rutgers faithfully and well in the time she spends with us and I hope that she holds no ill will toward the fact that, at the end of the day, Penn State still sucks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The McAndrew board tends to ban a lot of posters, including those registered with the home site who don't toe the "party line". Do you really want to go down the same slippery slope of even discouraging constructive criticism of our school's decisions?

And the last 5 posters or so are focusing on some of the initial hate/demands for termination directed at the new intern (which I agree are ridiculous), while completely missing the point of questioning whether our university takes even the most basic common-sense steps with respect to hiring, appointments and other management decisions..

I had questioned why it was ever given to someone outside the RU community earlier in the thread so yes, I got the point. Unfortunately that horse has left the barn. Can't do anything about it now.

I would hope after this firestorm, it won't happen again.
What's with these games? Either spit it out or don't bring it up.

Make me...

If you haven't paid attention, this topic has been deleted about 6 times. I prefer to not have a post that I make cause for the 7th. And I believe that presenting a theory on how she came to know of the job would be cause for deletion.
Monday, August 10.

Hmmm.. the photo? eh.. never mind. If I am missing something that's okay.

I just hope everyone concerned got the message... Rvision should be by and for Rutgers people. We already have a problem where, compared to our peer schools, we don't have enough presence in sports media and reporting. Hiring from outside is not going to help that... and it annoys loyal fans.
I wanted to add some context here. Take it for what it is worth, though I think it will be important to some in this discussion. The woman in question is not an employee of the school. She was not hired. She is not being paid. She is an intern. She volunteers. Of the small # of people who expressed an interest in this position, she was the most polished, the most experienced, and the one who could deliver the best product on RVision's shoestring budget. I can totally understand both sides of the argument, but I felt that this piece of the puzzle needed to be added to the conversation.

this is totally reasonable, and so i don't see the big controversy here.

you people claw and strain so hard to find things to complain about...

again: call you legislators about this -

hundreds of millions of dollars flowing out the door for a boondoggle project. that's money that could be financing a basketball arena and all the things in the rutgers 10 year plan.

and you guys have your panties all in a bunch over an unpaid intern who's a penn state grad and kissed the statue of joe pa.

whoop dee friggin doo.
this is totally reasonable, and so i don't see the big controversy here.

you people claw and strain so hard to find things to complain about...

again: call you legislators about this -

hundreds of millions of dollars flowing out the door for a boondoggle project. that's money that could be financing a basketball arena and all the things in the rutgers 10 year plan.

and you guys have your panties all in a bunch over an unpaid intern who's a penn state grad and kissed the statue of joe pa.

whoop dee friggin doo.

RVision discussion might not be what you like, but this thread is getting some reasonable opinions and discussions over hiring an intern from outside the RU community , why try to hijack it because you think it's not worthwhile.
Move on to another issue, don't hijack this one.

The pro and con sides are respecting each other and that doesn't happen very often on this board , please respect that and let the discussion remain about RVision .

As for the hire, not happy a RU student or Grad didn't get an unpaid intern position at RVision , but since it has been filled will agree that the person hired should be accepted by the RU community.
But let it be known that the next time an intern is needed by RVision, it should go to a qualified student or grad of Rutgers University.
Going forward, R VISION should fopus on helping Rutgers students get broadcast experience. RU should be grooming Rutgers students to be the most qualified and most polished candidates. Instead, other universities are giving their students experience and opportunities and then they are interning at RU. That does not make sense and it does not reflect well on RVision or Rutgers University. Preparing students for a field of work is what makes a university great. Hopefully the lesson is learned and RU students will benefit from this situation across the university.
(well at least outside of people on the board who wasted money sending their kids to PSU.)
So this is one of those cases where I think it is important to separate the football rivalry from the university itself. I live in PA, after having grown up in NJ and attending RU and I am a diehard RU football fan. I hate PSU football as much as anyone else here. But there is a good chance I will end up sending one of my kids to Penn State because it is the state school and has some excellent academic programs. In no way would I consider that a waste of money. I think we need to get over ourselves a little bit.
i tip my cap to those who offered well reasoned and insightful thoughts on this issue. it was an interesting read.
RVision discussion might not be what you like, but this thread is getting some reasonable opinions and discussions over hiring an intern from outside the RU community , why try to hijack it because you think it's not worthwhile.
Move on to another issue, don't hijack this one.

it is cornertavern and bac2therac who have their panties in a bunch here (both have used that expression to counter the reasonable questions proffered about this situation).
Oh please with your obvious baiting and trolling. I made all of maybe 3 posts in thread totalling a few sentences not long diatribes as if this issue had some meaning but can always count on you to lob a me its a nonissue but if you want to work yourself up over go ahead
Wow. Yes, typical RU.

But seems like mostly a non issue.

Questions have been asked. Another typical RU screw up will be avoided in future.

Small potatoes.
Oh please with your obvious baiting and trolling. I made all of maybe 3 posts in thread totalling a few sentences not long diatribes as if this issue had some meaning but can always count on you to lob a me its a nonissue but if you want to work yourself up over go ahead

This thread has been one of the more insightful, well-managed debates in the history of this board. You don't like it, for whatever reason. So don't read it, don't post in it. But this continuing belief that you have that people actually care whether or not you think a topic is relevant borders on the clinical.
This thread has been one of the more insightful, well-managed debates in the history of this board. You don't like it, for whatever reason. So don't read it, don't post in it. But this continuing belief that you have that people actually care whether or not you think a topic is relevant borders on the clinical.

His post seems to have been in response to my mentioning him and cornertavern resorting to saying those they disagree with on this topic have their panties in a bunch. I have found the people with no argument to make resort to calling the other side over-emotional in one way or another. Thus they reveal that they are the over-emotional ones on the issue.

it is pretty simple really.. I think it was you, RU4real (and/or JPhoboken or ruhudson) who have presented the issue clearly and unemotionally. The hire was a mistake.. it would be nice to know ho made that mistake and whether they recognize it as a mistake. It would be nice to know what Rvision's marching orders are (and who gives those orders) insofar as hiring Rutgers people to cover Rutgers.

Heck.. does Tom Luicci get his job if he wasn't a Rutgers grad? Did he use that in the interview process to try to obtain this job?

Pretty simple concept. Yet those arguing against use stuff like "panties in a bunch" and "trying to get the girl fired"... emotional appeals.
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I mean it doesn't take a genius to take a stab at how she learned of the position. Let's be real.

Make me...

If you haven't paid attention, this topic has been deleted about 6 times. I prefer to not have a post that I make cause for the 7th. And I believe that presenting a theory on how she came to know of the job would be cause for deletion.

Way to contribute to the discussion tough guy.
This thread has been one of the more insightful, well-managed debates in the history of this board. You don't like it, for whatever reason. So don't read it, don't post in it. But this continuing belief that you have that people actually care whether or not you think a topic is relevant borders on the clinical.

Not talking to you...was responding to the poster who felt the need to bring my name up even tho I havent posted in the thread for 6 hours and have basically stayed out of this
Not talking to you...was responding to the poster who felt the need to bring my name up even tho I havent posted in the thread for 6 hours and have basically stayed out of this

My apologies. I forgot to pack my "I know you are but what am I" rules of internet forums this morning.