What else can we do?


All American
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2008
Aliso Viejo, CA
Serious questions...

How else can we get involved to help the program? I'm not local to the school...I can't donate anymore than i'm currently donating.. what else as a supporter/alumni can I do to help?

I want to make the maximum contribution to this school and program.
Being active on social media and spreading some free RU PR is great for the program...spread some love about all our athletics teams

If you don't live near the school, get involved with your local alumni chapter or start your own
I think all of us could help RU in the PR department.
Represent on social media.
Wear your block R wherever you are.
Join or lead your regional alumni association chapter.
If you're involved in youth sports, represent RU well.
Get friends and neighbors hooked on pork roll and Fat Darrels.
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When you say you're not local to the school, are you close enough that you buy tickets and go to games? If so, recruit more people to do the same. If you're a season ticket holder, recruit people and add to the number of season tix you get each year (this will help you w/parking too).
When you say you're not local to the school, are you close enough that you buy tickets and go to games? If so, recruit more people to do the same. If you're a season ticket holder, recruit people and add to the number of season tix you get each year (this will help you w/parking too).
no very long distance. Cali
no very long distance. Cali
Well then. In order to support the program, you should move to NJ, buy season tickets, get yellow lot passes and start bringing a lot of totally smoking hot young women with low morals, bad vision and a thing for older men to the games. I honestly feel that this is the least you should do.
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Sagar1127 and OTBOTOR get it. Good responses.

Spread the word. Talk about Ash. Talk about our guys in the NFL. Focus on the positives. Talk about how great our fans our when we play big games at night. When people bring up the guys who were arrested pretend you are answering an important call on your cell. I also answered you in the other thread but at that time did not see you are from Cali. It is easier for you. Enjoy your weather and when things don't go our way just go sit on the beach and make positive tweets about RU.