wrestling news

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Raimo has been in our room and interacted with our coaches enough to know what we are about.
It's a joke to RU doesn't have a suitable RTC. Top 20 kids all have aspirations for national and world titles. Really dropping the ball here.
What's the difference between a group like the SKWC and an RTC? Is it just a technicality where USAW gives a thumbs up to the quality of the building and staff itself for training purposes?
Raimo has been in our room and interacted with our coaches enough to know what we are about.
SKWC wasn't enough for him? Any details on when NJRTC will be a reality?

It's a joke to RU doesn't have a suitable RTC. Top 20 kids all have aspirations for national and world titles. Really dropping the ball here.
I'd like to know what's going on with NJRTC (guessing it's a $$ issue), but it's not good. Why isn't SKWC suitable? Maybe we just need to raise $ for some more coaches & athletes for that?
What's the difference between a group like the SKWC and an RTC? Is it just a technicality where USAW gives a thumbs up to the quality of the building and staff itself for training purposes?
According to USA Wrestling, we have an RTC, so SKWC is a sanctioned RTC under the name New Jersey Regional Training Center (Princeton has 1 too):
130 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Director: Donny Pritzlaff
Phone: 848.932.1558
Coaches: Scott Goodale, John Leonardis, Joe Pollard, Donny Pritzlaff
Maybe it is the coaches then. Something needs to be done for these elite wrestler who are also freestyle wrestlers. Can't lose kids because SKWC doesn't have elite coaches. I know money is always the main cause of this, but to many studs are leaving due to this. It needs to be addressed.
RTCs cost a lot of money. Brandon Slay recently tweeted that all resident athletes at the Philly-RTC start at $30,000/year plus benefits and up to $12K in incentives.

The university has also already dramatically increased the amount it's spending on it's wrestlign program. in 2009, Rutgers reported expenses under $500,000 for the program, good for 45th highest in D1. In 2015 that number had risen to over $1.3 million, now 11th most in D1.

But that's not counting RTCs. The NLWC probably has a budget in the millions.

Just some perspective. The coaches know what it takes to land the very best recruits and will be doing everything they can to land them. More and more kids are looking for that freestyle environment, and thats one of the reasons Arizona State brought in Zeke Jones. They also have a huge donors. I don't have any figures but I'm guessing if we all saw the total amount of money that went into the Arizona State program, no one would be shocked that Rutgers lost a recruit to them.
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I am confused by what is happening right now. I have no inside information but by piecing together things it seems like Paetzal transferred because of Suriano. Now we may be losing recruits due to Suriano. If we don't get Suriano then this is a disaster.
Suriano was never transferring,dont get the angst over Paetzal leaving..
Yikes. Was this expected or a surprise? Any idea why he moved on? Do we have a replacement? Taylor Walsh or Perrotti still with SKWC? We need some good news around here.
I'm hearing no, but WNG probably better to answer that.
I'm hearing no, but WNG probably better to answer that.
I didn't think so. Right now, we have no resident wrestlers at SKWC RTC. Not good. What's going on there & with NJRTC? VT now has Molinaro, Graff & Walz.
I didn't think so. Right now, we have no resident wrestlers at SKWC RTC. Not good. What's going on there & with NJRTC? VT now has Molinaro, Graff & Walz.

Makes me wonder what I donate my money to, since we were told it was for this. Not that I am not pleased with the Lightner commitment, but it would be nice to have some positive news around here. Hopefully they will be announcing new resident athletes or some movement on the NJRTC.
Makes me wonder what I donate my money to, since we were told it was for this. Not that I am not pleased with the Lightner commitment, but it would be nice to have some positive news around here. Hopefully they will be announcing new resident athletes or some movement on the NJRTC.
I would think a good portion of that money goes to our current coaches & program. @SKWC & @wngarbarini may be able to provide some more info. I'd suggest an update to the About Us page on the SKWC website to remove Graff & Demas. I'd also like some info on new residents & NJRTC.
I'm so confused, I follow wrestling and know the sport but not the specifics you guys are talking about skwc rtc etc. Can someone dumb this conversation down from today for me? What is all this bad news about
I'm so confused, I follow wrestling and know the sport but not the specifics you guys are talking about skwc rtc etc. Can someone dumb this conversation down from today for me? What is all this bad news about
The Scarlet Knights Wrestling Club lost one of its resident athletes, Tyler Graff. Graff regularly wrestles with our students athletes.

Also, Nick Raimo, one of the better NJ HS prospects available at the time, committed to ASU, claiming due to their Freestyle Club being better than Rutgers (SKWC), which dictated his decision to ASU.
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if kids want to come to Rutgers, they will come. when they decide not to come, they give excuses. if you are good, you can succeed anywhere, and we all know that.
True but it worries me when we have these kids in our room wile they are still in HS and we build great relationships with them ie. Macfadden-Raimo. And as soon as it's time to announce your schools these TOP LEVEL kids are going elsewhere. It's unreal how often this happens. I would love just once that we could land a top out of state kid. Hell I would settle just to be on there list instead of the same old cast of characters-PS,OS Iowa,Nebraska that they pick from. Hate to say it guys once Ash leaves it may get dark around here until one of these 2nd level kids punch through and make a name for themselves
True but it worries me when we have these kids in our room wile they are still in HS and we build great relationships with them ie. Macfadden-Raimo. And as soon as it's time to announce your schools these TOP LEVEL kids are going elsewhere. It's unreal how often this happens. I would love just once that we could land a top out of state kid. Hell I would settle just to be on there list instead of the same old cast of characters-PS,OS Iowa,Nebraska that they pick from. Hate to say it guys once Ash leaves it may get dark around here until one of these 2nd level kids punch through and make a name for themselves

Hopefully Ashnault is healthy.
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Yes I am glad coach revealed that. I met Montel a few weeks ago at practice and had a nice chat with him. Very nice man. Very tight with Malcolm Robinson. It is getting harder and more expensive getting these guys for RTCs. We tried for Jackson but he turned down the RTC offer for USA wrestling. Give the coaches a little slack. They are working their asses off recruiting, camps, practice and trying to attract top talent for SKWC. They are not vacationing eating bon bons!
Yes I am glad coach revealed that. I met Montel a few weeks ago at practice and had a nice chat with him. Very nice man. Very tight with Malcolm Robinson. It is getting harder and more expensive getting these guys for RTCs. We tried for Jackson but he turned down the RTC offer for USA wrestling. Give the coaches a little slack. They are working their asses off recruiting, camps, practice and trying to attract top talent for SKWC. They are not vacationing eating bon bons!

Nate Jackson?

And with Marion, I suspect he's going to be on his best behavior while working at SKWC? Don't need any bad pub.
Kevin Jackson

Thanks for the clarification.

Let's give Marion a break it has been 5-6 years since his issues (unless I missed something).

I didn't really start following wrestling until the Goodie years (other than local HS stuff), and didn't really start following nationally until we started getting good. So that's the first thing a google search came up with on the guy. Not trying to insinuate that anything has happened more recent, just wondering about the guy.
Kevin Jackson former Iowa State coach. Marion is a really good guy and brings that Iowa swagger and competitiveness into the room. Kudos to Scott!
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What is the net positive or negative trading Tyler for Montell?
I would think it would be good to get more B10 proven toughness in the room.

Is this a wash?
The fact that he is tight with Malcom R. is great.
Can you guys explain the regional training centers and how it all works out? Are all RTC programs freestyle? From what I am gathering SKWC is not an RTC.

What are the benefits of picking one program over another (I'm assuming talent within a club and exposure), How they are financed, resident athletes financed, etc. I remember watching Marion wrestle and he is a beast who can only help our rising program.

If you could dumb it down the best you can I would appreciate it. I have some pretty die hard wrestling friends who are also season ticket holders, and they have no idea what this is.
USA Wrestling made a push not too many years ago to formalize what was a more haphazard approach to senior level training. this happened around the same time the NCAA clarified how and when student athletes could practice with professionals.

I don't have the exact details but the end result is, schools with donors were able to create new affiliated organizations, off the school athletic department books, that pay senior level athletes to train with the college teams.

Any school can have a wrestling club (which the SKWC) but there are certain requirements to become a Regional Training Center set by USA Wrestling. I believe the SKWC was an official RTC. You don't have to have RTC in your name to be one.

the bigger programs have the best and costliest RTCs and the better senior level athletes. the best recruits often ave senior level freestyle goals and often prioritize schools that have strong RTCs when selecting a school.

it's kind of a hidden arms race that sets places like PSU, tOSU, OKSt and Iowa apart. Schools like AZ St and VA Tech among others are spending huge amount of money to get to that level.

Rutgers has tripled their official wrestling budget in recent years but are still about a $1million/year behind the top tier programs and even more so when the RTCs are included.

That's why I suspect there was a plan to combine an RTC with Princeton, who has very deep pocketed donors that have recently decided to help Princeton get to Cornell's level. a similar set up is currently in place with Penn and Drexel sharing an RTC and the expenses.

that's short on details, many of which I may not know, but that should give you an overview. let me know if you have any questions!
I like that he is close with MR but I don't think he will will bring the excitement generated by Graff when it comes to recruiting. Graff was in the world trials final last year fresh face for HS seniors. MM for us old timers is great but he is nowhere near TG level and I think that is what would attract recruits. Personally I think having Frankie Edgar in the room as much as possible would help more.
2 things ill drop in here

1) suriano is really trying to transfer to RU

2) Raimo was wowed by a one week visit to asu but RU is the team to beat
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