Examples please...[/QUOTzOur foreign policy is a disaster --allies don't trust us and enemies don't fear us; the Iran deal is an act of appeasement that will stir a nuclear arms race in the Mideast and ultimately invite a major confrontation; ISIS expanded when Obama departed Iraq prematurely ; relations with Cuba were restored without the US demanding single concession ; Libya is a disaster and failed state. Domestically this country has never been more angry, more polarized and more divided. His partisan rhetoric has sharply divided the nation racially and by class; illegal immigrants are flooding our borders; the economy is weak and fragile despite the artificially low unemployment numbers; in 7 years in office he's never advanced any economic growth policies unless you think increasing the minimum wage for hamburger flippers is an economic growth policy; Obamacare is nothing more than expanding Medicaid by having everyone else pay for it thru fewer choices of hospitals and docs, higher premiums, deductibles, and co-pays; Obama's focus on income redistribution rather than economic growth; creation of a black lives movement that has worsened police relations ; and last but not least his failure to demonstrate any presidential leadership , character , and judgement. His falure to attend Scalia's and Nacy Reagan's funeras proves him to be a very small person in a very big job with no class. Your citing his Nobel peace prize as proof of his "competence " (LOL) was laughable. Do you realize how ridiculous your example in his support sounds?