Your absolute #1 Rutgers wish


All American
Gold Member
Jan 18, 2015
Facilities, sports, food, grades, maybe a hook up back in the day anything.....what is it?

I bet on the 14th response some one will try to subtly bring politics into this....but maybe I am wrong.
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Your absolute #1 Rutgers wish - Facilities, sports, food, grades, maybe a hook up back in the day anything.....what is it?
Could we possibly get some "Rutgers" fans to root for another team?
1. President Obama becomes President of Rutgers
2. Grad Student solves P vs. NP; Revolutionizes pretty much everything. Endowment reaches 10 billion in less than 10 years.
1. Rutgers achieves USNWR top 50 then top 25 ranking in next 15 years
2. Obama does not become President of Rutgers. He's done enough damage to this country....
1. Rutgers achieves USNWR top 50 then top 25 ranking in next 15 years
2. Obama does not become President of Rutgers. He's done enough damage to this country....

The Three most intellectually gifted Presidents in US History are Woodrow Wilson served as Princeton President and won a Nobel Prize, Abe Lincoln, and of course Barack Obama, also won a Nobel Prize. If he doesn't get appointed to the Supreme Court, he'll probably end up as President of Columbia. Would rather see him at Rutgers. Just saying.
Examples please...[/QUOTzOur foreign policy is a disaster --allies don't trust us and enemies don't fear us; the Iran deal is an act of appeasement that will stir a nuclear arms race in the Mideast and ultimately invite a major confrontation; ISIS expanded when Obama departed Iraq prematurely ; relations with Cuba were restored without the US demanding single concession ; Libya is a disaster and failed state. Domestically this country has never been more angry, more polarized and more divided. His partisan rhetoric has sharply divided the nation racially and by class; illegal immigrants are flooding our borders; the economy is weak and fragile despite the artificially low unemployment numbers; in 7 years in office he's never advanced any economic growth policies unless you think increasing the minimum wage for hamburger flippers is an economic growth policy; Obamacare is nothing more than expanding Medicaid by having everyone else pay for it thru fewer choices of hospitals and docs, higher premiums, deductibles, and co-pays; Obama's focus on income redistribution rather than economic growth; creation of a black lives movement that has worsened police relations ; and last but not least his failure to demonstrate any presidential leadership , character , and judgement. His falure to attend Scalia's and Nacy Reagan's funeras proves him to be a very small person in a very big job with no class. Your citing his Nobel peace prize as proof of his "competence " (LOL) was laughable. Do you realize how ridiculous your example in his support sounds?
A perfect effort every Saturday. We are not deep enough to beat the Big Boys . . . YET!

But, to compete every week is an easily attainable goal. Better schemes, better tackling and the ability to ADAPT will make this team better. A Bowl game next year IS doable, but it won't be easy. With or without a Bowl, I see next year as a huge opportunity to make significant strides.
We finally break through in NJ recruiting in Football, Basketball and Wrestling(kind of already getting there). All the top kids stay home and finally show the nation what NJ talent can do when they stick together. But who am I kidding I've been saying the same thing to my friends since 1984. It's a shame so many kids want to represent other states.:cry:
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B1G East Championship with an appearance in the B1G Championship.

The $ would flow in like H2O after that.