Never thought I would say this but Go Penn State!
- By yessir321
- Rutgers Football
- 118 Replies
Ooooh do tell! What caused such a hatred? Particularly as you reference this is a 30 year hatred that is personal and the whole Sandusky thing didn’t come out until 2011 so this dates back much further..I'm with you.
Their dirtbag, cultist fans should never be able to crack a smile about anything in their entire lives let alone a playoff win.
If you've ever been out there for a game and dared to wear red, (and had to sit with the unwashed and not in a suite or VIP seating) you know exactly why. Animals (pronounced Ah-nee-mal).
No fan of ND, but my issue with them is that they're vampire leetches in terms of how they conduct business, but at the end of the day it's just business. My hatred of Penn State is DEEPLY personal. I could have watched the game in my backyard in a tank top and shorts last night and been perfectly comfortable because my hatred of that place and its fans is like a nuclear reactor. Thirty years and still as strong as day one.
I’m legitimately wondering what was it that caused this much hatred? Was it the whole Doug Graber and Joe Pa at midfield exchange?