Between holidays with family, my neighbor that likes to come over for some beers, sporting events, and work outings. it’s hard to completely give up drinking.
I’d say an average I have a couple of drinks per week, but there could be three weeks when I don’t have anything and then one week or I drink three or four times with probably a combined 20 to 30 beers due to the aforementioned commitments
Never got into the whole drink wine with dinner phenomenon or have a beer or two after work, just wasn’t my thing and going to bars typically isn’t my jam either
Hopefully, in the next few years when we move down south, it will just be relegated to sporting events (and less frequent, as Naples is exactly a sports Mecca) and occasional work outings (the guys up here in my industry really like to drink, whereas the rumor has the guys down south aren’t too keen on it)