Matt Painter talking defense

Depending on who his audience was it wasn’t even an explanation. If his audience was other coaches, then yes, if it was the media or fans then no one knew what he was talking about. He’s a great coach but this isn’t rocket science and you don’t have to explain it like it is.
But the fact that his preparation is that detailed and he is able to communicate that to your team is his genius as a coach and why he is one of the best
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OT: 30 years and 30,000+ posts. Question for the board on OUR history here.

Shhhh. Keith and Ann eventually got married, lol. Haven't heard from Keith in years, but I'm still in touch with John O and as I just said in my other post, I still see Mike Fasano at RU games once in awhile as he's also in 224.
I remember John O for making a truly asinine business decision by moving to a vastly inferior site and expecting everyone to follow. Tough lesson to learn.

OT: Winter Storm Thursday 2/20: Very Likely Somewhere Between A Non-Event and a Minor Event (oof)

definitely...basically any model showing snow at this point not supported by other models should be tossed...very hard but not impossible to accumulate especially since not alot of cold air around so the model spitting out snow with clown maps is an auto toss.
The most brutal thing for snow lovers would be for the models to converge on a snowstorm, but then have the storm end up cutting inland at the last minute bringing rain for almost everyone. Rutgers fans and snow lovers have a lot in common...

OT: RIP Kinda Ka

What was that ride like anyway? A giant parachute drop? Anyone been on it?

insane launch that used magnetism like HSR that made you take off like a rocket all the way to the peak, then pause before the tallest near pure vertical drop of any coaster. It took me years until I was lucky enough to get on it since everytime I went to Six Flags it was shut down due to weather or repairs... When I finally went on, I kept going back... 4 times in a row.

OT: 30 years and 30,000+ posts. Question for the board on OUR history here.

I had the Same username on exit 109. I forgot all about the forum, what a mess that place was. I also remember that witch Ann who moderated the SHU board when we were more rivalrous and she had a quick trigger finger banning anyone who spoke ill of SHU
Shhhh. Keith and Ann eventually got married, lol. Haven't heard from Keith in years, but I'm still in touch with John O and as I just said in my other post, I still see Mike Fasano at RU games once in awhile as he's also in 224.

OT: 30 years and 30,000+ posts. Question for the board on OUR history here.

I remember stumbling upon some of the old RU related sites before internet browsers became available, but the text only capabilities kind of sucked, so I mostly just read posts and updates and then once the internet was really born with graphics and browsers, it was cool to see sites like KnightCourt (John O's first site), (Keith's first site), Joel Recht's page and more.

But then, like many of you, I discovered Mike Fasano's Exit 109, which was the best RU sports site on the then nascent WWW. Loved scrolling through the white on black posts and RU stories getting my fix of RU sports news from an insider. And then when he created a message board, I was hooked - and luckily he let Keith take that over sometime in 1998 on, which gave us a much better board and it's been like that pretty much since then, apart from the restart in 2001.

Those early Rutgersfan tailgates, with nametags for everyone, since nobody knew anyone's real name, lol, were a lot of fun, since for many of us, it was hard to find anyone to go to RU games during the Shea Error. I had 2 tix back then and half the time I couldn't even find one person to go when my wife and/or young son didn't go, so it was fun to tailgate with like-minded RU dreamers and I recall the incredible optimism when Schiano was hired and he held The Meeting and we started getting at least decent recruits. I still see Mike Fasano at an occasional football game, as he's a few rows back from us in 224

By year 3, I had my first taker on tickets and went to 4 season tix and stopped going to the Rutgersfan tailgates and that happened for many of us - but a lot of the folks who went to the Rutgersfan tailgates also went to most of the RU bowls during Schiano 1.0, which was fun. By 2006 we were up to a group of 12 and we've been 12-14 since then. Been RU848789 the entire time and started doing winter weather posts in the early 2000s, which is when I started doing weather emails; the gameday weather threads started a couple of years later. Still a shame we have no post history prior to 2015, though. What a long strange trip it's been...
