
I think what you’re saying is that the calls are subjective. But then in a very tightly contested game they were all of a sudden called when many times they are not called. It makes absolute sense to say that there’s a rule on the book that is rarely called but just happened to be called twice in a row against Rutgers. If it’s an infraction, it should be called 100% of the time, not one percent of the time. Check your logic.
With all due respect, you don't understand. That's not how officiating works.

Stars and hot players get calls, scrubs don't. Lopsided team fouls are then called the other way, so the final counts are more even, fouls can be called on every half court possession, but they aren't. The rules aren't enforced 100% in any sport. Sports are entertainment. Refs are there to manage the game, not to call every foul every time.

You think Harper's FTs against Washington were all on good calls ? Did you bitch about that ?

The Michigan players lost their balance with the ball and the refs had no choice. There is no anti-RU conspiracy. Sorry pal.
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Are we giving back the JMIke basket that came after a no call walk he committed? Officiating has nothing to do with the outcome because it usually would have been a pretty even exchange over an entire game.
Do you and your two bootlickers really believe this? Apparently, in your opinion, the officials are never biased, and their calls always balance out in the end.

How about the St. John's game several years ago where they ran off the court with seconds left to give the game to them in spite of an obvious infraction by them?

How about the OSU game we lost at the buzzer a few years ago when the shooter had obviously stepped out of bounds before taking the shot? Should we excuse that because one of them may have missed a call against us earlier in the game?

How in hell do you justify your "love" of officials after such calls?

Here's a flash for you! Officials are human beings just like the rest of us. Their biases are unintentional, but they still have them.

The one thing that is clear here is that the 3 of you never coached or played at any significant level. Just like in any profession, there are good and bad officials out there. Some of them are really biased. It is what it is. Ask any coach, and they can immediately tell you who the "pretenders" are.

I have had to console my players when an official stole the game from us. The players know and the coaches know.

I get it. You are so into this because you want to blame OUR coaches and OUR players for the loss. Your proclamations sound noble, but they are in fact disgusting.

The Harper failed close out

It will go down as a tough loss. Drama, drama. Ok, it was a failed close-out but the help comments above are valid. The half-step he took toward Wolf made him late. And they lost on a deep 3 because the immortal Dusty May didn’t get the shot inside he wanted from either of his 7-footers. Rutgers paint protection was excellent.
Helping should be a last resort. Have some pride. Keep your man in front of you.
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Losing Cliff cost us the NCAA Tournament

We put enough 0’s at the end of his Check, he would have been back.
He didn’t even want to be here is senior year. He was very disappointed he had no NBA interest and was basically going through the motions. This year he chose to play with the best team that would take him and get paid for it, accepting the NBA was not and will not be an option. Alabama was an experienced Final Four team last year and was returning most of their production. Cliff had no interest in playing with the freshmen.
