OT: Winter Storm Thursday 2/20: Very Likely Somewhere Between A Non-Event and a Minor Event (oof)

Just wondering if you and bac have ever met in person at a game or if all your interaction has been confined to here. You both are basically originals here as am I (joining the board the day of the first game of Greg 1.0). I did meet bac once after a basketball game against USF maybe 20 years ago or so.
bac and I have met many times, including sharing great times together at various bowl games and the NUTS bowl parties and hoops games, including celebrating on the floor together after the 3/2 last home game victory over MD in 2020 right before the pandemic. We're typically 95% aligned on RU sports matters and even mostly agree on weather, with differing perspectives. However, for some reason, he occasionally moves from disagreeing with my weather posts (which I have zero problem with) to trolling these threads as most people can see, but for some reason he thinks it's fun to "trigger" people, i.e., troll them. I don't get that and never will.

GAME 26 OREGON: Death Spiral


You sound like a crazy person

Imagine a grown man pouting because he isn't getting 18 inches of snow

Also I don't make future bracket predictions

My brackets are based on CURRENT time snapshot...get it right
lol, do you see any pouting? Didn't think so - I just post the best weather info I can. And with the brackets and the weather, we both take the current state and speculate what that would mean based on an analysis of that current state. For hoops that's far easier, since the current state snapshot is 100% known so doing a bracket based on that has a bit of uncertainty, but not that much, whereas in weather, there's a current state of the model projections to the final state, but the uncertainty in those model projections is ginormous several days out, but keeps getting lower as one approaches the end state. But we're both analyzing the current state and speculating on what that would mean for the end state. I don't see how you can't see that.

And my main point isn't that I have any issue with you disagreeing with what I post, but I have an issue when you post incorrect info, like the models imploding 5 days out when that clearly happened about 4 days out, and make childish trolling posts in those threads aimed at "triggering" people which you admit to doing for fun, as per the quote below, which is the exact definition of trolling. I could easily do the same thing to your bracketology and other hoops threads, derailing them with misinformation and childish troll posts aimed at triggering you and others. I'm retired and have plenty of free time. Is that what you want? It's not what I want, as I actually enjoy all of your hoops threads/posts - all I want is for you to stick to the weather in the weather threads rather than derailing them every single time.

I love they are triggered

Five months ago

We don't have an AD or President so asking people to buy in is a fools errand

And our last AD was a philandering charlatan

We sit at the big boy table but at the lowest end with zero input...Rutgers has zero voice

Good luck
Please stop this finger pointing at Pat Hobbs, Hobbs was an employee of RU and the coaches are hired to work at is NOT the schools employees responsibility to ensure RU is funded properly, it is up to you, myself and everyone that reads this board and beyond.

If you stop listening to the old alumni who are on Twitter kissing the feet of UConn, and wasting time discussing Ivy League nonsense, you would be much better off. Stop lying to yourself and ignoring the problems start and end with football and it's lack of productivity, lack of delivering wins and ultimately, lack of branding and marketing.

We have no idea what's going on with football, but it's suddenly chic to discuss the only thing relevant about RU sports which is RU mens hoops......There is a larger problem being ignored by hiring Robb Smith for a 3rd time as defensive coordinator.....but because people are actually numb and don't actually appear to be able to find time to tweet about the actual engine in football, we are stuck in neutral trying to figure out what exactly?? Why we don't have funds for hoops players??

My question to you and others....if a coach like Rick Pitino, Nick Saban, Steve Spurrier, Jim Harbaugh or any big time coach came to RU, do you think that coach would say "it's on me, to coach up B-minus to C+ players??.
Pike should say what is truthfully obvious and say, "the fanbase tweets a lot and posts great game recaps, but offers no relevant information or discussion on what they're doing to fix it......Let's look at the donation amounts for NIL to get my staff some players, compared to the schools I'm up against like Ohio State and Oregon etc"......

The SEC didn't suddenly decide basketball was important, they were a distant 4th or 5th less than 7 or so years ago in conference discussion about hoops. What DID happen they have their priorities straight and everything else follows from football........ It doesn't mean Pike doesn't have things to clean up, but tweets about Pat Hobbs and Coquese Washington losing games, arent really relevant to the big picture and certainly isn't on the TV revenue sharing discussion going on about the B1G and SEC.


But did you want them back a year ago?
It's easy to say that afterwards when you know the conclusion and the transfers brought in.

When everyone wanted those players gone - it was assumed better players would be brought in.
Nobody thinks "we need to force out guys and bring in transfers who won't improve the team."

Do you think HC Pike will consistently recruit worse players than the current players and fail to improve the team?
If so, then yes "retain" everyone every year. Because the HC can't improve the roster.

The normal followup would be - why are we keeping a coach if it's assumed he can't upgrade the roster?

It's like when people say "We can't fire the HC regardless of results. The school can't be trusted to hire a better HC."
Is that the situation with HC Pike and upgrading the roster?
Yes, I wanted them back, you need continuity in the program and I prefer to root for the kids that choose the program from the jump. Hell, if I recall correctly I wanted Palm back too, didn't he actually have another year?
I don't think Pike can bring in multiple transfers each year that fit. One, maybe two, yeah. He needs guys who know what he wants, and then he needs them to become upperclassmen.

OT: NJ Property Tax Relief Applications

I assumed that the Stay in NJ was automatic, the article I read last year did not indicate that we have to apply for this Stay in NJ.

I just went through the process of submitting an application for NJ Freeze, Anchor, and Stay NJ The good news is that it's one combined application although each program has different eligibility requirements But be aware that you will need to set up an account if you don't have one. That means you will have to submit photos of the front and rear of your driver's license and (at least for me) one other identity document. I then got to speak via video call to a young man who verified my information. Then I got to the actual application. You will need a copy of your 2023 and 2024 tax returns and your property tax bill showing block and lot. Take a deep breath before starting because it is a long process even for those of us who have gotten NJ Anchor benefits in the past. The deadline is October 31. Do your income taxes first, and then you'll be able to cope with the application.

For most homeowners over 65, the big one is Stay NJ, which will reimburse 50% of property taxes up to $6500 for those with household income under $500,000.

OT: Your stories of a brush with famous people.

Met Mickey Mantle signing autographs back in early 80s in Toms River at the opening of a new store. Nice guy. Was in Vegas and on an elevator, doors open, and it’s Anna Nicole Smith with a couple bodyguards and a tv crew filming for her old tv show. The bodyguards just said “get out”. The former Yankees GM Gene Michael used to play alot of poker at the Borgata. I thanked him for the late 90s dynasty. James Caan was also at table next to me at Borgata playing NL hold about 10 years ago. He was very nice to everyone around, I didn’t bother him.
I played 20/40 limit hold ‘em a couple of times with Michael. Really nice guy but extremely quiet at the table. One time he was seated on my immediate left, wearing a Yankees warm-up jacket and a big WS Champions ring…a few times over the course of the afternoon players from around the room would come over to look at him or approach to greet him. He seemed to be getting a just little bit annoyed with it. The whole time was just thinking to myself, maybe don’t wear things that scream “I’m Gene Michael” and they won’t bother you. I did get a laugh out of him when he sucked out on me in a big pot and I dryly said, “I always like Bud Harrelson more”.

I’ve played poker with a few famous people. A great way/place to interact with them just being themselves. Razor Ruddock was a classic case of don’t judge a book by its cover. Super intimidating looking but a joyful, gregarious guy the one time I played with him.
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