Did anyone notice the guy in 102 playing t-shirt catch with the kids in 118?
- By RU848789
- Men's Basketball
- 12 Replies
Yes, that was me, lol. During a timeout in the 2nd half, one of the group of three ~10 year old kids sitting in the first row on the floor in 118 threw a t-shirt he had been given at our area in 102. I "outreached" my buddy and caught the t-shirt, but then, rather than keeping it, I caught his eye and threw it right back to him and he caught it. He then made another throw, this time really trying to get it to me and he did. So I then decided to try a moonshot return throw way up in the air and got lucky and it came down right to him and he caught it. The usher than stopped the shenanigans as play was about to resume, but we got a little ovation from our corner of the RAC. That was in addition to being on the jumbotron at least twice, as the camera guy likes us, since we stand up a lot and cheer. I'd say we're having a lot of fun this season...