1168 as of 6/1


Heisman Winner
Jul 28, 2001
please don't tell me these are "great" numbers for the build fund---all those with excuses need to step up--we added only a little more than 100 in about a month and as time goes by unless those that haven't given really "wake up" , the "typical "RU fan who clamors for success will not meet the challenge presented by Hobbs to step up ---as it stands now it looks like he will need to count on "big" donors to get to $100 million--the efforts of "rank and file" fans will be considered a failure.
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please don't tell me these are "great" numbers for the build fund---all those with excuses need to step up--we added only a little more than 100 in about a month and as time goes by unless those that haven't given really "wake up" , the "typical "RU fan who clamors for success will not meet the challenge presented by Hobbs to step up ---as it stands now it looks like he will need to count on "big" donors to get to $100 million--the efforts of "rank and file" fans will be considered a failure.
Don't waste your breath on these people. This entire website knows the situation and it does not matter to them. 4000 hard core fans here yet so little people stepped up. What you get is excuse after excuse but no to very little action. I know that there are far more important things than Rutgers football but many of the people on these boards live and breath this university's basketball and football teams and they all know the dire need of facility upgrades but do nothing. Recruits families read the boards and I bet they can't be happy at the small time nature of the fans of Rutgers. We are in the BIG but have high school facilities and only 1300 people have done anything about it. It is a disgrace that we live in this area and make the money we make yet so few have stepped up. That's my opinion anyway GO RU!!! See you in Seattle Minneapolis Columbus and Piscataway. Mods feel free to threaten everyone equally with banishment not just some of us.
These are "great" numbers for the build fund.
ru66 should give more if he is not happy with the total.
Just gave to the boy scouts standing outside my local Shop Rite. Tapped out.
The number of donors matters less than amount donated.

If one person donated 80 million would you be mad that only one person donated
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Well than since you put it this way. I'm going to march right down to Pastor Ed's house and rip that check right out of his hands. Thanks chrisru99 and ru66 for opening my eyes. Now if anyone has a cot I can use in their basement or garage, I'm not picky, for the next month or so I'd be most appreciative. By then my wife might let me back in the house.

P.S. Belittling people is not the way to solicit donations. Actually it turns people off to your cause. Yes we already donated to the R build fund. But not because we were belittled.
there needs to be people actually fundraising,making contact with thousands of fans at RU sporting events,Football,Basketball ect..
-all those with excuses need to step up
Excuse #1 - I've never once stepped foot in a Rutgers classroom. I am not an Alumn(i).

Excuse #2 - By way of example - I grew up a Beatle fan. I bought all their albums, have all the videos, gone to Ringo and Paul concerts, have Beatle pictures on the wall, met my wife who was also a Beatle fan through another friend who I used to go to Beatle conventions with, occasionally visit Beatle online forums. You get the picture. The Beatles have been a very entertaining part of my life. Not once in the 52 years that the Beatles have been a huge part of my life have I had the urge to write a check to Paul McCartney so that he could buy himself some new bass guitar strings.
well knight####--I've have given again and that makes 4 sizable amounts since this drive started--your excuses are a waste and no ones being belittled, that's also BS--the RU community will look ineffective, wait till the articles start about the lack of support--I hope not --but it's sad that some want to rely on others and Hobbs himself has asked us to step up -is he belittling you?
original rah--what dumb comments----based on your ?logic? , RU alumni/supporters never need to give--I don't agree with those that say our fans lack BIG gravitas but they may have a point
Do you guys also realize that the ticket renewal deadline just passed a month or so ago? Many people already wrote sizable checks for tickets, passes, and seat donations. Not everyone is in a position to donate more just because there is a press conference talking about a certain fund.
well knight####--I've have given again and that makes 4 sizable amounts since this drive started--your excuses are a waste and no ones being belittled, that's also BS--the RU community will look ineffective, wait till the articles start about the lack of support--I hope not --but it's sad that some want to rely on others and Hobbs himself has asked us to step up -is he belittling you?
Wait we are at the $55 million threshold correct. I thought for phase I of the R build fund $50 million was needed to proceed with the training facility next to the RAC. If they start putting shovels in the ground on that part this year or next the RU community is not going to look ineffective. Actually articles will be written as Hobb's is the man to get the job done, while others just talked and drew pretty pictures. Put shovels in the ground, give people a tangible result after years of talk and people will donate more.

Over 30 million raised in less then 6 months when all of last year 14 million including seat donations was raised is nothing to be ashamed about. No one said this is a sprint which needed to be completed in 6 months.
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Excuse #1 - I've never once stepped foot in a Rutgers classroom. I am not an Alumn(i).

Excuse #2 - By way of example - I grew up a Beatle fan. I bought all their albums, have all the videos, gone to Ringo and Paul concerts, have Beatle pictures on the wall, met my wife who was also a Beatle fan through another friend who I used to go to Beatle conventions with, occasionally visit Beatle online forums. You get the picture. The Beatles have been a very entertaining part of my life. Not once in the 52 years that the Beatles have been a huge part of my life have I had the urge to write a check to Paul McCartney so that he could buy himself some new bass guitar strings.
Neither of your excuses are valid for a member of these boards.

And your excuse #2 is, quite possibly, the most stupendously idiotic analogy I have ever read.
original rah--what dumb comments----based on your ?logic? , RU alumni/supporters never need to give--I don't agree with those that say our fans lack BIG gravitas but they may have a point
Not dumb at all. Just realistic. College sports are a business. An entertainment business. Teams sell their TV rights and have logo licensing with clothing manufacturers. People pay exorbitant amounts of money for tickets and parking. And then some idiots come along and try to make you feel guilty for not shelling out even more money? I don't owe Rutgers anything unless I want to walk through the turnstile some Saturday.
Having said that, I did get caught up in Ash/Hobbsmania earlier this year and donated a very modest $100 to the Build Fund. As a result of the plan to take a game to Yankee Stadium and not use the facilities already built on campus that others had prior donated to, I won't be making any more donations to a building fund.
Neither of your excuses are valid for a member of these boards.

And your excuse #2 is, quite possibly, the most stupendously idiotic analogy I have ever read.
Valid? Who the F made you the board validator. You don't like I don't donate? Tough crap! I paid my $99 here you can't take away my fan card. I've still got splinters in my butt that were donated to me sitting in the stands in 1983.

I'm sorry you feel that way about #2 but I'll help you with it, Sparty. Rutgers sports and the Beatles are both forms of entertainment. In this day and age entertainers get money by various means such as product licensing, selling tickets, selling merchandise and for the big ones media (TV, radio) rights. Only the real lowly entertainers such as buskers and members of the AAC beg for money. The Beatles have a ton of money. Rutgers football, I have read here, has a surplus of money right now and come 2020, oh boy! So, just sit there awhile and think about it and maybe the analogy might start to make sense to you. Use a little of those smarts that got you that Rutgers sheepskin. Entertainment=Entertainment See, easy.
Valid? Who the F made you the board validator. You don't like I don't donate? Tough crap! I paid my $99 here you can't take away my fan card. I've still got splinters in my butt that were donated to me sitting in the stands in 1983.

I'm sorry you feel that way about #2 but I'll help you with it, Sparty. Rutgers sports and the Beatles are both forms of entertainment. In this day and age entertainers get money by various means such as product licensing, selling tickets, selling merchandise and for the big ones media (TV, radio) rights. Only the real lowly entertainers such as buskers and members of the AAC beg for money. The Beatles have a ton of money. Rutgers football, I have read here, has a surplus of money right now and come 2020, oh boy! So, just sit there awhile and think about it and maybe the analogy might start to make sense to you. Use a little of those smarts that got you that Rutgers sheepskin. Entertainment=Entertainment See, easy.

Much anger in you. Typical of the sanctimonious, in my experience.

News for you, old fart. I'm not an alum, either. But unlike you, I put my money where my mouth is and don't have a sense of entitlement to be entertained without giving back when asked.

And thanks for proving my point about how stupid your analogy is. The Beatles and Rutgers football are both forms of entertainment, yes, but that's where it ends. The Beatles aren't asking for donations to construct infrastructure to help student-athletes and to keep you entertained. Moreover, I must have missed the report you saw where Rutgers football is flush with cash. Guess they can just write a check for the full Big Ten Build Fund themselves, right? Hobbs must be pulling a scam on us all. Thank goodness you, with all your life experience, can see the truth and save all of our wallets.

"Fans" like you are the problem. Entitled and full of excuses. Fortunately, time remains undefeated, and you and your ilk will not last forever. Now get a glass of warm milk and go to bed.
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Not dumb at all. Just realistic. College sports are a business. An entertainment business. Teams sell their TV rights and have logo licensing with clothing manufacturers. People pay exorbitant amounts of money for tickets and parking. And then some idiots come along and try to make you feel guilty for not shelling out even more money? I don't owe Rutgers anything unless I want to walk through the turnstile some Saturday.

That's exactly how I felt about it prior to reading the board. And even after reading here for years, you see two themes over and over again: the amount of revenue to be made in college sports, or at least the major ones, and DONATE, DONATE, DONATE. Something doesn't add up - do college programs give donors a piece of the action when they get into the black and start making money hand over fist? And you have programs, corporations, contractors, etc. walking away with millions while average Joes are subsidizing it all. That system's all fvcked.

That said, this board has given me an understanding of why it's a necessary evil.
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I'm not an alumni.

I donated back in December on Giving Day and I signed up last month to donate $50 a month for the next 3 years. Not a huge amount but between mortgage, car & college loans for 2 kids its what I can do. It was possible to donate as little as $10 a month so "I'm tapped out" rings hollow.
Much anger in you. Typical of the sancimonious, in my experience.

News for you, old fart. I'm not an alum, either. But unlike you, I put my money where my mouth is and don't have a sense of entitlement to be entertained without giving back when asked.

And thanks for proving my point about how stupid your analogy is. The Beatles and Rutgers football are both forms of entertainment, yes, but that's where it ends. The Beatles aren't asking for donations to construct infrastructure to help student-athletes and to keep you entertained. Moreover, I must have missed the report you saw where Rutgers football is flush with cash. Guess they can just write a check for the full Big Ten Build Fund themselves, right? Hobbs must be pulling a scam on us all. Thank goodness you, with all your life experience, can see the truth and save all of our wallets.

"Fans" like you are the problem. Entitled and full of excuses. Fortunately, time remains undefeated, and you and your ilk will not last forever. Now get a glass of warm milk and go to bed.

1. I feel like you have the "sanctimonious" bit backwards. Rah was just saying how he looks at it himself, not suggesting he was righteously superior. That would be ...

2. You both have points. Put the Beatles aside and make a more straightforward comparison. What if it were the Giants soliciting millions for new facilities? Sure you're a fan, you're loyal, but you're also watching players lock down huge contracts, owners walk around with billions in their pockets, etc.

It's not a perfect fit with RU, but it can feel that way when you read about the latest record B1G TV deal, the fact that one or two CFB teams are more valuable than the NY Yankees, etc.
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1. I feel like you have the "sanctimonious" bit backwards. Rah was just saying how he looks at it himself, not suggesting he was righteously superior. That would be ...

2. You both have points. Put the Beatles aside and make a more straightforward comparison. What if it were the Giants soliciting millions for new facilities? Sure you're a fan, you're loyal, but you're also watching players lock down huge contracts, owners walk around with billions in their pockets, etc.

It's not a perfect fit with RU, but it can feel that way when you read about the latest record B1G TV deal, the fact that one or two CFB teams are more valuable than the NY Yankees, etc.

1. No, Rah was implying that because he's been a splinter-assed "fan" since at least 1983 he, and by extension his non-donate position, are morally superior.

2. I understand you say it's not perfect, but I don't like that analogy, either. The NFL brought in $12B last year. The NYG, $400M. Sure, if they claimed they were strapped for funds I'd question it. But RU simply isn't in that financial position, as anyone who frequents these boards is well-aware. RU has been underfunded university-wide for years, and athletics is no exception. This isn't a case of a poor little rich school. Again, with the incredible amount of money in college sports, I hear what you're saying, but RU isn't the beneficiary of that (not yet, anyway). Instead, Hobbs has made clear what we need now and why we need it. Those who care will answer the call however they can. Those who don't, won't.
Well, point 2 is one of the things I've learned from the board, so I'm not disagreeing. My view on that has changed over time.

But I also can't blame someone for not viewing it that way. When you're already spending all kinds of money on tickets, merchandise, etc., not to mention adding advertising eyeballs every week, the "please donate" can feel like the camel straw.
But unlike you, I put my money where my mouth is and don't have a sense of entitlement to be entertained without giving back when asked.

If I go to a game I pay for my ticket. When I purchase a Rutgers shirt or hat or even the Rutgers flag which flies all season long on a main street in the heart of Penn St. country, I have paid toward a licensing fee. A small portion of my cable bill goes very indirectly to Rutgers in the form of media rights. I just don't understand why you think this form of entertainment deserves to receive additional payment above and beyond the ticket price. When was the last time that you saw a Giants fan sending out a donation check to John Mara and Steve Tisch?
The Beatles aren't asking for donations to construct infrastructure to help student-athletes and to keep you entertained.
Yeah! You get it, finally. As I said Paul McCartney is not asking for donation to purchase guitar strings. They have obtained enough money through ticket sales, clothing licensing, music publishing (one the few sources of income that Rutgers football doesn't have), and product sales. If they want new instruments or a studio (infrastructure equivalent) they take their own money and purchase it. They don't beg the people that are trying to entertain for it.

Moreover, I must have missed the report you saw where Rutgers football is flush with cash. Guess they can just write a check for the full Big Ten Build Fund themselves, right? Hobbs must be pulling a scam on us all. Thank goodness you, with all your life experience, can see the truth and save all of our wallets.
You got me there. I don't know how much money Rutgers AD has and neither do you. But either way just keep sending it in, huh? Some weeks here the football team is said to be making money. Other weeks there are posts claiming they are broke. I've seen the same for basketball. And everyone knows that the so-called Olympic sports are big money losers.

"Fans" like you are the problem. Entitled and full of excuses. Fortunately, time remains undefeated, and you and your ilk will not last forever.
I hate to be the one to tell you this but your ilk are going to go, too. Not soon enough in my book. So, fans like me are the problem? Entitled? Yeah, I really felt entitled sitting with 9000 (on a good Saturday) other problem fans watching Colgate and Lafayette. Whatever you say, Sonny. If you want to give your money away, go ahead. It doesn't bother me one bit. If it makes you feel like a big man shelling out extra money and putting down older fans that have been here for the long haul, have a ball.
I am contributing to the build fund because I have been in our football facilities... Everywhere in the Hale center, the weight room the locker room, the field and I've had the opportunity to be in all the same facilities in Nebraska...their weight room, their athletic facilities, their practice field & on their field as well.

Rutgers facilities pale in comparison. Not even close. And if I want my football team & my other athletic teams to be able to keep up with the big boys of the B1G we are going to need to bigger & better and that can only happen with money.

Everything in the Nebraska facilities had a name on it...everything. The soaking tub was donated by someone, the locker room was donated by someone, the non football weight room was donated by someone, their practice field was donated by someone. It seems to me Rutgers does not have a lot of rich someones (other than the Garruti's right now) willing to donate enough money to have their name on something. It's up to the rest of us with our nickles and dimes to help make Rutgers Athletics what we all want it to be and dream it can be.
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I think they just need to make it easier to donate. Make it an option when buying anything at the stadium. Set up one of those text donation things. Make it possible through venmo. I'm sure once the season rolls around they will target the smaller donor more and nickel and dime their way up to $75mm by the time the year is up.
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1. I feel like you have the "sanctimonious" bit backwards. Rah was just saying how he looks at it himself, not suggesting he was righteously superior. That would be ...

2. You both have points. Put the Beatles aside and make a more straightforward comparison. What if it were the Giants soliciting millions for new facilities? Sure you're a fan, you're loyal, but you're also watching players lock down huge contracts, owners walk around with billions in their pockets, etc.

It's not a perfect fit with RU, but it can feel that way when you read about the latest record B1G TV deal, the fact that one or two CFB teams are more valuable than the NY Yankees, etc.
giants and Beatles analogies don't make any sense. They are for profit enterprises and all the people including owners and players make millions. Of course you don't donate to millionaires. Rutgers is a non-profit and the sports programs are in the red. Players don't make money and barchi isn't paid an owners salary. You give to non profits not for profits. In order to get RU to where we all want it to be, it needs more money. Give what you can, 5 dollars a month. The increased number of donors indicates support and will be a positive sign for all.
I am contributing to the build fund because I have been in our football facilities... Everywhere in the Hale center, the weight room the locker room, the field and I've had the opportunity to be in all the same facilities in Nebraska...their weight room, their athletic facilities, their practice field & on their field as well.

Rutgers facilities pale in comparison. Not even close. And if I want my football team & my other athletic teams to be able to keep up with the big boys of the B1G we are going to need to bigger & better and that can only happen with money.

Everything in the Nebraska facilities had a name on it...everything. The soaking tub was donated by someone, the locker room was donated by someone, the non football weight room was donated by someone, their practice field was donated by someone. It seems to me Rutgers does not have a lot of rich someones (other than the Garruti's right now) willing to donate enough money to have their name on something. It's up to the rest of us with our nickles and dimes to help make Rutgers Athletics what we all want it to be and dream it can be.
You said that so well I agree with everything you said. Every penny counts for us right now. We are so behind what our confrence mates have. When I saw what penn state had last year when we visited prior to the game I could not believe how awesome it was. We cannot compete with what they have facilities wise we have to even the playing field. We need to step up as a fan base and help if we want to compete and help our jersey guys stay home.
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I am contributing to the build fund because I have been in our football facilities... Everywhere in the Hale center, the weight room the locker room, the field and I've had the opportunity to be in all the same facilities in Nebraska...their weight room, their athletic facilities, their practice field & on their field as well.

Rutgers facilities pale in comparison. Not even close. And if I want my football team & my other athletic teams to be able to keep up with the big boys of the B1G we are going to need to bigger & better and that can only happen with money.

Everything in the Nebraska facilities had a name on it...everything. The soaking tub was donated by

Great point. Rutgers has numbers, if everyone gives a little it adds up. Just give even 5 a month to show you support the program. Number of donors is an important indication of support.
Excuse #1 - I've never once stepped foot in a Rutgers classroom. I am not an Alumn(i).

Excuse #2 - By way of example - I grew up a Beatle fan. I bought all their albums, have all the videos, gone to Ringo and Paul concerts, have Beatle pictures on the wall, met my wife who was also a Beatle fan through another friend who I used to go to Beatle conventions with, occasionally visit Beatle online forums. You get the picture. The Beatles have been a very entertaining part of my life. Not once in the 52 years that the Beatles have been a huge part of my life have I had the urge to write a check to Paul McCartney so that he could buy himself some new bass guitar strings.

The main difference is the the Beatles were a for prifit entity while Rutgers is a non profit.

I never stepped foot in a Rutgers classroom either, but because Rutgers Athletics is a big part of my life......I donate both time and money to different Rutgers teams
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If I go to a game I pay for my ticket. When I purchase a Rutgers shirt or hat or even the Rutgers flag which flies all season long on a main street in the heart of Penn St. country, I have paid toward a licensing fee. A small portion of my cable bill goes very indirectly to Rutgers in the form of media rights. I just don't understand why you think this form of entertainment deserves to receive additional payment above and beyond the ticket price. When was the last time that you saw a Giants fan sending out a donation check to John Mara and Steve Tisch?

Yeah! You get it, finally. As I said Paul McCartney is not asking for donation to purchase guitar strings. They have obtained enough money through ticket sales, clothing licensing, music publishing (one the few sources of income that Rutgers football doesn't have), and product sales. If they want new instruments or a studio (infrastructure equivalent) they take their own money and purchase it. They don't beg the people that are trying to entertain for it.

You got me there. I don't know how much money Rutgers AD has and neither do you. But either way just keep sending it in, huh? Some weeks here the football team is said to be making money. Other weeks there are posts claiming they are broke. I've seen the same for basketball. And everyone knows that the so-called Olympic sports are big money losers.

I hate to be the one to tell you this but your ilk are going to go, too. Not soon enough in my book. So, fans like me are the problem? Entitled? Yeah, I really felt entitled sitting with 9000 (on a good Saturday) other problem fans watching Colgate and Lafayette. Whatever you say, Sonny. If you want to give your money away, go ahead. It doesn't bother me one bit. If it makes you feel like a big man shelling out extra money and putting down older fans that have been here for the long haul, have a ball.

With each self-centered, tone-deaf, word salad post, you just prove my points further and further. The funniest part is, you don't even realize it.

Anyway, you can't wait until people like me are gone? You mean, the people who actually donate to the program? Hilarious. If it wasn't for people like me helping to pay for what the team needs over and above what the program brings in--what you tellingly label "giving your money away"--you'd still be sitting on splintered benches watching Colgate and Lafayette. But go ahead, keep telling yourself that you buying tickets and flying flags is what has helped RU rise from the ashes. (Similarly, I'll bet you're one of those seniors who actually thinks the money he gets from Socialist Security is what you paid in; as in, you "earned it." I know the type; there are no limits to how you old balls can justify your greed and sense of entitlement.)

As pointed out by me and others, your analogies of donating to RU being like giving a check to Paul McCartney for guitar strings or the Mara and Tisch families to, say, help pay ODB's contract are so off-base it's embarrassing. Honestly, that level of stupid makes my head hurt.

Finally, thanks for admitting you just made up your assertion that RU has plenty of money. Like I said, any way to justify your greed and sense of entitlement. Even--or maybe especially--just pulling stuff out of your ass.
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please don't tell me these are "great" numbers for the build fund---all those with excuses need to step up--we added only a little more than 100 in about a month and as time goes by unless those that haven't given really "wake up" , the "typical "RU fan who clamors for success will not meet the challenge presented by Hobbs to step up ---as it stands now it looks like he will need to count on "big" donors to get to $100 million--the efforts of "rank and file" fans will be considered a failure.
Not for nothing, did you post this on the basketball board?
Revenue from tickets and apparel licensing goes towards operational expenses. Funds raised by the Build Fund go toward capital improvements such as the basketball facility, improved hale center, and lacrosse facilities. It's tough for Rutgers to recruit when we have a Hale Center going up against Ohio States $100M+ football facility and impressive facilities from other schools. We can't control the outcome on the field, but we can control the caliber of coaches we hire and the types of facilities we present to recruits, via the support we provide to the athletic department. We've come a long way, but there is still a long way to go to compete with the best.

Ash is someone who can take us to the top, but we have to provide him with the resources to get there, otherwise, he is going to leave, and he's pretty much said as much in a Star Ledger article. I'm encouraged by the level of support we've obtained thus far, and think we will get to where we want to be.
With each self-centered, tone-deaf, word salad post, you just prove my points further and further. The funniest part is, you don't even realize it.

Like I said before, if you want to spend your money (more likely your daddy's money) then go ahead. Rutgers athletics is a form of entertainment for me and nothing more. If that's self-centered then so be it. As with any other kind of entertainment if the price of admission is reasonable and provides an adequate amount of enjoyment, I will pay it. If not, I won't. Making a donation at this time when Rutgers is so close to a Big Ten financial windfall does not pass my price of admission vs. amount of enjoyment test. I'm sorry that this upsets you and causes you to make disparaging remarks about my age and other insults but that's just the way it's going to be.
By the way, I did not grow up with Moses as you make it out. I'm 60 years old and proud of my years. I will not receive Social Security for another 7-1/2 years. My 401k was very well stocked (despite 2 Wall St. crashes) from 35+ years of work until I became disabled and had to tap into it to pay my bills. Believe me, I do not have any sense of entitlement with regards to SS after seeing how the system works (or more correctly - doesn't work).
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