2/23 Bracketology - Some respect?


All American
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2004
Latest Bracketology is up. We remain a 5 seed this week. The loss to MSU didn't cause a drop in his seeding. Creme has us up against an old foe, WVU in the first round in Chapel Hill 2nd round would be a rematch against NC on their home court.

He still has Tenn as the 4th #1 seed (this was published before their loss to SC yesterday)

Other 5 seeds include Stanford, Syracuse and GWU.

Other B1G teams:

Maryland is a 2 seed playing at home
Nebraska drops to a 9 seed playing in So. Carolina
OSU is a 7 seed playing in Waco
Northwestern draws the dreaded 8 seed playing in Storrs
Iowa somewhat surprisingly is a 3 seed playing at home
Minnesota is a 7 playing in Oregon

Looks like Creme tends to overlook a couple of late season upsets (like us and Iowa) and looks at the body of work.

All in all not the worst scenario.

2/23 Creme Bracketology
If we can win out (especially Northwestern) and get the bye into the quarterfinals of the B1G tournament and hopefully get to the finals, we should be able to be a fifth seed in the NCAA's.
I think the only way to be a 4 seed at this juncture is to win out and win the Big 10 tourney. Other than that we will be anywhere from 5-7

I would sign on for this bracket. Yes UNC at home tough but we can play them
Also Chapel Hill is potentially close enough for me to attend...
Originally posted by bac2therac:

I think the only way to be a 4 seed at this juncture is to win out and win the Big 10 tourney. Other than that we will be anywhere from 5-7

I would sign on for this bracket. Yes UNC at home tough but we can play them
Stuff happens to other teams all the time. I think there's a shot at a 4 seed if the team wins out up to the B1G final, but loses the final to Maryland (particularly if it's a close game).
Originally posted by bac2therac:
I would agree with you but that lagging rpi has me concerned
Me, too, but winning out through the B1G final would help a lot there.
After a second painful loss in a row this team will plummet to a 7th seed. Stringer better get her women's heads together because something is really, really off and it's not because Hollivay is injured. Something is really wrong with Scaife and Canty has lost her confidence on the offensive side of the ball.
I worry about an 8 and being matched with UConn..of course that's assume we would beat the 9 seed. I think its safe to say this team isn't going to make any kind of run this year, its disappointing but this team is SO limited in what it can do. There is no way they can turn it around. Limited teams don't do much in the tourney
Originally posted by bac2therac:

I worry about an 8 and being matched with UConn..of course that's assume we would beat the 9 seed. I think its safe to say this team isn't going to make any kind of run this year, its disappointing but this team is SO limited in what it can do. There is no way they can turn it around. Limited teams don't do much in the tourney
I have to agree. And I thought Stringer finally "got it" regarding offense AND defense wins. I was so excited during most of this season as we were putting up 70 points a game. Is Stringer going back to her old ways. because if Hernandez can play and she really can shoot the 3 there's no reason for her not to be in. Against better teams who have 2 or 3 good 3 point shooters, why must we always play them with one hand tied behind our backs. Stringer will never win her first championship until she allows herself to understand she needs all facets working to get that elusive championship, offense, defense and some lucky bounces here and there.

I really hope they can turn this around, but these last two no-shows have me worried that we could be one and done in both tournaments.